HEX: Aspect Of The Void

Chapter 169 - Conclusion

"It's been a while… I can't wait…" I said with an excited smile.

The shimmering body of the artificial god jumped as I mentioned this, looking even more flustered by my words. 

"A-Are you going to…" She mumbled.

Why is she looking so nervous? Isn't it only natural for me to observe her body in order to decide just what manner of Treasure I will bestow upon her?

"I can't have her out there naked like this." I thought to myself.

Her surrounding would even be affected, and the attention she would draw will also be too much.

"It's been a while since I've had to pick between my Treasures to fit a subordinate. It's always exciting trying different combinations. Your figure is fine, worthy of my top-grade inventions." I said to her.

"O-Oh… So that's what you meant…" Her voice trailed.

I sense relief and disappointment within her. What a paradoxical mix. Oh well, let us begin.

"Your name will be Lumia. From this moment on, you are mine. Do you have anything to say?" I asked.

"Lumia… T-That's a lovely name. But are you really sure you want me as a subordinate? I'm a failed god after all. If you desire strength, you're already far stronger than I am. Besides, interfering with me will only bring more trouble. The Primordials who created me are-"

"That's enough. If there was no merit in having you, I wouldn't have bothered. Now, give me the response I desire." I cut her words short, stretching my hands to her as I smiled confidently.

Her eyes beamed as she gazed upon my being, and I could feel her emotions welling up.

"She's mine!" I grinned within.

"I-I accept. My name is Lumia… And I am the Primordial, Hexarion's subordinate." She answered swiftly, grabbing my hand.

Good going, Lumia. Now then, let's get you all dressed up.


"What the hell happened?!" Shamac let out in protest.

Hexarion had suddenly vanished alongside Jared, leaving the three subordinates alone in the vast area surrounded by large mountains.

"It appears the master got taken into Jared's Blank Canvas. He must have avoided including us since that would be too much for him to handle" Ruth spoke succinctly.

Since she has her memories as both Ana and Root, she knew very well about Jared and his past with Hexarion.

"Interesting... Well then, how long do you think it'll take before he is back?" Wrath asked with a grin, being the only one unaware of the enemy his master was currently up against.

"Not very long. Blank Canvas exists outside the normal bounds of this world." Ruth responded.

"Yeah, time flows differently there too, since it's under the domain of Jared. That bastard... The last time the Boss went against him, he passed out after winning." Shamac added.

He didn't know how such a kid could make Hexarion that much exhausted, but that was a testament to his power.

"Oh. I see. But, Master won in the end, right?" Wrath asked.

"Y-Yeah..." Shamac responded, still not used to talking to Wrath.

Even though they were now on the same side, he remembered how brutal he was in their fight.

"The Boss also mentioned that this isn't his full form. What a monster..." Shamac thought to himself.


A screeching sound suddenly echoed through the valley, and a tear in space began to form.

The hole grew larger until it was large enough for a largely built human to pass through.


A low hum filled the air as sparks of black spilled out of the dark hole and a silhouette seemed to appear out of the deep.

Shamac's worried expression found relief after seeing what resembled a man proceed from the dark spot.

"Looks like he's back" Wrath smiled.

"That didn't take very long, as expected of Lord Hexarion..." Ruth commented.

Suddenly, her eyes displayed shock as she observed that her master was not alone. Two figures were proceeding from the portal.

Hexarion was being accompanied by another being... A woman.

"W-Who is she?!" Ruth asked within herself.

[My Turn]

"Ah, it's almost like I never left" I commented, appearing in the normal world, with Lumia right behind me.

Shamac and Wrath looked pleased to see me, but... What's with Ruth's expression.

She looks disturbed. 

Her deep glare seemed so intense that I mistook it for hostility until I realized I wasn't the object of her contempt.

Slightly tilting my head, I followed her gaze and found her target.

"Lumia, eh?" I chuckled to myself.

As I fully stepped out of the gate alongside Lumia, the dark portal behind me crackled as it vanished.

"Welcome back, Lord Hexarion," My subordinates all said in unison, even Ruth, though I can tell she's troubled.

"Ruth, do you have anything you want to say?" I asked.

She shook a little upon hearing my first words directed toward her.

"Nothing, master. I was just curious about the being behind you. She appears to resemble a human, only outwardly, but I sense the same Aspect signatures of a god's on her. She appears to be a dangerous existence" Ruth commented.

Oh, is that it?

"Ah, yes. I should probably introduce you all to the new addition to my collection." I said.

"Step forward, Lumia."

Upon hearing my command, the failed goddess advanced slowly, looking at everyone shyly.

They all stared at her, taking in her glorious appearance. Of course, only I can take credit for this.

After all, I clothed her with only the finest accessories within my Treasuries.

"Ah, she looks good on my Treasures." I thought to myself.

Here is another masterpiece.

With a golden tiara on her long flowing hair, her cute face shone brilliantly in the Caucasian skin design I made for her to hide the intense golden glow she possesses. Her two lobes had exquisite earrings adorning them, and a golden pendant with diamond inscriptions was on her neck.

Her short dress was dyed in magnificent shimmers of gold, with dark stockings and a lovely pair of glowing shoes. With an adorning bracelet on one hand and a ring on the other, she appeared glamorous.

She also had a long flowing jacket labeled in black, calming the excessive brightness a little.

"This is Lumia, and she will be coming with us from this moment on," I explained.

I'll have to explain quite a few things to Wrath and Ruth since they both have the tendency to view her with suspicion.

With Root as a close aid of mine, and Wrath as one of my Generals, they are aware of the enmity between me and the gods.

As for Shamac, he's currently the only one out of the loop.

I'll need to educate him properly as well.

For the next stage, everyone needs to be on the same page.

"Nice to meet you all. I anticipate our journey together, as I will learn even more about you all and this world." Lumia said to everyone with a composed smile.

It seems as long as it's not me, she has no problem maintaining her dignified facade.

"Hehe, if Lord Hexarion picked you up, then you must be pretty decent! My name is Wrath, make sure to please our master well!" Wrath spoke with a confident grin.

As a strict follower of the dogma, Wrath will never go against my decisions.

"I-I'm Shamac. It's a pleasure to m-meet you..." Shamac spoke, blushing.

Sigh, even with Ruth beside him he doesn't stop, does he?

"I'm Ruth. Lord Hexarion's closest aide. Never forget it." Ruth spoke, bearing no form of friendliness as she glared at Lumia.

"I will keep your words in mind," Lumia said to everyone, ignoring the aggressiveness in Ruth's introduction.

It seems Ruth still possesses Ana's infatuation with me. The only difference now is that with Root's calculative personality, she's more objective in her actions.

She won't impulsively act toward Lumia, as long as the latter behaves herself. She's also more concerned about my wellbeing, prioritizing my orders and not her jealousy... Unlike Talia.

"Lumia is a god, an artificial one, but one nonetheless. She resided within Jared, giving him the power he had." I revealed.

Ruth and Shamac displayed shock, while Wrath smiled in amusement.

"There also appear to be others like her around. The Primordials seem to be hell-bent on creating one successfully. They may have already accomplished this" I added.

"T-The Primordials? Gods... What are you on about, Boss?" Shamac asked in confusion.

I suppose now is a good time like any other to reveal it.

Ruth and Wrath are already aware.

"Shamac. You've proven yourself to be a loyal and vital servant of mine. I have quite a great deal of plans for you. You know of my identity to an extent, so now Ita time you become aware of my plans." I said, moving closer to the nervous boy.

Grabbing his shoulder with one of my hands, I brought my face closer to his and gave him a sick smile.

"It's simple, really. I want to destroy this WORLD."

"A-Ah...?" He mumbled in shock.

"Now then, what do you say to that, Shamac?" I asked.

Here comes the true test. He can't lie to me since I can read his Aspects. Therefore, to be able to ensure that he advances with me, I need to know whether he is capable of walking down this path.

"... T-That's insane..." Shamac muttered as he trembled.

Oh? But there's something else, isn't there? Tell me what you think Shamac... Show it!

"... But, that's just...S-So Cool!" He beamed excitedly.

Correct answer!

"You pass, kid. Well done..." I smiled back at his childlike face which displayed admiration toward me.

"Since the opposition has started making their moves... The Royals, the Apostles, the Heroes, The gods... And my dear siblings, the Primordials, It's only reasonable we act too." I said, moving away from the cluster of four Subordinates.

Staring high into the sky, I can see the total makeup of this false existence that has entrapped everyone within it... My ignorant siblings, and even myself.

But not for long.

"I will make sure to transcend everything and truly become free!" 

Such is the will of I, Hexarion.... Primordial Of The Void!

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