Heterogeneity company

Chapter 529 greedy garbage

Slings sitting next to the garbage, the mechanical story of the minds of the minds of the mind, listened to Gu Yishui, after a while, Gu Jingshui wiped the water stains shrugged: "Who knows, maybe I want to do a try. ! "

"Try?" Said that he did not understand.

"Yeah, this big person from the gradual plane came to the world, I chose the animal and human exposure to animals, dogs! As their own image." Gu Sheng Hui said to take out The inside of the betel nut is in the middle of the chewing side, and you are unclear. You are unclear. The creature of that plane is not a heaven and earth, but migrates the past high-end animal life from the other two. The relationship between mergers, this adult has too much scruple! I don't dare to leave a descendant with other species. If you do this, he represents him more profound, the balance between the two factions will be break in!"

It is said that this Gu Yishui gave the expression you know, and Yan Yan immediately nodded to understand [31 31xs.], Gu Yishang continued: "When he came to the world, he didn't have so much concern, so it also want to try it. Leaving this road is feasible, for this purpose, in many dogs, it is considered to be the dog species that is best in line with its image, as a mother left the future generation! "

"So it chooses huskies?" I have expected what will happen, and the handsome face will hold a smile.

"Yes! At that time, this adult is not in China. With the secret warehouse, it is guarded in the M country. In order to please this adult, the most pure Husky, the whole process is also very smooth. born!"

"Just born with it?" Yan Yan touched the back of the garbage.

"Just one, maybe because the energy of the strange place is still too powerful, then the hipski body is not dead after the garbage, then you have seen it, then the big people don't want to The descendants, will only have the strength to even be able to open, which causes a huge psychological strike to leave great psychological shadows. After this, he has never done such an attempt. "Gu Sheng Hui said I can't help but laugh, the betel residue inside the mouth is thrown into a roll on the sanitary paper. "But no matter how this is the only blood of the world, so for its cultivation, this adult is still no effort Maybe you can get what you want from it. "

"It is also a pity that the adult should not look at the value of the IQ, so you can't save your IQ." Yan said that the head of the garbage can't cry.

It seems that I feel that I don't have any good words. The garbage is staring at the eyes. I stared to the other side. I thought that I was a dog. I immediately squeeze an amiable smile, from Gu Shenghui handed over The next half bag beef dried a junk junk mouth to jade: "Garbage, do you have your father to give you something good?"

The garbage will not understand what the other party is saying, and continue to bow his head. If you eat beef, you will not ignore the words, see this, you have to scream, and you have to take out. The wooden box took out a source fragment to sway in front of the garbage. "That is to do this, you give me a piece you want to eat, what do you want to come, don't say beef, you are a steak Eat whole ..... "

Holding the origin fragment is not finished than the discharging, I have seen the rubbish tongue, and I will take the death fragment in the hands of the squad. The words are stupid to sit on the spot, but In his life, he was in a daze, and the garbage slipped and swallowed the local fragment in the wooden box.

"You spit out! I spit out to Laozi!" When I went through the god, I cracked myself, and the neck of the garbage was shaken, and I screamed!

"Hey! Hey! Hey! Cold and quiet! Cool points! It is a dog!" Gu Shenghui looked at the gloomy garbage, and quickly grabbed the words of the words.

"It doesn't vomit it will die! That is two death laws, a fragment, a energy fragment!" He said he refused to make it for a long time, he even reached out to take the garbage mouth.

"What's wrong, what happened!" I was originally rushed to Wang Wenze, I heard the mounting door in the house and came in to ask, but the eyes of his eyes were One hand to his mouth.

"I don't know what happened, I will see the Standing Committee in the blessing!" Before Wang Wenze first entered the door, I didn't understand what happened.

"Don't make trouble, still watching the excitement and hurry!" Gu Yisheng saw his sorrow.

I heard that everyone hit it up, and the seven-hand eight foot pulled down one person and a dog, and the words of the words were just left the neck of the garbage. The garbage is to deliberately revenge, and they scattered on the sofa. The rest of the subsequent fragmentation, all swallowed into the mouth.

"Hey! Hey! Your dog is more energetling! Don't pull me to see it! My things! You don't know how to live!" He said that this scene of green gains and pointed to the garbage. Squat.

At this time, the people reacted can be too late. I only heard that all pieces were swallowed into the belly.

After ten minutes, I sat in the chair and smoked the smoke. I looked at the sputum of myself and the sputum of my body. I sighed: "I said that you can't eat it, I thought I would like to be the same, true I don't know how your brain is long, I know that it is uncomfortable! "

The old man is on the rubbing brow, is it a wrinkle? "Now not to say the wind, the strength of the two power is strong, it doesn't know how to adjust the balance, then it will go to it, and you will eat it. Convince the venom of garbage is not easy, if it really surprises us, we will return it! "

"What should I do!" And the garbage gaps and the two people, the two people who look at it now, and they can't help but squat down the body.

"What can I do, open a knife! It is amazing, and then relying on Lin Lao's ability to take advantage of the fragmentation, the knife is taken out!" Yan Yan threw the cigarette butter of the hand and stepped on the ground.

Lin Lao Wen said that I can only do this, just in the rumor, the waist will be handled into a surgery knife, but when the garbage is turned over, I swayed to him. Just when I was confused, the garbage suddenly opened a lot of mouth.

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