Heterogeneity company

Chapter 537 Wars is

Liang Zhao was awakened in the dream. Think of this possibility, and hurriedly ran into the Military Big tent, looked at Sami Ni, who was on the last meeting before the war. "Is there any might of the natural disasters?"

The Sami Na head in the tent did not lift it, and continued to look at the three-dimensional projection equipment set by , in this kind of equipment that will be aware of the battlefield, he also has the development of cornerstone. The gods were surprised until he heard that he would reply him: "Your investigation equipment is much better than us, all information you have to know, they have to be asking you!" The Sakamijan looked up and said with a smile in the big sweat.

"Although the three territories of the other party but the reaction is not big, I am worried that we have such a big movement. After the opening of the other party, the possibility of failure will not be transferred to the star owner." He said in a hurry, before this If the enemy is in a blind spot, if the enemy will kill the Star Lord after the start of the attack, so that the ending is not perfect but finally, if the other party directly brought the star, even the three natural disasters, this The secret of the coffee break is still possible.

"West Fer, did you tell Mr. Yan Tang?" Samijina turned to Xifcher next to the eyes, then he watched the rumor to continue: "I thought you had already known it, master The Star Lord of the Strust Capital is unable to leave the area of ​​the country, or how many of them are not safe to stay in the holy city? This is also the reason why the Tianzhu Legion has not transferred after him. "

Yan Yan said that he walked down to the table to drop the cup of wine and ridicast the scorpion and continued; "things are not suitable, late generation, I am too underestimated, so many military assemblies don't pay attention to the natural disasters After investigation, the time has been discovered by the other party, and suddenness of the loss of attacks let the other army completed the assembly. We will pay more casualties. "

"Just this, the pioneer of the battle before you came to the front of the battle." Samijina said that he refers to his right hand side: "Leohad, Dad, Cidin."

I heard the introduction of Samijina stepped forward to the waist, and only Samijina pointed to the map and said: "According to the original plan, we have concentrated all the advantageous firepower first won the Walton Tianzi collar, then Du Le's cleaning battlefield mission, Leohad and Cinden launched the two wings to place the defense line, waiting for the big army to lead the snow peak, just like you said to ensure the suddenness of the battle, our time The raid is not equipped with the servant's 20,000 magic. "When said Sami Naton looked at Ke Diwen, I thought about it is about to go to the dead veteran." 30,000 magic is elite! "

"Okay, my man has arrived!" I said that I looked down at the window and looked at the window. According to the feature of the hell, there was an hour from the night, he said, "Let The assault troops are ready for a child! "

After an hour, under the night, he sat in a flying off-road vehicle. He listened to the roar of the big brigade cavalry, and the people in the car were extremely nervous. This time, the three cavalry commands in addition to the Sami Name In addition, along with the Trinity and the three controls, they also added to the raid combat mission, while Xifer and Samijina were sitting behind, once the news came from the front line, led the army to arrived in the battlefield. .

"This is to fight!" Wang Wenze chews the eyes of the chewing gum, and said to see Jiang Feiyang, and said: "This is the protagonist, the ability to come to this place can be more than you!"

"That is to give Laozi in the base, it is finally used in it! Today is the four big faces of the grandfather today." Jiang Feiyang made a relaxation, but the teeth were slightly biting The teeth were signed with a snoring voice, revealing his inner tension.

"Remember what I said before I started?" Yan Yan looked back at the eyes, and his face was in the face.

"What?" The two were asked, after a moment, Jiang Feiyang nodded: "Know, ensure the task of the organization!"

Yan Yan has turned a white eye to twisting, one person took the two people's head and took the intercom with Mandarin: "Remember that I will reiterate again, once it is not good, run! There is no need for future opportunities. I lost my life! "

I heard the sound of the four off-road vehicles before and after hearing this.

Under the moonlight, I went to half of the road to get rid of the off-road vehicle. I first took the high-speed movement of the high-speed move to the pre-investigation of a good location, and I hope that the beginning of the Walton, the Walton, the Walton, which is unrest. Road: "Is it noticed by the other party?"

"This is normal." Bao Lang is interested in watching a soldier from the quie, turning on the ground, turning a fresh life that came back and forth, and that once in the meeting It is said that it is said that it will continue to say: "Here we can hear the horseshoes of the army of the army, the natural disasters cannot be noticed."

"Are Warlock Group ready?" Yan Yan said looking back and asked at the Mozu soldier who was sent to the mirror.

"After you depart, you will complete it, you can start attacks as long as you have ordered." Thanklon thought that the scene to see will be excited.

"Very good!" At this time, there were more exciting in the heart, and he looked back and didn't use a long-term shelled a good shelf. "" Old Jiang, how are you prepared? "

"Five minutes later, you can start attacking!"

I was satisfied with my nodded and looked at the Katerina, and the foreign beauty who once thought was smiled and asked: "What about you?"

"I don't use you like him so much, you can start attacking!" Canton grinned two sweet wine, laughing.

. . .... ... . . . ........

As Jiang Feiyang sent him a response from him, he was slowly hitting a big hand, and a special artillery was called in front of him.

Bewron looked up and only saw the original silver-shining body, because blending the magic armor became a daunting dark black, like a magic charm armor, he was a road at this moment. The light of the Yizhen eyes is shrouded, and the dangerous breath is exuded.

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