HEX: Aspect Of The Void

Chapter 170 - Premonition Of War

The entire room was white, filled with decorations glittering with silver and several diamonds. The drapes had exquisite embroidery, decorating the very large hall.

A massive table was set in the center of the hall, and thirteen seats were placed there.

Six chairs were placed opposite each other, while one massive one was placed vertically, facing the twelve.

Each seat was occupied by individuals clad in white, all talking amongst themselves in what seemed like a heated discussion. While some remained silent, most argued, raising their voices.


The slight sound made by mashing one's finger on the table instantly silenced the noise which pervaded the room.

"That is enough...!" A deep voice spoke, drawing the attention of the twelve who sat.

"You all know why we are gathered here..."

The man who spoke, appearing to be old with age, was dressed more flamboyantly than the rest, with a glowing staff on his hands, and several rings and ornaments about him, most likely to be Relics.

"Now is not the time to argue amongst ourselves..." He added.

After a brief moment of silence, the now calmer group made gestures signifying their wish to speak.

"Yes, Virgo. You may speak." The man said, permitting one of the few who raised their hands.

"Thank you, O Holy One." The young-looking woman said, bowing her head as she rose.

Now, everyone's attention was fixated on her.

"This council is aware of the occurrence that plagues us. Yet, we argue meaninglessly about other matters. When shall we address the main problem?!" The one called Virgo protested.

"And what would that be?" Another who sat at the table asked abruptly.

"Ehem!" The Holy one cleared his throat, causing the interrupter to fall silent, looking apologetically.

"Four Apostles of my Sect have already been killed, yet no one wishes to address this! Out of those four, two were disciples, one was a fully-fledged Apostle, while one... Gratiana was my direct successor! This can not simply be overlooked!" Virgo said, smacking her hands on the table.

Silence filled the air once again as the ones gathered at the table looked at the old man before them.

He used his hand to stroke the long beard that followed from his chin while considering Virgo's words.

"I see... What you have said is indeed true. However, you are wrong in thinking that the Council is nonchalant about the death of four Apostles. We are all aware of what has occurred." He said in a slow tone.


"But, we will not make any careless moves. The enemy has carefully concealed themselves for this long, and in such a short span, they have managed to neutralize four of our agents, even one who was recognized to succeed you after your 'Ascension'."

"What do you intend to do, Virgo?" He asked.

"Holy One, please give me permission. I will personally hunt down the perpetrators and-"

"That is enough. It seems you are letting your emotions get the better of you. Have you forgotten the Apostle's teachings, Constellation #5?" The man said, narrowing his eyes as he glared at Virgo.

This instantly drove a chill down her spine.

"N-Not at all!" She quickly responded.

In Apostleship, one's personal feelings did not matter. Only faith toward the gods and absolute obedience toward their command was accepted.

"My being is entirely loyal to the gods and our cause" Virgo assured.

"Good. Then let us not lose perspective. In the Grand scheme of things, those deceased have only become martyrs, dying for the noble cause of the gods." The Holy One commented.

Virgo nodded, clenching her fist in frustration as she returned to her seat.

A man who sat quickly raised his hands after the dissatisfied woman sat, drawing attention to himself.

"Yes, Aries. What do you have to say?" The Holy One asked.

"Oh, brilliant light of the gods. You have spoken well indeed. However, it is still my humble submission that this matter can not be overlooked!" Aries commented with a bow.

"Oh? Go on..."

"Thank you, Holy One. The infidels who wrought this, not only warred against our agents, nor Virgo, their head... But also the gods themselves. As such, they should be treated as infidels, deserving of divine retribution" Aries said with a scowl on his face.

"I see. You have truly presented this matter in a better way than Virgo. Well then, tell me how you intend on going about it" The wry old man asked.

"I do not find myself worthy to give a suggestion. You are wise enough to reach a conclusion. I merely offered my humble opinion." Aries smiled.

"Hmmn, I see. Very well. You may return to your seat.

Once again, Aries bowed before returning to his seat.

Virgo gritted her teeth even more after watching the entire exchange. Despite it being her cause, the annoying man directly opposite her had once again managed to steal the spotlight.

"Aries is right. This infidel has wrought a declaration of war against the gods by killing four of the chosen ones before their time of 'Ascension'. Therefore, they should be punished accordingly." The old man said, slightly raising the staff he gripped tightly.

"Virgo and Aries. You two will work together in order to find this singularity and tame it before it gets out of hand. Use whatever means necessary to eliminate the threat!"

Virgo's face darkened upon hearing this as she glared at Aries, who seemed pleased with himself.

"As one of the 12 Head Apostles, you are to display the wrath of the gods against this grave sinner... Do you have any objections?" He asked.

The both of them nodded, maintaining their dignified facade.

"Very well then... That matter has been settled. Now then, for the next issue at hand..." The man said, glancing toward one of the people who sat closest to him at the table.

"Libra, speak." 

A thin man, wearing a white hoodie coupled with the robe they all wore, stood as he smiled at everyone present.

"I am sure you are all aware of the incident that occurs at the Adventurers City Of Lamar, the 'Raid Conquest' in which the Adventurers challenge the Vanishing Dungeon." Libra began with his clear and bright tone.

The majority of the people present nodded, while a few didn't bother.

"Well, the final Boss appeared, causing a great deal of havoc in the city." He continued.

"Heh, serves them right! That place is infested with heathens who only believe in their strength, and not the will of the gods." One of the members burst out laughing.

Everyone glared at him instantly, causing him to put his pleased expression on hold.

"Taurus, conduct yourself in a manner befitting of Apostles!" The old man said, tapping his staff in the ground.

"Eek," He yelped, instantly forming a zip sign on his lips.

Some of the Apostles chuckled slightly at the sight, finding the reaction funny.

"Ehem" Libra cleared his throat.

The audience calmed their sound, and once again focused their attention on him.

"The Boss monster, according to my connections, was extremely powerful, besting the Vice Guildmaster, and displayed enough strength comparable, if not greater than the Guildmaster!" Libra continued.

"How was such a beast defeated, then? If what you say is true, then not even regular Apostles would be able to win. Even Grand Apostles would have to band together to subjugate it. And, since Lamar is a neutral zone, none of our members are stationed there." Virgo asked, finding the entire thing suspicious.

"Ah, now that's the interesting part. It was defeated by a new Platinum Ranked Adventurer in Lamar..." Libra smiled.

The seated Apostles exchanged surprised looks, finding it hard to believe their colleague's words.

"I know how it sounds. If I wasn't so certain about my information-gathering ability, I wouldn't have believed it either. Apparently, he easily subjugated the Monster." Libra mentioned.

"He goes by the name, Rio." 

"That's quite unbelievable. But, it's not too far-fetched if you consider that he might have gotten a Relic powerful enough to defeat the monster from the Dungeon. Perhaps he got the final Treasure there" Aries commented.

"That's true, but... The major bone of contention is the identity of the Boss Monster who was defeated."

Upon hearing Libra's words, the interest of everyone was piqued. What could be more important than such a powerful boss defeated by a mere human?

"The Boss monster claimed to be Wrath, one of the Evil One's Generals," Libra revealed.

Everyone's eyes widened upon hearing this. There was uncomfortable silence everywhere, as each person considered the validity and possibility of this information.

Of course, there was a chance The monster was lying. But, no beast would be foolish enough to impersonate one of the seven harbingers of destruction."

"Good work reporting, Libra." The old man interrupted their thoughts.

Libra bowed his head and returned to his seat, having an uncomfortable smile on his face.

"I understand how you all must feel. The appearance of one of the Evil One's Generals spells a dark foreboding on the world. This matches the Revelation I received just yesterday." The old man said.

Each Apostle looked at their leader with respect and awe. As the Constellations, leaders of all Apostles in their sects, they stood above even Grand Apostles. The 12 Apostles at the table were the most gifted of all. However... The one who addressed them was on an entirely different level.

A being who communed with the gods and brimmed with their power, receiving revelations from the divine ones. He was the 'Prophet'!

"It appears dark clouds are upon us... As chosen ones of the gods, it is our duty to combat this evil that approaches. This new 'Hero' Rio, may as well be complicit in this new war that is looming. There is not much time..." The Prophet said.

"My Constellations, bright stars of the gods...Let us prepare ourselves for the war to come!"

For the first time, the stern, wrinkled face of the old man slowly changed, turning into a wide grin.

The clash between good and evil would soon commence.... And as is the absolute law of the world, good would always win!

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