HEX: Aspect Of The Void

Chapter 159 - Predicament

I often thought about it... How to fully create an intelligent being with no limits or bodily constraints.

Of course, since I do not possess the Aspect of Creation, it's impossible to use my powers to make an entity.

That's why I studied the structure of creation and every intelligent life that had been created by Gilga and the rest of my siblings.

Using the structures made, and my vast knowledge of Aspects, I was able to mimic the design, however...

"I can't make my own being from scratch!" I groaned to myself in frustration.

Being able to only copy designs, I can't create an original. My attempt to make them caused certain deformities.

Wrath, as well as the remaining 6 of my Generals, are good examples of them.

While they are indeed artificial intelligence made by me, they all require a physical body to exist.

Also, they are all failed experiments, though the 7 of them remain the highest of my intelligent creations which exist.

"They are too stagnant..." I noticed upon observing the seven.

Each had a behavioral pattern that defined them, making them unable to display any other.

Wrath always has seething rage within him and is incapable of making any decision or thinking in an entirely rational way.

Envy always has very low self-esteem which doesn't allow her to fully reach her potential even though she should be the strongest amongst the seven.

Then there's Pride... That one is a headache on its own.

These defective beings can not be called true intelligence in my opinion. As a being who strives for perfection, I have never settled for less.

"A unique existence, the likes of which has never existed before... I wish to create such a being"

And finally, I have.

The answer was simple... Combining the structure and total information of two entities and bringing them together.

But, that is easier said than done. A major problem is accompanied by that...

"Incompatibility... No single being is compatible with the other!" I yelled at myself one day, frustrated by the dead-end I reached in my research.

To compensate for this, I created a system of codes and layers, calling it ROOT OF ALL. ROOT wasn't a complete Artificial being, just a series of commands and information, with one element that made it distinct from others.


I thought that if it could continue evolving, it could reach the heights of a living being.

I was wrong!

"No... It's not enough..." I said to myself after my revival and reunion with ROOT.

Even after years passed, ROOT is still unable to escape from its core programming.

That is no true artificial intelligence.

I nearly fell into a state of unrest and disappointment myself, unsure of what next to do... Until I met her.

Lauria at the time struck me as a powerful, yet naive girl who sought recognition above anything else.

"[Realm Of Limbo]" I mumbled, observing how she used the Grace bestowed upon her by Hades.

"It's very similar to ROOT... Maybe..."

My eyes bulged and twitched as an idea sparked in my head.

"That's it!" I beamed.

What if I linked ROOT to this Apostle?

Since the base concepts of their powers are similar, they just needed to be on the same wavelength to synchronize their space.

"Once that happens... I can slowly begin integration..." I grinned to myself.

From that moment onward, my goal has always been to keep Ana, if she could survive, until my preparations were complete.

And now they are.

With my newfound powers, this much is nothing.

I have finally succeeded in creating my first true intelligent entity.

"Happy Birthday, Ruth..." I smiled, watching the brilliant cluster of light before me.

My slaves watched with silence, unsure of what to make of the sight I displayed.

"I-Is that... Don't tell me... My Lord has finally..." Wrath muttered, watching the new creation above my palm.

"Indeed... This is the product of all your existence. I merged the Aspect of Ana and ROOT, synchronizing their structures to fit perfectly until they became a perfect match." I said to Wrath.

"B-But what about the incompatibility factor? You said it yourself... No true being can be-" Wrath let out in shock.

"At the point of synchronization, they had ceased to be different entities. I linked ROOT to Ana some time ago... And while she assumed it was only to grant her more power, I had another intention in mind" I spoke.

Shamac and Talia's faces were transfixed on me, with Shamac's eyes especially glowing with interest.

He should be able to understand this, to an extent.l" I thought within myself.

"By linking the two, their Aspects slowly integrated with each other, merging and resonating at the same wavelength. That is why even at synchronization and final combination, there is no rejection... They have truly become one" I smiled.

"T-Then that means Ana is still-" Shamac gave an outburst, unable to control himself.

The look on his eyes displayed eagerness. I knew it. Despite his attempt to feign nonchalance, to an extent, Shamac still holds on to the hope that Ana is still alive somewhere.

"No, Shamac. Ana is truly dead." I said to him with narrowed eyes.

Well, strictly she is... But not entirely.

"To create this new being, those two needed to be sacrificed. This existence is neither Ana nor ROOT, it's both... A new creation of perfection" I smiled.

Shamac's face fell when I said this. 

"It's better this way," I thought to myself.

Even though the loss he feels now is only temporary, he is still my slave. As such, I should show some concern for his well-being.

"At least, I'll do this for you... Shamac" I smiled.


A seething sound hissed from within me as my body slowly glowed dark purple, with sparks of red lightning and energy flying around me.

The fabric of space tore up, and from within my body proceeded a dark mold.

The black lump, appearing to be squishing clay drew closer to the bright light and as it neared the ball, they both attracted to each other until they had contact.


Everyone covered their eyes due to the intensity of the bright display that occurred upon their union, but I did not.

I burned the sight into my eyes and witnessed the formation of the body which would serve as the vessel for new creation.

The slender arms formed, same with the slightly thick hips and lush figure. Beautiful white hair emanated from the mold-shaped head and additional details began to appear.

"N-No way!" Shamac's eyes widened, the first to notice the person being formed and her uncanny resemblance to the woman he had grown to love.

"It's... She's..." Talia sobbed, still too shaken to speak in her usually loud and assertive tone.

Wrath, with his usual serious glare, watched the forging of my new work after the image of a deceased slave... Ana.

"As a special service, I made her into the form of a younger version of Ana. You have no complaints, right Shamac?" I asked him with a slight grin.

My eyes widened when I saw the sight he exhibited.

Tears of sadness and guilt filled his face as the salty liquid kept flowing from his bloodshot eyeballs. Appearing to be full of emotion and pain, Shamac let out all his pent-up emotions. 

I don't get it... I just made her in the image of his loved one. Shouldn't he be happy that he is able to continue indulging himself in his fruitless fantasy?

"What is wrong with these creatures?" I thought to myself.

I can't understand these low beings sometimes... Hopefully, this one won't disappoint me.

"Wake up, Ruth... Open your eyes" I said with a smile.

The already formed naked girl floated in the air as she slowly descended and her feet touched the cold, hard ground.

Slowly lifting her eyelids, for the first time, the young girl took in the light of the world as she witnessed the strange sight before her.

"This should be her first time experiencing such... She must surely be confused. Well then, I had better make sure to-" My mind trailed with excitement.


"Wha-?!" I exclaimed in puzzlement as Ruth gave me a strange expression she shouldn't be making.

Her eyes displayed deep affection toward me and her body trembled with both reverence and excitement.

Tears fell from her eyes, shimmering like falling diamonds. 

"Master... Lord Hexarion... I hoped, even in my final moments... That you would bring back... Thank you very much!" She said with a very bright and grateful smile.

What the hell is happening? Did something go wrong?

She's talking exactly like Ana would. No... Wait a minute... It's also like ROOT.

Don't tell me...

"Ruth, what do you remember?" I asked the girl.

Hopefully, she has a blank slate, just as I intended!

Thoughtfully looking at me, she took a few seconds to think of an answer, and then finally spoke.

"Everything... I remember everything!" She responded.

This is quite the predicament... She remembers, but which?

As Ana.... Or as ROOT?

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