Use powerful self-healing ability to restore the lanter-shaped Lalajin from the beach, this heart has been filled with endless anger, just because you have a trick of the kid, if you don't have your strength now Before doing, I am afraid this round of attacks I will fall to the cigarette.

If you say that the amount of arrogance is narrow, the La Jin is never tolerate, and the "friend" has been worried about the old "friends", which will not tolerate a wolf. The unknown small pawn slipped away from himself.

So when he uses the eye angle, he will take a rumor to the Zheng Jiaru who has evacuated to the battlefield. It is the two angry to turn to the two, but these two are all have not yet set away. Block, as his double punch waves two, the airflow in the air, blows the hair, the hair is blowing, and the laugh is to show a mouthful of black toothpass: "Your current opponent is us!"

"You are the black tooth?" Lalajin looked at the appearance of the people in front of him.

"How can I have a name?" Gu Shenghui knew that the lie had already been poked once, so the performance did not surprise.

"Although I am not very good for your strength, the name of the black tooth is still some of the components in a few places! Not to mention that people who have attacked the natural disaster from the cornerstone, about it is possible to send We have collected a copy! "Lalajin said that his shoulder, slamming a light, flashing a new robe.

Gu Shenghui did not speak, but he hated, either this Lalakin is completely unknown to protect information sources, or he didn't intend to let people live back, no matter how he says he is exposed to them. The cornerstone is closely related.

The name of the organization leap near his mind in the first time, this part of the things that The price should also be cut off.

However, the first important thing is to solve this tricky bastard. At this time, the voice of Lalakin is replaced by a set of clothes and talks again: "I have no mood now and you will waste time. I will open the road, will That kid's life is handed over to me! I may open ... "

Don't wait for him, the sound is said to have a boxing in his ear: "The province is safe! The investigation hall did not abandon his habits of his comrades!"

The speech was forcibly interrupted, and the three four times were challenged, and he did not use his anger. He didn't want to see the body and a tweet attack. He hit the head of the person, a sudden sound , The hand elbow and the palm of the attacking attack collided into the huge horizontal bombard.

On the side of the person who hits the flying, I feel the energy exuded in the body. The La Jin's brow has changed the face: "What is you!"

Xie Chujun stabilized his body in the air and asked: "Do you guess?"

La Jin Wen listened to this face color to become more ugly, with Gu Sheng Hui and Yan Yan, the power of the blood brakes were observed by other capabilities, Xie Chujun took the same blood brake breath with himself, let the column La Jin was in doubts, and he also knew that this organizational map was even larger after joining the blood brakes, and he had his own people in all directions, and this person is also one of them? If you kill him or unveiled the plan that he will affect the organization.

He was confused to fight his three people who hesitated. Just when he hesitated, Gu Yisheng, Xie Chujun, Samijina laded from three directions.

After three groups, I was caught in the top of Lalakin, and he was a step by step by Xie Chujun. He finally endured and heard after he had a few heavy hits. "I am bonor you two Life, you wait, you don't know how to stay! "

If you don't say this, I have accelerated the attack. I have accelerated the attack. Lalaki, who is eating, and the Lalaku yell: "This is what you are looking for!" This words goes out of the La Jin head on the magic red light. Sheng, there is no magic in the robe, and a boxing of three siege jumping out of the long-awaited sleeve, countless rolls of rockets crafted in front of him.

"Be careful! His death is very difficult! Don't be shot from the long arrow!" Samijina saw that his own magic blocked a reminded of himself.

I also asked this air when I was defending the defense: "He is so tricky! How do you deal with this kind of person in the front line of the Holy City!"

"In the holy city, there is a qualified strength than my strong prince and the devil's guard. These traitors have the strength of the natural disasters, and our top figures have also been specially given by the devil. The two sides can reach a subtle Balance, and I don't have this eligibility to get the demon god. "Samijina said that the last voice revealed helpless and unwilling.

Just during the time of the two, the long arrows under the rain rushed to three people from the sky, Gu Yisheng flicked, hiding left hide, the flash is hid, but use the native body to force the block, let the other side of the magic It's like Taotao, which is constant. These long arrows are even harmonized by Larakin, and an arrow does not disappear without disappearing from the air.

After a few siege, Gu Yishang still revealed a flaw, a long arrow broke through its own defense shot on his arm, looked at the magic of the middle arrow to drill into his body, and instantly pus ulteredness The skin of the shares, Gu Shenghui secretly returned, and constantly transferring the source to refine the magic of the body to repair the rotten wound.

When the three people were in the fight with Le Lajin, the young Zheng Jiaru had returned to the army, and Xiflle, who was sitting in the town, had seen everything happened on the battlefield through the light and shadow. The gold and his uncle is the same as the wings, her heart is like the ants on the hot pot, but she can't do anything at this moment, but only stabilize the military care.

So when she saw the removal from the battlefield, she immediately led a few of the prior to the investigation department, but he was helped to go to the tent. Zheng Jiaru, a rude angry Drinking: "Rolling! Nothing here! Next, this tent range will have a non-investigation department to have a non-investigation hall!"

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