HEX: Aspect Of The Void

Chapter 171 - [Special ]: Part 1

Ah, what a lovely day. 

I looked at the sky above me and recollected some memories of the past. Insignificant as they might be to my grand plan, they remain unforgettable experiences.

One of them particularly sticks out...

[The City Of Arita, Rio Xarion's Residence]

"Hexarion, we've been stuck in the house for too long!" Talia grumbled.

She seemed bored out of her mind from being in the house all day while I was busy attending to matters that would stabilize Artia before our departure to Lamar.

"And? What would that have to do with me?" I asked, dismissing her complaint in an instant.

There are more pressing things to ponder on.

"Lord Hexarion, if I may suggest... Perhaps you should take a break..." Ana suddenly suggested.

Break? Me? What is this girl talking about?

I turned to her, giving an unbelievable expression.

"I didn't mean it that way. I-I just thought it wouldn't hurt for us to have you to ourselves... Even for a small time." Ana mumbled, looking away.

I see what this is all about, so that's how it is.

My eyes darted to my last slave who remained silent.

"What is your opinion, Shamac?" I asked.

He looked unsure of what to say, making me let out a smile.

I can sense the other two giving him signals with their eyes, as though telling the boy not to mess up.

"Their actions are too predictable" I mused.

This is all a grand plot they cooked up to make me spend more time with them. I assume the proponent of this idea would be Talia. She's the most daring and clingy in these circumstances.

Ana must have gone along with her plan since she also considered it to be a good plan. As for Shamac, he's not very assertive, so I'm sure they scripted what he would tell me.

"H-Hanging out with Master... Would be really nice..." He muttered shyly.

Somehow, his slightly reddened face, coupled with how he bowed his head and nudged his body made Shamac look adorable.

"Should I indulge them?" I asked myself.

Well, why not? Lorna and the others have put a lot of things in order, and the work is mostly done. 

"Very well. We can all 'hang out' today" I said.


"Yess! I mean, thank you for indulging our selfishness, master."


Talia, Ana, and Shamac all expressed respectively.

"Where are we going, Lord Hexarion?" Ana asked in anticipation.

A wide grin formed on my face. Many would like to assume that I am not knowledgeable when it comes to human emotion, but they're wrong.

I have lived long before the birth of mankind. I observed many of their habits, and while I was behind in the times at the moment of my revival, I have collected so many memories that I have caught up with the latest trends.

The perfect place to spend the day, one which dwells in the minds of many as an object of fantasy...

"ROOT..." I uttered.

The Root Of All instantly read my intentions and acted accordingly.

"<The World Is All Set Master Hexarion!>"

"< Have Fun (^~^) >"

What's with that expression?

Well, that doesn't matter now.

"Let's go to our vacation spot"

Instantly, we were all absorbed into ROOT's space, taking us to a world beyond this one.


"So amazing!"

"This is so beautiful!" 

My slaves all beamed at the sight before them.

A massive space filled with open-air, with little rocks decorating the area. A humid sun hung in the sky and a gentle, cool breeze filled everywhere.

Most of all... The main attraction.

"N-No way! Is that-"

Yes, using ROOT's special construction, I made this from various images in my head.

A lovely garden for a picnic

The perfect weather for an outing.

And, most importantly. 

"A Hot Spring!!!" Talia yelled in excitement.

Her loud voice caused everyone to cover their ears. My sound reception automatically decreased to avoid the discomfort hearing her noisy tone would bring.

She is right though. At the center of the lush garden and amazing weather, is a large pool of steaming water. 

The aroma from this pool made everyone shudder in anticipation, with flower petals floating on the water surface.

Bubbles occasionally popped from the water, but the temperature was just right. I designed it, after all.

"Now then, everyone. Enjoy" I smiled.

The girls, who glanced at each other excitedly, rushed to the pool, nearing it at a rapid rate.

"You too Shamac, help yourself," I spoke to the quiet boy gently.

As soon as I said this, the girls halted. A sudden realization dawned on them.

I was waiting for the time they would realize.

"L-Lord Hexarion... You mean to say-"

"Yes." I smiled at Ana, who was flushed with embarrassment at the thought of it.

"This is a mixed bath" 

This statement made the body of the girls jump. As no demarcation existed in the perfect world I made, they would need to strip and bathe along with us.

I looked to my side and saw quite the amusing sight.

Shamac's usually stoic lips began to purse into a pleased grin. His eyes also widened in anticipation as his body throbbed.

"Looks like someone is happy about this" I mused.

"B-But Lord Hexarion, that would-"

Before Talia could complete her sentence, I snapped my fingers, instantly ripping the attire they wore.

A brief moment of shock existed as the girls tried making sense of what just happened. Their face instantly reddened as they realized they had been stripped naked. 



They yelled, instantly covering their most private areas, though it wasn't too effective.

I stared at Shamac to see what kind of reaction he would have and I was amused.

His eyes broadened when more as a wide grin of satisfaction was plastered on his face. A slight bulge appeared on his undergarment, but I won't pry into that.

Embarrassed by their exposed state, the two girls rushed to the hot water and dived into it.


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