Heterogeneity company

Chapter 536 Daruting

Looking at the footsteps, Jiang Feiyang, who was rolled to the off-road vehicle, Wang Feiyang, Wang Wenze, I can't help but smile like Xia, when the two saw a chance to ride a tall eight hoof, Xing Gao, unpredicts the usual car, started the knight career in his dreams, but unfortunately, the two did not have a stubborn reluctance of the summer, and the army did not use it for two hours. They ended this knight. journey of.

After sitting in the car, he couldn't live in front of the car. He looked at the head of the head of the army. From time to time, he said with the combat cap to say: "This is really a person who should be 10,000, people Millions are all in the sky, how many people are there! "

Not only, he will be born, and Lin is old, and the old man who has seen it. It is also shocked by this huge military capacity when departing, and there is also the last combat experience. The mandate is shocked, but the performance is calm, and there are many loud eyes, and I said: "This is one or 20,000 people."

"Is it only one or two thousand? Isn't it more than 12 million?" Wang Wenze won the thigh fee.

"This road has nothing to open more than 100,000 people, and the time from all kinds of refuge are also different from different times, and finally will gather in the battle." Said that he would continue to say: "Moi fight There is a feature, that is, the use of the servant from the army is just the quantity of the regular army of the magic, counting the number of strange servants, I am afraid more than 300,000. "

"My God! 300,000 people! This is going back, I can blow a life!" Jiang Feiyang eyes stunned and continued: "Oh, this battle ratio is not near 10 more than one? Magic is so waste ? "

Wang Wenze glanced at Jiang Feiyang and did not have a good airway. "You are stupid! How to listen to the war before the war, the people's disasters have also a servant, the truly confrontation is the moon soldier and the red army, the rest is cannon."

cannon fodder! At least more than the Sami Na's young and thanks, it seems to have seen the doubts of It is the limit of the low-level magic for a lifetime. It is difficult to break through. Don't look at the appearance, it is not so aging, but your ability has begun to go down the slope into the endage.

I thought that the veteran of the abandonment participated in the battle will have to contradict the emotions, but they can discover all the way to find that this group is not only the military, and most emotions have a smooth person, and even the excited smile, in the briefing with Ci Di In the conversation, he learned that when this group of veterans know that when it is a battle that is enough to reflect the epic level, it shows an amazing enthusiasm.

They know that they have been old, and the old arrival God believes that they will be toned to kill the enemy is a crime. It can participate in such battles in the last moment of life, leaving a little chance to live for their own children, in them It is the best home for yourself.

In the car, the argument interrupted the thoughts, and returned the line of sight. He said in the end of the intercom: "Liang, is your defense to build success?"

It is not a while to pass back the sound of the beam: "It is ambush for the drawings given after you calculate, and the third defense is to enter the red air disasters before you can subsidize." It took a while and said: "There is also the requirements of Cinden, I have made it in the original defensive position."

"What?" Yan Yan said, he listened to Liang Shallow and continued: "He said that he is not preparing for the battlefield. He will send Xia to leave, he will send Xia to leave before the line. After that, I triggered ambush in the position and made it in the same way with the incoming natural disasters. "

If the walkie-talkie is coming out, I will stop the sound of the car in the car, and I can only use this mutual integrity to relieve them in front of the war, and I have returned to the reality by this sentence.

"Is the hell sittive situation that is fierce?" Wang Wenze, who has an intuitive understanding of the current situation, can't help but sigh.

"Yeah, what we have to do now is to let our hometown stay away from this war." Yan Yan put down the walking of the forehead to see the atmosphere of the car. The atmosphere was downgrade. "Lao Jiang, you see this Mozu team if Get war and lose the geometry. "

Jiang Feiyang looked at the march lineup outside the eye and window. "These Mozi is indeed strong, but the top strong people are not waiting for the marching and travel speed, but not waiting for them. It will be destroyed by the battlefield. I looked that the Mo National Knights were killed after the Mozi knight was bombed. If these people want to fight with us, the group combats them can not be the most suitable for them. , Soldiers who have such a capacity once spread ....... "

When I said that the consequences of this situation, the consequences of this situation could not help but feel cold, and closed his mouth and no longer said.


After a three-day march, the Yan Yan and others finally arrived at the army of the army. This time, even the scenes were shocked by the scene in front of him. The entire plain was almost a big magic army tent. The embossed, hovering, and the empty Eagle man form a cover sky, the horses, the horses, the helmet, the helmet, the sound dog, the sound.

I am mixed with various animals, and the liang smashed the nose and wrinkled. "Here is the Wharton Valley far away? How did you choose to take it here?"

"First, the terrain outside the Whanton Valley can't hold so many army stationed. The second day disaster army is not a fool, so many army suddenly appear in the valley outside the valley." Yan Yan said to change the snow and combat equipment. The companion, after the last investigation they found that the temperature suddenly drove once after entering the valley, it was ready to be brought to a combat service to respond to various terrain operations.

"The army is stationed here, selecting a part of the soldiers launched the goal of the plan overnight, once the follow-up force will launch a comprehensive general attack."

Lend down the waist to the snow boots laces, the lace, the lace, the lace: "The Star Lord is in the mildew, regardless of the victory of the war, you say that the Tianzi Army discovers that things will not take him directly. Ah! "

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