HEX: Aspect Of The Void

Chapter 176 - The Forgotten Ones (Pt 2) [Extra ]

{Nathan's Despair}

"Marieeeeeeeee!!!" Nathan screamed in agony.

The other Adventurers gave dead eyes as they watched one of them lament in pain. Many ignored him. After all, they too had their problems.

Nathan had no idea how long he spent weeping over his loved one. By the time he was done, his entire body ached in exhaustion.

"Hic... Hicc..." He still sobbed.

"That's enough, Adventurer." A voice came from behind him.

Nathan turned to see who it was and found one of the masked individuals approaching him.

"Pull yourself together! And you call yourself a man, an Adventurer for that matter!" The woman spoke with slight disdain.

"W-what do you know?" Nathan mumbled, feeling like the most miserable person in the world.

"I know you've lost someone important, but so have many others. The whole city is in panic, yet you're here battling your eyes out. As an Adventurer, you should understand your obligations... Or need I remind you?" The woman asked harshly.

Deep within him, Nathan knew she was right. He understood that he was just being selfish, lamenting the loss of his fiance when there were hundreds more who died. There were also many injured, and the city was in disarray. 

Suddenly, as though just considering it, a question flashed through his mind.

"H-how did this happen?" He mumbled.

He didn't even consider it, since he was just returning from the dungeon and his mind instinctively went to Marie, but upon regaining a fraction of his reasoning, he wanted to know what could have caused such mayhem.

"A monster... The final boss of the Vanishing Dungeon..." The woman answered, a slight tint of fear was evident in her tone.

Nathan's eyes bulged when he heard this. How was it possible? Since the many years of the Dungeon's appearance, no boss had been able to escape.

"H-how is that even... What kind of monster would even be able to-" Nathan's voice shook in disbelief.

"It called itself Wrath... One of the Evil One's Generals. It was unlike anything anyone had ever seen..." 

Upon hearing her explanation, his mind processed it, syncing the description made to the monster he encountered within the Vanishing Dungeon.

"I-it's the same monster!" Nathan's mind rang.

He didn't kill the monster, it escaped from the Dungeon and wreaked havoc everywhere.

Nathan's body shook upon realizing this... Feeling overcome by an emotion that wasn't his current.

"It's fortunate that a Platinum Ranked Adventurer came and defeated the monster... If not for him, we would have been..."

Nathan's eyes bulged. Who was capable of killing such a monster.

"That demon easily killed a Dragon! There's no way anyone would so easily-" He protested in his thoughts.

"...Sir Rio Xarion..."

Upon hearing the name of the city's savior, the realization dawned on him... He had been a fool all along.

Looking at Marie's pale face, he gave her one final look and used his hand to close her wide eyes.

Rising to his feet, Nathan turned his back against everyone. The masked woman was shocked by the effrontery he displayed, walking away.

"Where do you think you're going? Everywhere is in shambles, also there is to be a joint meeting to discuss what happened within the Vanishing Dungeon. As an Adventurer, it is your duty to-!"

"I quit!" Nathan responded to the woman's words, not stopping for even a moment as he walked off.

A lot of thoughts jumbled within his head as he slowly moved away from the crowd. The dots connected, and he suddenly realized.

"Rio... Is not who he seems to be..."

Nathan had grown suspicious of him since the house incident but refused to say or even think anything about Rio due to the fear and trauma.

However, the strange power his weapon possessed, and how it formerly belonged to Rio, bothered him quite a bit.

He had no intention of returning it, but he still couldn't shake off the fact that Rio knew of his theft all the while.

"And now he suddenly kills a legendary monster, capable of slaying a dragon? Bulkshit!" Rio growled.

His sadness for the loss of his dear fiance slowly diminished, replaced by something else.


"I've been played... We've all been played... I don't know why, or how... But it's all because of him!" Nathan thought of the new champion of Lamar.

Before his arrival, everything was going on smoothly. Suddenly, things took a turn for the worse after he showed up.

Coincidence? No way!

While frustration seemed to swirl about his heart, within him something darker found expression. Rage!

"It's all his fault!"

The slaughter of his friends, his party's annihilation, Marie's death... Everything had to be connected to that man somehow.

"I have to... I have to stop him. I'm the only one who knows... Everyone else sees him as a hero, but I know... Deep under that guise, he's a monster!" 

Still, even with his discovery and resolve, Nathan wasn't stupid. He was well aware of his limited strength. If Rio was as powerful as they said, and how he imagined him to be, then he too needed exponential growth.

To have his revenge and expose the monster for was, Nathan also needed strength.

"I swear to you, Marie... For the both of us... I will be sure to take him down! Rio Xarion... Your days are numbered!"

With resolve in his heart, Nathan made his decision to leave Lamar and journey far away. His journey and search for strength were just beginning.

{Talia's Despondency}

Talia silently left the crowd, avoiding anyone's attention. She used a special trick to hide her presence since they all recognized her as one of the Platinum Ranked Adventurers.

Walking alone In the empty streets of Lamar, Talia felt anguish, as though she was about to break down.

"It hurts... It hurts... Lord Hexarion..." She mumbled in self-pity and pain.

She had been abandoned by her master, one whom she had devoted her entire being in service to.

"I-I failed him..." 

Talia was confused about what to do. Without Hexarion, her life was meaningless. His last words to her constantly rang in her head.

"... Even with everything I have done for you, you are still USELESS..."

She remembered how speechless she was when he made that statement. He wasn't wrong.

She knew how time and time again she interrupted him. How she complained and nagged. She was aware of her contradictory nature and how she never agreed with most of his methods.

"I only... Wanted to be seen by you..." Talia wept within herself.

Her outer expression was empty as she maintained a stoic appearance, walking aimlessly.

Before she knew it, she was at the gate of Lamar, exiting the city.

Perhaps this was the right thing to do. Knowing Hexarion, Talia was aware he still had plans for the city.

Her being there would only get in his way. Besides, he had bluntly told her not to show her face before him again. 

She wasn't worthy

"You would do well never to appear before me. As long as you remain in this pathetic state, there is no place for you by my side" Hexarion had told her.

"I'm pathetic... There's no place for me..." She whispered slowly, having only despair in her eyes.

"You too, uh? I'm the same..." A voice suddenly cut through her line of thought.

Talia recognized it. Turning to her right, she saw the man who faced her with a sad look as well.

"You are...?" Talia mumbled.

{Convergence Of The Forgotten Ones}

"Nathan... I suppose we've had the pleasure of speaking on a few occasions. And, you did help me identify my fiance..." Nathan smiled.

Talia's dead expression remained.

"That was nothing... If you'll excuse me..." She muttered, attempting to continue her despairing walk.

"Please wait!" Nathan suddenly called out to her.

Talia stopped dead on her heels upon hearing this. A tinge of irritation coursed through as she wondered what further business the man had with her.

"You mentioned earlier, how pathetic you are. I understand how you feel. I also... I feel the same" Nathan said with a sad smile.

"And?" Talia shot him an impatient look.

"Well, I don't even know what to say to you, but... Let me at least mention this..." He chuckled a little, though it appeared forced.

"Moping around won't change anything!" 

His sudden stern statement shook Talia's heart a little, though this also aggravated her.

"How dare he speak in such a manner? As if he knows anything! He's merely a little speck in the Grand scheme of things-!" Talia thought to herself.

However, an opposing thought suddenly snapped her arrogant banter.

"What about you, Talia?!"

Cold sweat dripped from her face as she realized, for the first time... How utterly meaningless she was.

Finally coming to terms with her identity, Talia knew... She was truly nothing!

"So what if you are? Just get stronger!" Nathan's voice suddenly pierced through the dark clouds that covered her being.

"E-eh...?" She slowly muttered, snapping back to reality.

"If you don't like how you are now... Then grow above it. That's the path I've decided to take." 

Looking at Nathan's sincere face, for the first time, she met his eyes. It was full of loss and regret, lots of pain and blame existed deep within them. But, fierce determination and an unstoppable drive also dwelled in his countenance.

This man before her... Was serious.

"Can I also... Truly change...?" Talia asked herself.

If she grew and truly changed, would Hexarion accept her back?

She was weak, dumb, loud, clingy... among many other things.

However, if she could change... Perhaps then she could take her place by his side.

"I... also... will take that path!" Talia finally spoke, returning the expression Nathan gave her.

Absolute determination.

Nathan smiled and so did Talia. An unlikely pair, brought together by their powerlessness. They had both lost the one most precious to them and had nothing... Nothing but the desire to change.

"Why don't we begin then? The journey that changes everything.... For a better version of us!"

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