HEX: Aspect Of The Void

Chapter 157 - The Death Of A Slave

The fear of Wrath was still ingrained in Shamac's heart as he tried to think of ways to surpass his current strength and become a worthy foe for Wrath, as well as the Executioner.

Ana still wallowed in her powerless state and hardly moved during their time of waiting.

However, it seemed Talia had forgotten about the intense pain she obtained by defying Wrath. Her overwhelming curiosity made her body unstable as the burning question concerning Hexarion's wellbeing and location seemed to swallow her whole.

She didn't care for the consequences if at least her question would be answered.

She rose from her laid state and stared at Wrath, who glared at the audacity of Talia's action.

She gulped as words came out of her mouth.

"W-Where is He-"

As she let out his name, Wrath's angered face became more vivid. His displeasure as of her normal address of Hexarion slowly rose.

Shamac groaned to himself, knowing what would proceed with Talia's thoughtless action.

Ana's eyes brightened up, for the first time in days. She felt something... It was largely different from what she remembered, yet it was unmistakably...

"I'm right here... Talia..." A voice emerged from the darkness, walking from behind Wrath's seat.

Wrath's eyes widened as he heard the familiar voice of his lord.

Great silence spread throughout the room, making the steady footsteps of the approaching entity heard.

Wrath immediately those from his seat and turned in the direction of the voice.

His eyes teared up when he saw his master, the hardened face he once bore softened up, revealing an emotional outlook no one saw coming.

The one he saw... The one they all saw, was none other than...



I approached the stunned people who stared in my direction. With a slight grin, I opened my mouth.

"Wrath... Good job! I'll take it from here." I said, still venturing further until my new form became visible to everyone present.

I'm back!

[Moments Earlier]

How long has passed now? Decades? Centuries? Milennia, Eons... It's useless to try calculating that. In a void without the concept of time, every waking moment Is like an eternity, yet an instant.

The final vestiges of the Nether around me slowly seeped into my body. As the last essence entered, I became whole.

With nothing within the Abyss, it started to crumble. Since everything holding it up have been taken in by me, the other world began to collapse.

Still, within my cocoon, I instantly ascended out of the bottomless pit, arising out of the hole before I became forever trapped within it.


The buzz of degeneration filled everywhere, but I Ignored the chaos surrounding my sphere.

With a sharp launch, I rose out of the Abyss in an instant, leaving behind the nonexistent world as it vanished.

The sphere I remained in remained afloat, distorting space around it.

"I should begin..."

In that instant, the darkened orb compressed, shaping itself as the substance squirmed about.

Limbs emerged from the dark mass and form was given, hair appeared, followed by the features of a man.

The color of the mass slowly changed to a light complexion, and within that moment, a being typical to a human became molded from the Nether sphere.

"Ah, it feels so nice to be back in a body..." I said to myself.

After so long, the feeling can't be described. Still, this feels different from the last time. Unlike before, this body contains immensely more powerful Nether essence. More than Wrath's even.

To achieve this, I had to sacrifice all the essence I had, but its worth it.

"This will serve my plans well for now" I smiled.

My naked body floated above the ground, surrounded by the white space I left behind after my last attack against Wrath.

"I should get out of here... They should still be on the fifth floor, right?" 

In an instant, my body became clothed with a black shirt, same with my trousers and a dark cloak. Red patterns and designs were inscribed on it, covering a portion of my collars and sleeves.

My shoes glistened with black and red colors, while my dark hair glowed in the blank space.

With my clothing on, I proceeded to my destination.


Instantly, I appeared behind my subordinates, watching from the shadows as Talia confronted Wrath.

What an idiot.

"W-Where is He-"

Okay, that's about enough. It's time to make my entrance anyway. Judging from the situation, quite a few things have happened.

"None of those matter though... It's time to move on to the next phase" I thought to myself, proceeding to answer Tslia's question before Wrath tears her to pieces.

[The Present]

"Wrath... Good job. I'll take it from here"

My General throbbed at the sound of my voice and a satisfied expression upon receiving my praise covered his face.

Looking at everyone now, everything feels quite different. Being in a new body, possessing new power, and being away for an eternity.

"How long has passed?" I asked, my eyes focusing on Wrath.

"T-This is the 13th day since you went into the Abyss. My Lord... You look well..." Wrath said.

I smiled.

Of course, I do. I succeeded in absorbing every Nether essence within the Abyss, and my current self possesses the Nether Core as a heart.

"To think just so little time has passed... Amazing..." 

No matter, the reason for coming here has been fulfilled. All that is left is to wrap things up. I should start with 'them'.

For the first time since I arrived in the room, I glanced at my three slaves, who stared at me with awe and surprise.

"H-Hexarion!" Talia exclaimed as tears fell from her eyes.

I walked past Wrath, who bowed his head as I moved away, heading for the slaves.

Their expectant faces as I approached made no difference. They're not important at this moment.

I can feel Talia's body tremble with joy, hoping to catch my attention. 

My concern among these three isn't her, though. 

"Ana, come over here," I said, halting, a few meters from them.

Ana's eyes bulged and her body jumped as she heard my voice.

Immediately, she stood from her knees and slowly approached me.

Her guilty face indicates that she is aware, to an extent, of the reason why I summoned her.

"L-Lord Hexarion... Welcome back..." She mumbled, bowing her head.

As I thought... Her 'Realm' has been permanently damaged. Without her Grace, she's basically useless.

"Do you know why I have called you?" I asked.

"Yes, my lord... I'm so sorry. I have failed you... I'm so sorry..." She sobbed.

Her body trembled as tears flowed from her eyes. The emotion of sadness and overwhelming disappointment in herself filled Ana up as she made this pathetic display before me.

"Is that all you have to say? That doesn't change what I-"

"It's okay, Lord Hexarion. I-I understand... It's only natural for my Lord." Ana quickly said, looking directly at me for the first time.

Her sad, yet happy face locked eyes with me. She smiled as she gazed upon me, with a dreamy expression.

Even now, she's infatuated with me... Why?

"Lord Hexarion... It has been an honor serving you... The privilege of being your Apostle, of showing me the truth... My Lord, I regret nothing" Ana said, still looking at me.

Since my eyes are locked with hers, I know she's being sincere. 

Her Aspects are also showing the honesty in her words, though there's something else she's hiding.

"Is that truly all you have to say, Ana?" I asked.

My hands slowly raised as I touched her warm cheeks. 

She softly moaned upon my contact with her skin, closing her eyes in satisfaction. Ana slightly raised her trembling hands, but hesitantly placed them back down.

"It seems she won't do it, after all..." 

As I still thought about this, she quickly raised her hands again and locked them around me, pushing her face to mine as she fell upon me.

That moment, her lips touched mine as she tightly embraced me. Her entire self rested on my sturdy body, feeling the intensity of her emotions.

Talia gave a look of shock and motioned to shout in rage, but Shamac quickly restrained her and watched the scene with pain in his eyes.

We both ignored this and continued in the passionate embrace Ana initiated.

Even if she didn't speak, her thought patterns are ultimately Aspects, so even in silence, her soul spoke to me.

I read the information within her, just as she wanted me to.

"Lord Hexarion... I love you..." 

The soft melody of her pure intentions radiated within her as her tongue wrapped with mine, continuing to kiss me with my allowance.

While I can't return her sentiment, I can say this.

"Ana... You were of use to me. That much is true..."

I translated my thoughts into Aspects and passed them into the saliva that touched her tongue and entered her throat.

More tears appeared from her eyes as happiness surged within her.

Those are the best last words I can tell her. After all... She's going to die now.

"It's a good thing she's a smart girl. This makes things easier." 

As she kissed me, dark veins appeared around her body as she let herself go without any form of struggle. The veins covered her, sizzling all over as it crumbled her entire physique. Instantly, her body turned to ash and faded away... Turning into nothing at all. 

"Anaaaaaaa!!!!!" Shamac screamed as he watched his crush dissipate into nothingness.

Talia was shocked beyond words as she stared at me with surprise.

Wrath smiled with satisfaction and grinned at the remaining two slaves, hoping he would witness their turn. 

Ah, now that was a little emotional. But Ana was going to die sooner or later... 

"I meant what I said though, she really was useful. This whole thing wouldn't have gone this smoothly without her..." I smiled.

"... And now, with her sacrifice, it's time to begin the next phase"

Still ignoring the surprised screams and stares generated by my subordinates, I initiated my next step.


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