Seeing that the sister of the family is watching, others have nothing to say that Jiang Feiyang has moved the chair to the front of him, and the hand stretched: "That is, I really want to see the meeting after this. How strong. "Said Jiang Feiyang sweeping an eye, the Sui looked:" Let's talk, how to absorb the surname! "

The Su Lou shot slammed from the seat and said: "This is also to see how you choose, with his current body to integrate my personal ability, he can't bear it, so do you don't choose anyone who decides him "

Jiang Feiyang heard this, and slammed it directly from the chair to the side of the chair: "It certainly didn't have a single-gamement capabilities, this house is the weakest."

Yan Yan said that he smiled and said that the first person in the hearts of the world, the first person in the name of the list: "Lao Zheng!"

I heard some name Zheng Jiaru grin smile and walked to the Su Ling face, and smiled. "How to get!"

"First, wait!" Su louderly said that he came to his ear. He said in his ear. He subsequently saw that he had a split in the mouth of the mouth, and the Su lobbed it in his hand. A red paper is posted.

As the cracked machine has slowly closes the red paper, it is gradually being swallowed, and the

"What did you do to him!" Looking at the , he worked hard, and the first step in Xia Qi was asked.

"Cough and cough, this is a reaction that the integration should have, and the intensity of the soul now cannot undertake the injection of five abilities, he must temporarily cooperate with Lin Junzhao's spiritual body to accept the next Process. "Su lobble was a long response to the breath of the breath of Xiaolan.

"I said that this kid didn't press the heart, he and Lin Jun Zhao joined his hand!" Jiang Feiyang heard the chair and kicking the chair.

"You are now killing me, but also can't stop the next thing, if you don't continue to inject your ability to inject it, there is no new ability to inject the new ability to injection, and finally suffered hard. The head is still herself, do not do it, don't do it. "Zunliang questioned the rush of the fire, rising red face, the neck put a dead pig, not afraid of boiling water, screaming, screaming.

"Listening to him to do it!" Hey, he died, and slammed the painful and slammed the body.

When I heard the words, Xia grabbed the clothes of the collar, the Su Xing took the opportunity to make a binding to the whole collar, quickly stepped to Zheng Jia Rung, handed a white paper to the other party in hand, said: " This is attached to your own chest, then the transfer of its own source will continue to inject its source. "

Zheng Jiaru's contact paperman will prepare the suspicion to solve his top, and the Su will see this move is busy: "Don't close your clothes outside the clothes!"

I heard that Zheng Jiaru, no longer hesitate, when the paper is posted on the chest, let him be horrified, this paper is just in touch with himself, it is generally firmly stuck on himself, and does not need him to deliberate this source. Paper people seem to be connected with their blood, the whole body is not rushing here from the source of autonomy.

As the origin has floodded into the paper people, the paper people who have emitted the milky white began to add a touch of Yinhong, and Zheng Jiaru finally started to feel the power loss from her own body, and the opposite to the opposite is more and more Running up, the broken machine armor is blinking, and a dazzling light is emitted.

"Jiang Donghu" has already resumed awareness of the second name.

Jiang Donghu, who has Dragon, , The

"Old!" He said that he biting his teeth from the teeth.

I'm growing a breath, I'm grabbing the paper from Su Ling, and I took a slap in my own chest.

Only the ability to absorb the three people is now the power of the body, it is already enough to make everyone in the house, and the strong gas field is blown to the horns and looks at the hauspine, and Jiang Feiyang can't help but high. The sound shouted: "The big holy has received the god!"

The spiritual height is highly tense, he almost vents the valence, and holds his impulse once again shouting: "Summer ...."

Xia Zi just looked at the lip, Xia Dynasty has already grabbed the paper from Su, and passed to his chest.

There is only one person who has injected the four people's ability. At this moment, the eyes in the tent are all on the body, and Ye Ruo also understands the previous step to listen to the summon.

"Ye ..." also wanted to choose his

The other people in the house are shallowed, and they took the paper from the Su Lanwei. The paper is stuck in his chest: "Why is it old leaves?"

Ye Ruo said helplessly shook his head and said helplessness: "You can't help you, but you can't fight, you need someone to fight, you need someone to stay in the town, you will be safe. "

"I also have this! This will give you all this!" He said that he nodded in agreeing. Then, the double-eyed is close to the energy of the infinite, there is an endless energy. He seems to be between heaven and earth. Feel the resonance.

Just as he sent it to the heavens and the earth, his body also had a huge change. The previous inflated body started the shrink body line gradually became perfect and explosive. Henced to make a dark purple body due to absorption of the Moz armor. In the case of the previous silver, it is different from the previous two pairs of faucet decoration at its shoulder and wrist, and a black dragon ripper with a shuttle in the clouds is attached to the wind.

With the .

"I drop, my dreams, my dreams are finally come true, the machine has too much, too, too handsome!" Hiding in the horror of the horror is amazing, the momentum is shocking, Jiang Fei, the binocular Barba shouted.

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