Heterogeneity company

Chapter 528 can not eat

The finger is scribed from the icy capital fragment, and feels the huge energy contained in the inner, attracting the power contained in the right arm, and the excitement of the excitement gradually tested to take out one of the contained fragments: "If I absorb these pieces, I can master more death changes like Friedrich and others!"

"Yes, but you are not far from death!" Lin Jun Zhao sounded from the .

I didn't understand the brow. "Why? Not you said that I will collect this source of debris to more improve the power of this death?"

"That is also in the case of your strength, the current situation is that once you absorb these source fragments, the power of the origin of the death of your body will exceed the power of your own The balance of the room will be broken, the power of death is no longer just gathered in your right arm, but invading your body, you are not the Mozu and unremined body, waiting to be collapsed! "Lin Junzhao did not Good way to explain.

When I heard this, I thought that the treasure that I was in front of him couldn't see it. I couldn't help but stood up and fell back to my back. I didn't have the origin of the box: "Is it possible to resist this Is the power of the death of death? I can only be so now, I look at them! "

"My strength resists these small pieces of small fragments. Of course, there is no problem. But after all, my strength is not your own, with my strength, your body will always be controlled by me, once you exchange your own consciousness of two power The balance of the room will be broken, it is hurt or your own body. If you are willing to give your body to me, it is not a matter! "Lin Jun Zhao's voice is once again sounded in the cereborn ceremony.

"Is there a little way outside this?" Yan Yan one ass sitting back and fell back, handing over the body's control, he would never do this when he is poor.

"Nothing has no way, the first one is very simple, your strength improvement, the ability of your own storage of this source will increase, and there is no problem with this fragment! The second one, if you can Find a piece of origin of the strange place with the hell position, with your current ability, with this debris, you can make the two power to balance, you can also absorb it now! "

After this, I completely disappeared my thoughts, reached out, clutched with the box of the origin fragment, the fragment of life? This is, the hell position makes him on Zhaosheng [31 31xs.] Life is debris!

I looked at the Yan Yan, who was smashed into the bedroom and smoked, heard that he had to close the door to Gu Yisheng, who was guarded by his bedroom, and Lin, the old people did not help with the previous step: "What happened? You will end so fast. ? "

After the longness of his breath, he shook his head. Everything that Lin Jun, who said, said, the two people repeatedly, Lin Lao heard the shoulders of the singer: "If you are so, you don't be too depressed, urgent I can't eat hot tofu. This thing is already can't run in your hands. It is your strength to train the first morning and evening! "

What can I do in the forefront now? The excitement of the hunger of the excitement has taken out the hunger in the stomach. When you have a belly, you will go to the living room to get ready to see what you eat.

Looking at the figures of the squatting, Gu Yisheng standing in the place, suddenly remembered what he said: "Maybe it can really find life fragment!"

This sentence is small, but it is undoubtedly a thunder that has sounded in the rumor, and he asked in the local area: "Where?"

After five minutes, I looked at the sofa in the room in front of myself, and I still saw the garbage of my own saliva. I watched his head and looked at Gu Yishang. " What are you talking about? "

"Well! When the name of the old name, the name of the old name, I will not solve it now, I want to come to you." Gu Shenghui also sat in the sofa, took a bag of drums from the quite. Take it in the mouth of the rubbish.

At the grunge, I will continue to eat meat, and I will continue to ask: "Is there any relationship with life of life?"

"Don't you find it amazing? And it is not afraid of the death of Buckhouse on the same day, it is the power of the Mozu, even if it is not the cracking wound, just use it to decline the life, the general power is also I can't live against. "Lin Lao said to show a touch of hesitation on his face.

"This is true! Is it true that it is swallowing the life of life?" He said that the situation of the day did not help but nod. At that time, there was too much to be too much to be too much. Now it is calm down to think about it. .

"It is more powerful than that, this is a secret in the hall! Even if your old upper star does not know the details, just guessing." Gu Shenghui said with a living room that was emptied, and finally fell in the words. Sirm whisper: "You should see the old yellow dog before the warehouse in the hall? Now you should guess who it is? '

When he nodded him, he didn't know, but when he saw this old yellow dog and other two part of the source, it was a fool and what was the identity of its identity, and then said: " Know that the origin of the strange plane is divided? "Said that this suddenly wanted to see what shocked to see the garbage next to it.

"Yes, it is what you think!" Gu Shenghui saw the expression of , knowing that he had already understood the water bottle to pick up the table to fill the cup of water.

"There is two kinds of bordering faces in the world, but how, how, is it so stupid? Is it difficult to stand up?

puff! Gu Shenghui drunk half of the water spurted out, look at the sneak cough: "Cough and cough! What do you want! This is the master of the adult!"

"What?" I heard this answer, Yan Yan was also shocked than Gu Yishang. For the source body's pure energy body, his brain is still turning it.

"What is so surprised!" The voice of the Brain, Lin Junzhao sounded again, only listened to her to continue: "Sifer, Samijan, Bai Lang, these so-called Mozi aristocrats, in the body All the blood of this part of this source is kept in a few big sites. Only this old thing is keen to attach it to the vital body. The way of the blood is passed, and the old dog is not known. This idea. "

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