I unbearable a scorpion from the air floating, and Flamel moved to the sake of the source of the origin, while slap in his side. On top of the new magic scroll, a large paragraph obscured spell quickly read from its mouth.

With the bundle of brush rope on the body, his breathing has become more difficult. During this period, he used a variety of ways to try to get stripped, becoming big, cut, using laser, flame burning, however You become bigger, it is more fierce, and the remaining trauma will never cause substantial injuries.

Just when the neck was pulled to the finest eye, he stopped struggling, it was a state of life, and Flamir saw that this brow is slightly wrinkled. He wants to do it. What, face is changing and shocked, "the line is network!"

"Devil gains!" Flamir's movements were later, the rope futures and the change of the righteousness has been converted to the magic state of the small particles, just in the air, it is about to be prepared in the air. In the moment of the big network, the left eye has passed, and the whole person appeared in front of Franmer.

For the appearance of instant, Flamel flizes the surprised look on the beginning of the beginning, and when the words of the arms stabbed to his body, his mouth is slightly smiling.

The observed change of the other expression is not good, and the arm of the opponent's body has passed, and a bite is no longer, and I saw the Vlameore's single-handed reel, along with you. The wind is floating together with his chemical ice, and it will be covered with the whole person.

"Ice is high-order magic big ice seal!" In the void, the figure of Flamir appeared slowly, and took off with his hand and showed it. This time it was originally screened. Ice column, unlimited expansion of several breathing, skyrockeepers, have become a towering iceberg.

After doing these Vlameier, I can't help but rude, "This is the price you are too arrogant! Magicization and instantaneous shift you have used it before, you think I will not do it. Any be defense! Of course, I also know that this iceberg can't sleep! Du Song Tao's idiotem has been confirmed with the actual action, but will you live in this strike! "

After saying that Flameier's hands were tilted, the big crack countless gravel in the foot of the foot was condensed into a huge stone, and the continued rise until the cloud, at the same time That one and .

At this moment, I didn't know when I have been shrouded by a group of black clouds. In addition to vaguely visible red light, there is a faintly sound of the thunderous sound. Well, then look at the body of the iceberg, and Flamel knows that he has not given up the fight, even if the seal is also prepared for power to counterattack himself.

"Is it tenacious! But unfortunately this time, I won't care about you again! This time I will bring you along with the opportunity to pay together!" "The last moment of completion of the Flamel madness" fire system Curse the 16th round-furnished meal! "

Along with him, a series of long magic spells sang, the dark sky is instantly illuminated with a huge burning meteorite, slowly exploring half of the black cloud, then Under the double-level guidance of Vlameore and paste the tags around the body, suddenly accelerate the ground.

Meteorite and Iceberg have encountered a huge explosion when it is fired, and the frostfish is splashing with meteorite blocks. It is not enough to react from this shocking scene. The second meteorite has been followed. After the first meteorite hit the iceberg, the iceberg, who has collapsed, under the second attack, in an instant to declare the mulberry Iceberg from the spectacular iceberg, is trapped in it. The words are immediately in ice water.

He understood that he was treated with a living target by Flamel.

Want to use the source to peel out from the body, it seems that it is not as good as the surrounding temperature, the higher the temperature, and the words are looking forward to seeing, the third meteorite is already as good as it is, and I can't avoid it. ! Yan Yan wants to raise his hand, a light curtain, the front of him, however, this mouth has not been fully opened and heard from the distance "space blockade!"

The light curtain just opened by this sentence was killed by this sentence to countless fragments, and there was no other moving time, and he had no choice but to go out of the two-handed day. Fill a huge isolation wall around the body.

boom! Although the defensive wall continuously decays the damage caused by the meteorite impact, the residual impact is to make the arms, and the half of the body is deeply in the mud that is mixed with ice water.

At all, the fourth meteorite, the fourth meteorite, and one step, one step, and the success of the success, let the words are depressed and angry, the fierce hair, the destruction of the defending, he also Do not repair, the sure is mixed with the newly poured materials, and a high-power electromagnetoon to the sky is built in a short period of time.

At the moment, the fourth piece down from the sky is about to hit him. On the occasion of the thousands of hair, such a close distance is not that the remaining wave shock is not hired, directly down the command of a high power electromagnet.

The shell is almost just a crust in front of him. The high temperature of the explosion and meteorite is almost melting, and countless gravel is mixed with iron filings. The slurry will be pulled by the magma.

"Hahahaha!" Seeing this scene Vlameir issued a laughing from the inner heart, so near-distance explosion, even if you don't die, you will be released, but do you think this is it? There is still twelve meteorite waiting for you! His snakes are not dead, he will not do it! Since you have already shot, you have to die!

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