HEX: Aspect Of The Void

Chapter 156 - A One-Sided Match

It couldn't even be called a fight!

Yes, it was so one-sided, that what occurred at that moment could only be described in one word... Perhaps two.

Absolute obliteration

Talia and Shamac had charged at Wrath with incoherent motion, frantically trying to land a hit. 

Talia shot out an intense burst of red light, condensed into a straight stream. The powerful surge charged at Wrath, who remained seated.

"Useless!" He muttered.

A crimson force field covered him, defending against the devastating attack that destroyed the surrounding area in a massive explosion.


"Is that all you have to offer?"

Upon hearing his taunting voice, Talia's face tightened even more with determination to make him eat his words.

Shamac proceeded to plant his shadows within the ground, allowing them to rise within the barrier Wrath made.

In a moment, black tendrils of Shamac's creation burst from the ground and charged at Wrath. 

"Got you!" Shamac beamed in anticipation.

As the large tentacles of darkness nearly reached the target's face, they immediately crumbled. The layers of black turned to ash as they faded away instantly.

"W-What?!" Shamac exclaimed.

"One more minute..." Wrath said.

He still sat on his throne and looked at the two opponents. Talia remained in the air, glaring at Wrath with frustration, while Shamac remained on the ground, looking amazed by Wrath's invincibility.

"Talia, don't conserve anything. Pour all you have into this attack!" Shamac yelled.

Talia nodded and charged up her crimson energy while Shamac focused his shadow into a single point.

Clusters of darkness gathered rapidly, forming a thin spear.

"This contains 80 percent of my shadows" Shamac muttered to himself.

He too wanted to test how strong Wrath was, and the durability of the barrier.

"Talia, now!" Shamac declared.

The red fairy, who had condensed her glowing energy into a sparkling ball of light proceeded to throw the volley of mass destruction.

Shamac launched his shadow spear at the same time Talia did hers, causing both attacks to flow in sync, side by side, as they neared Wrath's position.

"Interesting... But still..." He mumbled.

The spear clashed with Wrath's barrier, causing it to tremble as a result of the impact, while Talia's crimson bomb exploded upon hitting the field.


A massive explosion burst from the point of impact, spreading across the room as the ground disintegrated and shockwaves pushed everything away.

Talia and Shamac were forced to brace themselves due to the force exerted by the blast. As they covered their faces to prevent dust from enveloping their eyes, the two hoped their assault worked.

"... Too weak!" Wrath's voice resounded from within the debris.

Talia and Shamac glanced at the location of their attack and saw their opponent, unharmed by their attacks, with a look of disappointment in his eyes.

The ground on which his throne was positioned and his immediate surrounding remained unscathed, protected by the barrier he erected.

"Time up," He said.

The two slaves could not imagine that an attack at nearly their full power could not even damage Wrath's barrier.

As their widened eyes filled with Despair, Wrath snapped his fingers and the dusty smoke around them cleared.

"I have allowed you to have your fun, now... Be quiet, mutts" He said to them.

Talia gritted her teeth with frustration.

"No... I can't let it end like this!" She muttered to herself.

Even Shamac's body throbbed with excitement and fear as his brain tried to compare the opponent before him with the Red Rider General he fought before passing out.

"This guy... Wrath, is it? He'll most likely be stronger!"

"Now then... Sit still and keep shut like good little-" Wrath said, waving them off in a disconcerting tone.

"I'm-I'm not done!" Talia yelled, interrupting Wrath's statement.

He stopped talking and glared at her.

"I still... I still haven't done anything yet! I won't be bullied or commanded by the likes of you. Hexarion found me first!" Talia said, tightly gripping her fist as she spoke.

Wrath narrowed his eyes as he heard her talk.

"I've not shown you everything yet! I promised... I would knock that prideful look off your face!" She said with a resolved look.

"Oh?" Wrath muttered.

"H-Hey... What about me?" Shamac protested, looking at Talia with a disbelieving expression.

"Correction... We will!" She smiled.

Shamac nodded, returning her grin.

"I know we can't win... Yet why? Why do I keep pushing forward?" He asked himself.

"Fools... Even after I graced you with sufficient time to unleash your displeasure, you continue to test my patience. You two have passed your allocated time, and deserve to be punished for your disobedience" Wrath said with a glare.

Slowly, he rose from his seat and stood upon his two feet.

"Idiots like you need to be taught... Just what manner of battles you should attempt... And the kind you should avoid."

Wrath stretched his hand toward the two insects before him and gently clenched his fist.

"Keukk!" Talia and Shamac both let out simultaneously as an ominous aura enveloped them.

The malevolent energy was crimson, having dark elements surrounding it.

"C-Cocoon Of Darkness!" Talia thought to herself.

Her dark covering immediately appeared and enveloped her skin.

"Useless!" Wrath said.

Immediately, the Cocoon vanished, returning to Talia's body.

"W-Wha-?!" Talia muttered in shock.

While the two were still shaken by the surprising turn of events, Wrath appeared in front of them in an instant.

"W-W-W-" Shamac stuttered, struggling to bring forth words when directly in front of the overwhelming presence before him.


Wrath drove his fist into Shamac's stomach, immediately sending the young hybrid flying away as he felt the hot sting of the blow.

"Uarkkk" He yelled, helplessly diving straight to the Boss Room wall.


"Shamac!" Talia yelled, watching her partner get flung into the rubble.

Before she could utter another annoying weak, Wrath grabbed her neck and tightened his hold on it.

"Gurghh" She made a choking sound as she struggled to raise her hands to free herself from Wrath's firm grip.

However, it was useless. The ominous energy surrounding her body caused it to be entirely immobile. 

"I never mentioned this, because of my self-restraint... But for the likes of you to address Lord Hexarion by only his name... It a purely blasphemous... And that arrogant look in your eyes, thinking yourself as special... I see you only know ignorance!" Wrath said to her.

She could barely breathe at this point as mucus and saliva dripped from her nose and mouth.

Tears streamed from Talia's eyes as she struggled meaningless in Wrath's hands.

"Burn!" He said.

Immediately, her body was engulfed in intense heat, unlike anything she felt before. The flames burnt her skin as her beautiful wings and body slowly darkened in reaction to its intense power.

"Arghhhhhhh!!!!!" She screeched in pain.

"You're too noisy" Wrath muttered.

He used his dark crimson energy to cover up her mouth, preventing any sound from escaping.

After doing this, Wrath increased the heat of the flames, driving Talia into more agony as her strangled and muffled voice struggled to express the pain that could lead one to insanity.

"As you enjoy this heat, remember what happens when next you defy me. You are not allowed to speak, you are not allowed to do anything but wait for the Lord's return. Finally, you are not permitted to even say the Lord's name so casually in my presence. Should you'd defy me one more time..." Wrath spelled out to the agonizing fairy as he tortured her.

"... I'll kill you!" 

After giving his warning, he dissipated the flames and released Talia's body, allowing it to crash into the ground.

Now a blackened form of her previous self, Talia struggled to breathe as she throbbed on the ground.

Wrath looked to where Shamac was and saw the gaping injury in his stomach as he too struggled to cling to life.

"That wasn't even a serious hit... How fragile are these beings?" Wrath said to himself.

"I'm tempted to leave them like this, but the Master did say I should keep them safe... How bothersome" He muttered.

Once again, Wrath used his Administrative Authority to fix the once again destroyed Boss Room, and heal the victims of his attack.

Within a few moments, everything was back to normal.

"Now then... I assume you all know your place." Wrath said as he returned to his seat.

Talia, Shamac, and Ana sat before him, utterly speechless.

While their bodies had been healed, their minds were all in terrible states.

"I've arranged this room in a way that you won't feel hunger or thirst. Entertain yourselves as you deem fit, as long as it makes no noise to my ears. The master will return once it is due time... Till then, I will be in charge" Wrath said with glowing eyes.

The slaves knew better than to defy him.

Ana, who experienced the battle from her safe distance, could do nothing but tremble, since she was even more powerless than Talia and Shamac.

And so, they waited for days... With no sign of Hexarion.


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