Heterogeneity company

Talks within Chapter 560

Zhengjia Ru tyrannical face with insulting words, Xifu children around Guards hands are resting on top of the hilt, but a series of contacts and fight this time occurred so that they clearly recognize the importance of bilateral cooperation, So this is anger to the dissatisfaction in the heart.

"This is what I mean, I will give you rest assured promise of victory, and now according to what he says." Yan Pei lying on Zhengjia Ru shoulders lift off visor, like a whole person a desperate beast is fierce and brutal The eyes stared at Xifer.

Pei hear words of promise Sif children hanging in the heart inexplicably put down by half, to see him breathing heavily damaged are struggling appearance could not help but worry about them, worry, fear, tension, a variety of emotions became intertwined irritable, she looked back to see the guard at his side hand on the hilt bewildered guards thundered: "the deaf have not heard yet, Mr. Tsuji Church, then it will be empty in a tent nearby persons outside the range of two hundred meters?? Establish a warning line to kill or kill! "

The people who can't take the outside of the heart in the heart, Zheng Jiaru is in the tent, looking at the appearance of the squad, and everyone stands on the seven-hand eight feet to help it on the chair. .

While crying, I took a wet towel from Zhao Yuanbo, who had the same tears, and wiped the blood on my brother's face. I looked at the face to lose the bloody lips and constantly twitching. "You let us have dangerous ran in front of himself desperately, it is you! you are powerful people are depending on you the whole world is not saved! mad side of this battle we did not hit home, the sky is falling there are tall wore it It must be used to us. "

Pei Yan knew it was distressed that their sister say angry words and smiled and said:! "We do not say it is a high time that I did not expect the other party to be so strong, hey nothing if the people that can be considered legendary! When I rushed, this Liang Zi didn't kill him. "

"You still have to fight? You have to go to me too! You want to let me sit here to see you bleed in front!" He heard the younger brother.

"You have to fight it with war, you do not carry a person of truth." Xia Yan Pei language looked slumped on a chair, then access road, and worked with him for so long, large and small battle, the number of injured Pei Yan Many or even a few times of the end of death, the body is disabled, but it is the first time that the whole body is seriously injured.

Xia Zu's words immediately caused the resonance of everyone in the tent and the request was commended, and the Are you ready? "

Everyone looked down his line of sight, sound and saw the Soviet Union started playing with paper people in the crowd look to see myself Hey smile, people flashed the paper path in front of their own: "has long been ready, but to you now Can physical condition? "

"No problem!" .

Seeing this has been suspicious of everything on your mind just occurred Zhengjia Ru, could not open asked: "You just let us listen to this, uh sound command of the Soviet Union in this collection, he collected a hair and each of us We also give him blood, now you can tell us what you have to do. "

"And that monster, I clearly know that I still have you, one attack is not possible, so I have to fuse my body with everyone's ability, let me have nine sections in a short time. ! awakening the peak of the fighting in order to win this battle, "Pei Yan will speak out and have actually a lot easier, head leaned back rushed Jiangfei Yang winked and said:" Chiang Kai-shek, I manually can not give me a cigarette "

Jiang Feiyang took out a pack of smoke, but was taken away from the smoke from the hand, and the smoke in front of him was in front of him: "This forced to improve your own strength." The way, there will be sequelae. "

"You will lose your ability during my fusion capacity, but it doesn't matter if your ability will be restored after the battle." He said with the cigarette ignited, and he took a sketch. He had a pain, and he had a few times. Respond.

Pei Yan was picked up cough out a cigarette in his craving eyes and gave him back to his mouth stuffed, summer language snappily said:?! "Do you think we're worried about it you do not outright say you What sequelae? "

"I will be coma for two months, I can't make it unable to perceive everything in the outside world." I said that this is a dragonfly. "Just like a vegetative."

"This is too dangerous, let's not say that this plan can be successful, even if you have successful, what if you don't want to do it? If you have a problem in the fusion process? After all ..." I haven't said that Ye Ruo in the mouth. The opening statement, saying that he turned his attention to the row.

Although the words have not been finished, the meaning of the meaning is understanding that the So will move people in the middle of the context! Speaking of them, they don't trust the row.

The Sui louderly shrugged by the suspicion, he didn't matter, he was used to being gazing by this eye, and the line of sight came back from him again and again, "Ye Ruo said, this is true, this It is really too risky. The prior plan is not the situation. We will evacuate. Wang Wenze has been breaking the space barrier. It will end for a while. Do we have the evacuation to do it? "

"I have the reason that I have to win, as long as there is a first-line hopes to win, I won't give up, and Lin Jo Zhao promises the sequelae will only be sleeping for two months. During this time, you will not have problems." The teeth refused.

"Lin Jun Zhao! Lin Jun Zhao! You are stupid! How do you know that she will not lie to you, don't forget that she wants to occupy your body, and this Summer is also to enroll in the investigation hall, who knows this The program is not one of the two, one of the two, and you are coma, she just gave you. "Jiang Feiyang turned directly to pick up the words.

Jiang Feiyang's words are straight to the prostitute. This is also his most worried about what he is, but he has not been better than the desperate. In order to turn over, he must put all the gambling, think of this The half-shaped cigarette head in his mouth spit out and the attitude is determined: "I believe her!"

I saw that Jiang Feiyang held his hands with his face. He went to a short sentence. In a short silence in the tent, after a moment, he sighed and said: "Do you make up your mind?"

"Well, I will decide!"

"Hey, then go!"

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