Heterogeneity company

Chapter 831, the counterattack

The life of ordinary people, this thought is just the idea! I can't understand that I can't go back. It can also cause her to cause her for not involving her family, and there is no more enthusiasm. This situation is until Ye Jiu Male has an accident. change.

In the face of your brother, a friend, a dead-endangered fact, seeing his painful expression, I realized that my brother didn't stand in the top of this world food chain, and Yan said that this luck did not hide, next time. Will there be such a good luck?

This is a world that will fly a little bit of pool, and I have gradually understood the younger brother's desire to strength, plus the obsession of the Heavenly disaster army crisis, let her feel the threat of the world, Under the superposition of various factors, she officially accepted her own destiny, and the first time I took the initiative to submit to Lin Jun Zhao to the Save Branch, and proposed a request to be developed. New first https: // .. https: // m ..

Her request immediately got the active response of the other party, and taking all the disposable resources in the shortest time, integrating her now, with the four major faces.

Today is the moment to pay for the reply.

"Gill! Abandon struggle! It can't escape our surroundings in a short time. Look at the second meteorite! The fate of the words has been locked, and you accept this. I have a good appreciation. Screen! "

Mora's disgusting voice returned Lin Jun Zhao back to reality, escaped the fists who had swinged by the hundredths of eyes, and chasing the body and chasing the fire on the attack, and the brothers were not ridiculous: "Hehehe It is also a psychological blow to this set. Why do you only have this trick? On the battle force, you and your companions are too far away, your identity of this source is not realistic! "

"Do you think you are eligible to say me? Now you don't have a tree! Do you have to become the source of this source? If you can camouflage, or say just because you are a sister?" After turning into a woman, I don't know if it is a psychological distortion, or the character makes it easy to speak, and the two women quarrel she is not gone.

"What do I rely? I will let you see what I rely!" After another defeating the hundred eye giants, after the cell collection and analysis, I have to work more than the double boxing to restore the original shape. At the time, a punch waved.

"Stupid! Do you not only have a IQ who distinguish between the enemy? Do you still don't understand the creature of the Hundred Eye Giants, you don't have the ability to make a big destruction. Helping will kill! "

"Cell destruction!"

The ridiculousness of Mora's sarcasm and faux, after a whistle, the fist runs through the giant's body, and looked at the hundred eye giant bodies that fry into a soft mud. Mora has been doing it behind him. Big plumber is prepared, but she surprised her, and the four-fold five cadaver refined into a small meat in half air. These small meat were decomposed in the process of declined into countless minor small particles. As the breeze is gently blown between the heavens and the earth, there is no possibility of agglomeration.

This scene made Mora scared a cold sweat, the character of the hundred eyes is more clear than anyone. She can determine that Qi Ming just one punch is definitely not hitting the opponent's life. How can she do it? What is the slag that hits it?

It is the time that she hesitates this small meeting, and I have finally got rid of the entanglement of the two, and the whole person rushed to the emotional out of mouth, and the whole person welcomed the fall of the fall. Smash.

While Vlameir asked Ira lost, I also made an anxious shouting on the ruins under the body: "Do you want you!"

A protriant arm under the gravel gave an answer, in which the arm supported the body of a wolf, it was a bit of heartache after seeing clearing the whole picture, and then fill the emotions of the anger. chest.

Zhen Yan as a mechanical arm of supporting the electromagnet has been broken into two trip, and Yu Wei, which is close to the whole Raiders, and the slump, the decline of the falling arcrilant, and the red-backed redness of the machines under the Zhou Zhou, as if it is ready The blow is generally, these injuries are still not a horrible, the most shocking is that the face of , half-faced, causing the facial exposure, received extremely serious burn, half-faced The face is all among the best.


The sister's two angry roar sounded at the same time on the battlefield, and I would like to let the younger brother from keeping in the injury, only the thief first smashed the way to interrupt Flamel's way, but still being trapped in place. The scorpion of the movable, then in a routine and eaten his move, almost losing a sense of reason, strongly enduring the pain comed on the cheeks, after seeing my sister directly rushing away He also made a body that reacted the normal people's size, and started to expand speed under the accumulation of the source.

"Damn!" Seeing the misery from the stone pile, Flamel will be more confirmed to be killed by himself, but the emergence of it is forcibly interrupted this process. I gave a lot of breath, let the tiger return to Mountain must have a problem, I want to hold him again, I will not have such a good opportunity!

"Blocking her!" Flamel eyebrows have moved their liver and fire, and the source of urging the martial arts is three points!

"Space is reversed!" Don't use Flamel to guard Morara and clear what you should do, the figure is blocked on the rigorous singing route, a magical array is flashing in his fingertips.

In the case of the jams, when the space, the space before and after the time, the disorder appeared again, but he had already taken a loss and was taught by Lin Jun Zhao. In the case of how to crack this method, he quickly used the source and clean the brain. Influence, the body quickly continued to initiate a charge forward as early as the beginning.

"I want to rush, it is not so easy! The space is high-order magic. Forbidden. Middle world!" Using to treat the body's voids, Mora has completed the second magic singing, in his petty The twelve major mirrors will fall from the sky, and the Flamel is strict, and each mirror is reflected in the mirror, and there is a scene of Swamier's continuous casting in the lattice. This scene rushed to the mirror, but he had to stop the footsteps, and I didn't know how to choose it.

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