HEX: Aspect Of The Void

Chapter 158 - The Birth Of Root


Shamac's wailing scream filled the room as he saw Ana crumble to nothingness before him.

I did notice his infatuation with her, it was amusing to watch for a while.

Talia's widened eyes brought out tears upon witnessing the sight, unable to comprehend what just happened.

Despite her constant rivalry with Ana, she still felt a form of connection with her. I suppose it's because they're both girls, with similar interests... Me.

"It was inevitable anyway... At least her death will be put to good use." I muttered, ignoring the saddening cry of the two slaves.


A purple light glowed mildly within me and a window appeared before my face.


<Welcome Back Master Hexarion>

I smiled as soon as I noticed the purple window.

The ring of the 'Root Of All', also known as ROOT, no longer exists.

Everything I had on, even my body, disintegrated within the Abyss, as soon as they came into contact with Nether.

ROOT was no exception.

Fortunately, I absorbed every single Nether Element, causing ROOT to become integrated with me.

Every single item within ROOT is personally stored within the endless darkness within my new form.

"It's a good thing you can still maintain your program... I suppose I designed you too well" I responded to the glowing panel before me.


<Yes! Master Hexarion Is The Best :) >

It's a good thing you feel that way.

ROOT has been showing certain expressions which weren't originally designed with it. I suppose it's due to the evolutionary trait inbuilt within the program. 

Still... After observing this invention of mine, I've found an even better use for it.

"Now then... I suppose it's time I began. ROOT you're going to-"

As I was still speaking, I felt a sharp sense coming from behind me.

I looked behind me and saw an enraged version of one I didn't expect. She looked at me with betrayal and anger.


Her murderous glare, coupled with seething rage and clenched teeth were all expressed on the fairy's face.

"W-Why would you do that?!" She yelled at me with unfettered passion.

A raw sense of loss could be felt from her words, and an intense feeling of fear and betrayal swallowed her.

Perhaps I should play with her for a little.

"What do you mean?" I asked with a sly smile.

"Y-You just killed Ana! Why did you do that?! Ana risked everything for you! She was more useful to you than Shamac and I combined! She was just as loyal too! Why did you throw her away just like that? She didn't even-" Talia yelled, pouring out the gushing emotion within her.

Wrath's brow furrowed and his fists clenched. He wanted to bash her head to the wall with his large hands and crush her skull while burning her up as her scream climaxed and settled until she was rendered unable to breathe a single word.

However, due to my presence, he calmed himself.

"Are you done?" I asked with a bored look.

It seems Talia and Shamac were unaware of Ana's loss of her abilities.

Judging by Shamac's refusal to speak, even though he's still frustrated and pained by Ana's death, he probably understands to an extent.

Ana was going to die sooner or later... Even with her Grace intact.

In the first place, it is impossible for humans to handle Divine Power. Of course, the gods tweaked the rules a little, but this would ultimately lead to the premature death of the human since they aren't built to handle such level of Aspects.

Soon, the body becomes weak and the overwhelming power of Grace will swallow them whole, causing the Apostles agony as they draw their last breath.

In a way, I released Ana from her eventual death.

Besides, the whole reason for recruiting Ana in the first place was to test some of my theories. She served as a good bait to draw in more Apostles, and with the death of Gratiana, I'm sure 'they' will be taking action soon.

Finally, Ana was useful to me even for this new project I want to embark on. I became curious the instant I saw her Grace.

When I successfully linked ROOT to Ana, I became even more certain... This will work!

Ana was an Apostle, so having her with me for too long will be a bother since fellow Apostles can sense her. I suspected this, and Gratiana's lackey, Maria, doing that confirmed it.

Since she had fulfilled her purpose, it is only natural she should die. 

Of course, it'll be a bother explaining everything to them, so...

"Be silent, Talia. Ana is no longer necessary. Her death was inevitable." I responded coldly to the fairy.

Her eyes bulged when I said this, taking in the uncaring tone in my voice.

"B-But she-"

Before Talia could say any more, a large mass of shadow blades formed around her, with another pointed shadow directly placed an inch from her throat.

The blackness restraining her and the countless threatening projections which surrounded the fairy made her look in surprise.

"Talia... You heard the Boss. SHUT UP!" Shamac's voice echoed.

His tone was deep and threatening, and the bladed shadows he placed around Talia meant he was serious. 

"How surprising... I knew Shamac liked Ana, but..." 

Shamac's face indicated he was restraining tears from flowing, and his deep glare directed toward Talia made his intentions appear unclear.

"... It appears Shamac likes me more" I grinned.

Talia couldn't let out any words as the shadow blade drew nearer. Choked sounds were slowly heard as she struggled to look at the Hybrid who shot her a murderous glare. She couldn't believe what Shamac was doing.

"That's enough Shamac" I said.

Immediately I said this, he looked at me with reverence and bowed his head, retracting his shadows immediately.

Despite his hurt feelings, Shamac's loyalty remains unquestioned.

"You have done well, Shamac... But you shouldn't go that far." I smiled.

"You praise me too much, Boss. I am unworthy" He responded, bowing his head.

His tone is more formal now than previously. It's only natural since I just killed someone he was very attached to.


"Talia merely voiced her opinions, though she was crossing the line. What about you, Shamac? Clearly, you have a few words to express" I asked.

"None at all. Ana was no longer of use to Lord Hexarion, therefore she had to be eliminated. Though my reasoning may not be able to fully comprehend your intention behind the action, I am aware that you always have a good reason for everything. This is no different." He answered mechanically.

I used this opportunity to read his true intentions through the fluctuations within him. 

"Hmmm... Aspects don't lie... Shamac is indeed hurt and deeply wounded by my actions. But, his words are true. This is how he truly feels." I noticed.

Oh, Shamac... You have truly pleased me. As of this moment, I can see your prospects even better. You'll be truly useful to me.

"Very well spoken. Like a true slave," I said, slightly nodding my head.

With that settled, it's time to continue... With no interruptions.

I turned back to ROOT, who still patiently waited for me as the purple window remained directly in my face.

"ROOT, reveal your core program," I said.

"<Confirm. Master Hexarion Wishes To Access My Core Program?! :0 >"



Immediately, the purple window glowed brighter, until a cluster of codes suddenly appeared on the screen. The flat panel changed shape, turning into a sphere, all filled with codes.

"This is ROOT's Core projection..." I muttered, using my hands to touch the light ball.

The orb buzzed upon contact with my body, flickering as I drew it closer to myself.

I observed the codes up to the tiniest detail and couldn't help but chuckle within myself.

"It's different from the initial version. Must be due to the evolution upgrade..." 

But, even this is not enough.

ROOT is a program, the closest I've been to digitalized artificial intelligence. I attempted creating a being with no body, yet enough intelligence to pass as an entity.

The product of that is ROOT.

Wrath and the others came after, but they all possess physical bodies, so their intelligence doesn't count.

In any case, ROOT's usefulness has also reached an end.

Since all my Treasures exist within me and I have the knowledge of all of them, I have no need of ROOT.

Also, with the projection of her code, I already have an identical copy of her Core program, meaning I can create as many ROOTs as I want.

There is only one question left.

"What am I to do with you, ROOT?" 

"<Whatever You Wish To Do, Master Hexarion :) >"

Isn't this interesting... Even her loyalty is similar to Ana's.


I made the right choice, after all.

In an instant, the purple ball of light vanished from my hands, and a similar light appeared from within me. 

ROOT's True Core appeared from my chest, manifesting on my right hand.

Though it can't express itself in this form, it's still ROOT.

"Now then... Time for the second piece of the puzzle."

My left hand began to glow, and a white light appeared on it, flickering in an excited state.

Slowly, I brought both hands together and merged the two fragments of light together.

"Zzzzztttzzzz" The light fragments buzzed as both entities combined in perfect harmony.

Finally, they settled, and the two became one.

One new being.

"It is done... I have finally achieved it." I muttered as I looked at the bright purple and white orb of united light.

A smile formed on my face as everyone around me witnessed the birth of a new entity.

Part ROOT... Part Ana... The perfect combination.

"Happy birthday Ruth"

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