Heterogeneity company

Chapter 828 Bund

"You are sure? Let her withdraw from the entire battlefield, can all fall to Ye Ruo!" Lin Junhao listened to the words asked.

"OK! If the summer chooses to quit, I will pull the battlefield back to the three people's attacks, although there is danger but should be able to support the old Zheng Joined the battlefield!"

"Well, I will convey your meaning to her. As for how she chooses that is her thing!" For this answer, I have been quite understanding Lin Junzhao, and I have not too much refute. The sound disappeared from his mind.

I perceived Lin Junzhao slipped away from her body, and Yan Yan wants to take the time to observe the situation of the summer and others, but found that the movements of his punch were stiff, and the whole person fell to the ground after the dark.

"! And two of the son of this source, you dare to take care of you, you are picking up!" Flamel discovered under Moira speech, although the tricks did not mess, but no longer the attack, taking Everything in the stretch is in the rules, you know that he is still distinguishing, seizing this opportunity, he cares for the chest storage necklace. As an object appears in his hand, the fight is not presented, and the sneak is on his body.

"Do you think that you can trap me? Open!" When you fall into the ground, I found a thin creel of the dark red rays, I don't know when I have been in my whole body. At the joint, Fortunately, I can still support it, but as my own throat is forced, the breath begins to get rid of it.

" , use your default, this is the disadvantage of the tree, huh, huh, you're looking at the strength of the four big directions is not strong than your cornerstone, but you will look at the son of the new source. These days have been occupied by you! You really think that we are not as good as you? See the monkeys! I will let you taste the bitterness of this! "Flameore saw the embarrassment of the, face The meaning of the meaning of the color of the cream is more accelerated.

There is nothing to respond yet, and the Lincao who is watching this will open the eyes here, but it has grown his eyes. After half-awaited, the face is angry and can't calmer "deceived too!"

"Leight, I didn't see it wrong? Are you sure that is that thing?" Lindao is a young monk, and it is looking for him to understand why he is angry. It's not sure to say after a similar, but I feel that I can't feel the heritage of the artifact. "

"It should be that the pseudo artifact magic world is not a blood brake, still have some face!" Lin Daozi spoke, the sword eyebrows were smiled and smiled. "Is it too lazy to cover up? Bundle fairy rope This ancient artifact For many years, I guess it in the same year, I have been able to cover the three major councils of the door, I have been obscured, huh, huh! Now I have seen this pseudo artifact, this craft, I still say what they still said! When we are in front of us, this is to bully my legal unattended! Good! This excuse is that you sent the door to the door, don't blame me to join hands with you! "

After the Lin Daozi, he had to fight the battle, but he was stopped by a jade arm and only heard the side of Lin Xu soft. "Brother and slow, but the pseudo artifact will be playing now, how is it, how is it? You can find a hundred reasons to push you. "

"What is it? Some things are enough, and now there is still an agreement, it is to weaken his magical strength. After the incident, there is still a wind and waves! You can also take this sentence, why don't "For the blocker of the sister, the forest road is not angry, but it does not understand its expectation.

"My brother shot it, but the time has not yet arrived!" Said Lin Xuo Shuo's eyes sweeping the battlefield, and the other end picked Bedville prepared to be attributed to the peak, the eyes flashed a non-sense of poisoning. "The hatch between them is not deep enough!"

Looking at the sister, I went to Lindao to understand the meaning of her words, and then I listened to her suggestion again.

Yes! Only the investigation hall fights out, according to the personality shown in the past, it will not be in good end with the magic world, and then the two become a thrilling man, and it is the best time.

Determined to death, Xia Yan, who is trapped, I don't know if I have become a chessman in the eyes of others, but I am different from the summer words that are desperate. At this time, there is more angry in my heart.

"Knowing my basement? Do you think this can be trapped? Hehehe!" Because the scorpion is over-squeezed from the sound of the voice from the mouth, the sound is so thin, and the sound is so cold and chestnut.

Seeing that there is also the ability to have the ability, while the Mora is trapped, it has accelerated the siege of the princes. On the other side, the other side of the palm of the palm is cold, and the fire is cold. "The fire is attached." Follow! "

In this way, I have already launched the rope of the rope in the body's gap to burn the bears, with the Azar's more than ten wind bladeside, and the next side.

The galloped wind blade was swallowed in the half-air, and the Azar did not wait for the Azar to react, a iron hand explored to grab his shoulders, Azar saw a dark road. If you want to avoid, it has been wrapped around the number of iron ropes in the evening iron hand, and then disappeared in half air with force.

For the disappearance of Azar, Vlameir is not concerned. He has learned that there is another powerful mechanical furnace in his mouth. It is still confident for the strength of Azar, even if he has no ability to eliminate That kind, at least drag it until the strength of this battle victory is still, if he can't do this, you will lose his value.

Now, it is now solving this big trouble. Flameir, certainly did not expect a pseudo artifact to kill a source of origin. When he trapped his words, he pulled it in the waist. A magical scroll, no need to sing it hand to the air, then mobilize the power of the five-strand of five incomplete sources to align the reel, do this, you will have the roll of the roller, but also from the storage ring I took out another reel!

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