HEX: Aspect Of The Void

Chapter 175 - The Forgotten Ones [Extra ]

Hexarion and his subordinates staged a play for the entire city to witness. The great hero and platinum ranked adventurer defeating one of the Evil One's Generals... Rio Xarion became a legend in the city.

Afterward, the adventures who were trapped in the hellish Dungeon returned to the normal world, forever scarred by the devastating experiences they had.

This here is a tale of two individuals, linked to Hexarion, yet no longer found relevant.

What occurred to them after they were left behind?

{The Forgotten Ones}

"Huff... Huff..." Nathan breathed heavily as dashed through the crowd enveloping him.

He was back in the human world, yet what was the sight that greeted him? Pure carnage and destruction!

As though being in the hellish Dungeon wasn't enough, returning alive proved to be yet another sight of despondency.

Looking around him, while wearing a mad expression in his eyes as Nathan desperately panted.

He pushed away from the crowd that surrounded him as he is eyes darted everywhere for any sign of his lover.

Just some moments ago, Nathan was still within the Vanishing Dungeon, until a brilliant flash of light dragged him to the real world.

A world where only one thing mattered to him.

"Marie... Marie... Where are you?!"

[Moments Earlier]

"U-urghhh..." Nathan slurred as he regained consciousness within the Dungeon.

Slowly rising to sit uprightly, he glanced around, observing the location he woke up to.

It was a familiar sight, the fifth floor Boss Room.

The place was empty. No monsters or signs of life could be seen around him... except for one. 

"Who's there?" Nathan turned, sensing the presence of another.

His eyes lit up in shock when he saw a girl seating dejectedly in the room, some distance from where he sat.

The strange girl there didn't pay him any heed, as she was occupied with her own thoughts.

Nathan also had many things on his mind, one of which was a question as to how he survived.

"Perhaps she has an answer..." He asked himself.

Looking closely at the girl, he recognized her.

"I-isn't that... Talia, right?" He mumbled in surprise.

She was definitely one of Rio's friends, a beauty he admired when he was offered a ride in their carriage.

"What is she doing here? Where are the others?" He asked within himself, unsure of how to address her.

Were the rest of her Party members dead? Or was she just as disoriented as he was?

Nathan's memories of what transpired before he fell unconscious slowly returned, causing him to remember how he abandoned his party members, being chased by the menacing Dragon. The same Dragon was easily killed by a much more superior being.

Nathan's mind flashed to the moment his life was nearly taken by the strange monster who could speak, causing him to shudder in trauma.

"I lost, so why... Why am I still..." He pondered on the reason behind his survival.

Suddenly, his eyes glanced upon something, causing them to widen in shock.

"T-that is... The Blade of Rupture...?!" Nathan exclaimed.

He had used up the last of its energy in his fight against the Dragon, and eventually, the Relic crumbled. Yet, the object before him appeared to be intact.

Not only was it in top condition, but it also seemed more powerful than before, having a more intricate design.

"Is this really... The Blade Of Rupture...?" He muttered.

Perhaps the Blade had a particular feature that allowed it to restore itself after being used up, gaining even more power. 

If that was the case, then Nathan was beyond blessed to possess such a weapon.

"It probably... Saved my life..." He reasoned, grabbing the katana as he observed it even more.

"A-Amazing!" He beamed as his being resonated with the Relic.

The amount of energy flowing within the weapon seemed nearly limitless. He couldn't see the end of its power.

A small smile formed on his face as his despairing outlook dissipated. Even though he had lost everyone, he was still alive... As though the gods were looking out for him.

Even when his adventuring friends died in the house that night, he was also saved... All thanks to the Blade Of Rupture.

Even though he had stolen it, Nathan truly felt a string of fate attached to the Relic.

A slight chuckle began to emanate from his lips, followed by croaks of gentle sobs which gradually escalated.

"Hicc... hicc. Everyone... I'm sorry. Once again, due to my selfishness... Everyone died!" He slowly began to cry.

Even though he was fortunate, the others weren't. That was nothing to celebrate.

After mourning his friends, Nathan composed himself and sat in silence, slowly breathing.

He contemplated what to do next. He had been unconscious for so long, forgetting what time it was.

"I don't even know what day it is!" He mumbled in frustration.

Then there was the girl in the room. Since he had awakened, she had not left the position she was in.

Part of him wanted to talk to her since she seemed to be experiencing internal anguish at the moment, but he somehow felt dread anytime he considered approaching her.

Perhaps it was still as a result of his trauma, or the guilt he had concerning his dead friends, but Nathan wouldn't budge.

"What should I do now? I wonder what Marie is up to now?" He asked himself.

They had both agreed that a day before the Vanishing Dungeon would release all the Adventurers, she would be camping in wait for his return.

"Even now, she's waiting for me" Nathan beamed.

He had his doubts before, but he had finally resolved within himself the next step he would take with her.

"After this, I'll quit being an Adventurer and live a slow and quiet life with Marie!" 

Nathan discarded the grandiose life he previously painted. They didn't need any of that.

With the strange, yet powerful Relic he had by his side, he was sure to survive in any normal circumstance.

"We'll live a solitary life, and even if it's just hunting and stuff I do for a living, it should be enough to live a comfortable life" He smiled.

They would have kids a year or two after their marriage and live as a happy family. The picture became vivid in Nathan's mind as he daydreamed.

"Ah, I can't wait till I see you, Marie. As soon as I get out of her-"

Suddenly, a brilliant blue light descended upon Nathan, ceasing all his thoughts.

"This is... Forceful teleportation?!" Nathan exclaimed in shock.

The reaction of blue light, as well as the immobility he currently experienced, could only be as a result of one thing!

"Time is up!"

Finally, he was leaving this hellish place. He didn't know about others, but he was never going to risk his life for anything anymore. 

All he wanted was a life of peace and happiness with his lover.


The azure light blinded him, returning him to the world he knew quite well.

Slowly, Nathan opened his eyes to see the cheering crowd that usually greeted the brave Adventurers when they returned. However, what he saw caused all the expectations he had built up to crumble.

A devastated landscape, piles of rocks and debris everywhere, pools of blood... And most of all, endless corpses scattered everywhere.

He stood, eyes widened, amongst the few groups of Adventurers who survived.

Everyone has dead looks in their eyes, which further darkened upon returning to another damaged world.

"W-what the hell happened here?!" Nathan mumbled, half asking himself.

"T-they're back...?" The people whispered in shock, all staring at the wretched-looking Adventurers. No cheer or words of praise filled anywhere. 

Everywhere was silent for a moment. Then Nathan's thoughts sparked.

"Marie... She's supposed to be here, right?" 

A scary thought flashed through his mind, but he resided to consider such a thing. He moved his limbs and began pushing through the crowd impatiently.

"Outta my way!" He yelled, darting his eyes through everywhere.

He didn't dare look at any of the deceased around. His gaze was solely transfixed on those who watched him with surprise as he displayed madness.

"Marie! Where is she?!" Nathan yelled, looking everywhere for an answer.

"Young man, calm down!" One of a group of masked fellows suddenly came before Nathan, restraining him before he caused any further scene.

"Marie, my lover... She was supposed to be here waiting for me. Where is she?" Nathan asked the woman who held him tightly, as though she had the answer to his question.

"Over there..." Someone suddenly muttered.

He recognized the voice and looked in the direction of the person who spoke.

It was Talia, the girl he was alone in the room with. Her dreary and empty expression made him snap back to reality as he trailed her fingers which pointed in a particular direction.

"N-no... It can't be..." His eyes bulged as he finally caught a glimpse of his lover.

Half of her body was crushed by a massive boulder, leaving only her upper part intact. She had already lost too much blood, and the damage was irreparable, so Nathan knew the woman before him at the moment, was dead.

"Marie, no... Y-You can't leave me like this." He mumbled, slowly drawing closer to the bloodied corpse of the woman.

His knees grew weak as they gave out strength, causing him to collapse on them.

His body trembled and tears formed in his eyes. This was not an illusion, everything he saw was real. 

The woman before him, his lover... She was gone!

"Please ... N-no... You can't be dead... Marieeeee!!!" 

Tears gushed out of his eyes as he cried in pain and loss. Screaming from his lungs, he wailed uncontrollably, kneeling before his everything.


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