Don't give the gap against the counterattack, the fifth burning the meteorite that burns the flame flame has scored the horizontal whistling, and the confidence full of Flamel felt more than five small meteorites, and the words must be Will be midnapped in germination.

This is the best result that can be exchanged at the minimum price!

The reality has repeatedly defeated his beautiful fantasy. When this meteorite is about to come into contact with the ground, a shadow suddenly slammed from one side to the meteorite, the weak body greets the huge meteorite, and the two seem to come. The arm is self-excited, but the result is unexpectedly, and the meteorite is from the people in the emblem roar.

Vlameir saw the eyebrows and wore attention, could not help but look at the other side of the battlefield to be angry: "What are you doing? So long to stop can't do it!"

In the face of the accusation of Flamel toes, a mist and hateful colors passed on the Mora face, and then hide this dissatisfaction in his heart, replaced a bitter smile. Tao: "Sorry, I underestimated her ability, let her take off from my circumference."

I heard this explanation, Vlameier is not too much to blame, turn to the figure of the half-air, is not someone else, it is the mother of the other. I would like.

At the same time, the other side of the rope is tied to the rope, and the other side of the fierce battle, I wanted to save your brother to get off, just when she left right, it is not easy to break through the blocked of Mora, one The tall figure is just like the way she will stop.

Looking at this sudden monster is a head of the skin. This monster that is three meters away from the three meters, except for the similar human figure, there is no big head like a round ball, no Mouth, nose, ear, only eyes! Not only the head is covered by the eyes of his body, all are covered by the eyes of the different densely labeled eyes, which is enough to make the appearance of the parenchymal phobia's madness, with the strange light that is scattered in the time of closure, let I stopped the footsteps while I was evil.

This thing should be that Flamel took out the first magical scroll summary, and the gods came back to the beache, and the monster called the other party before, and then understood what this monster was Come!

"See the ghost!" The moment of illness has made the When I waved the arm and went up.

puff! The mud sprayed the mud, in addition to the smell of the sticky soft mud, let her feel a mistake outside the body, let her feel the strength of this monster, watching the rush.

However, this thought has only a few seconds in her mind, and the monster who was broken by himself almost completed the reorganization in an instant. I hope to the life of the dragon and Huang Wei's monster. I have become irritable. . New Net Computer: https: //../

"This monster is a hundred eyes giant"

"Hundred Eye Giants?" He listened to the sudden sound in his mind, avoiding the fans between the monsters and Moira, looking at the owner of this voice, soon she discovered the goal of standing I am watching the forest road that is watching here, and I am struck myself.

Lindao once again gave the investigation hall information to help, this kind of moving mouth can sell a good thing, he has always been happy, so there is no longer to take it in person, it is because Ye Ruo is in the key in the world. The superficial battle force to always reverse the battle, let him want to see where the group can fight and the magic world can fight.

"Yes, the wild giant is a unique creature of the magic world, and this is the highest level of level, but it is a big giant, even the highest realm is, it is empty, this monster The only feature is to beat! "Lin Daozi said that disgusting will move his eyes from the Baise Giants to sell Guan Zi:" Don't see the eyes of the monster? "

"Is there anything awkward!

"Only one eye in the eyes is his life. As long as he hits him, he is immediately killed, and there is almost any harm to it, he can complete the recovery in an instant, don't think about it is not fixed. The highest level of Baidai giants can let their eyes go back and return to all their eyes in their eyes. Unless you destroy all your eyes at the same time, or you will be directly in the day, or you will slowly endure it. There is no interrogation. "New first .. m ..

Lin Daozi said: "This is really the most suitable as a stupid, Flameore is really a bloody in order to this game, oh! Want to remind you to this vision of this vision, At the time of the crisis, you can release a petrochemical light, and the enemy petrochemical is generous to death, the power is determined according to the length of the petrochemical time according to its realm, you have to be mainly safe! "

When I said that the last Lin Daozi hesitated, I asked: "If you need help, you can open, is it your brother? I see that he seems that the situation is not very wonderful!"

"No! Our family can solve it!" He took the proposal of Lindao, she understood that on this battlefield of this weak meat, it is not the reason that this is the reason. Sometimes you want to replace it.

Looking up to the beautiful scene of the first meteorite that is falling from the sky and the iceberg hits, I can't help but sigh, she and the younger brother are different from those of the body to love more than resistance, on the road to pursue power. I'm happy and enjoy the feeling of mastering strength.

And her passive, the original intention of the first acceptance of Lin Junzhao is also to protect your brother. Later, in their point in which it is controlled with the brain-moving, it is considered that it can protect his family in the next chaotic, and there is nothing. not good.

Until this thought was shattered, she was rescued from the shadow of death, let her change from the protector to the protected person, gave her freely choosing the right to life, compared to other The yearning of the person is long, and the tricks of hanging life in the pressure will be more likely to live in the life of ordinary people.

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