HEX: Aspect Of The Void

Chapter 177 - Character Profile: Talia

Name: Talia


- Wingless Fairy

- Hexarion's Ex-Subordinate

- Platinum Ranked Adventurer (Rank 9)

- Traveller

Age: Unknown

- k16 Years (Current Look)


- The Fairy Race

- Hexarion (Formerly)

- Lamar's Adventurer Guild

- Nathan

- Shamac (Formerly)

- Wrath (Formerly)

- Ana (Deceased)

Height: 5ft plus

Hair color: Black

Eye Color: Pink

Notable features: Very pretty, possessing an innocent face and well-endowed body. Has fair skin and an irresistible charm resembling someone noble.


- Hexarion (Formerly)

Hexarion is the Primordial Of The Void, one of the most powerful beings in existence. Though he is in his weakened form, he plans on achieving his goal and wages war against the gods and Primordials who rule the world.

As the first one to be chosen by Hexarion after he revived on Earth, Talia dedicated her all to being his subordinate. She obeyed his instructions and followed him for the most part. However, after Hexarion severs his ties with her, Talia is left without a master and roams the world to regain strength so she can return to his side.

- Shamac (Formerly)

Shamac is Hexarion's second slave, and one of Talia's few comrades. He is a hybrid shifter. He possesses the properties of both Shapeshifter and Shadowshifter. He and Talia have a complicated relationship which most times appear to be antagonistic, but ultimately she values his friendship and knows of his potential.

Shamac is able to alter his shape however he wishes. He is also able to control his shadow and create different structures from it. He is weaker during the day, but at night he is extremely powerful and dangerous.

- Ana (Deceased)

Ana was a former Apostle and Hexarion's third slave. After battling Hexarion and losing woefully, she was added to his ranks and became one of his subordinates. She proved to be Talia's biggest rival in their joint interest of serving Hexarion.

Just like Talia, Ana also pledged her entire existence to Hexarion, the only difference being that while Talia is casual with Hexarion, Ana worshiped him as her god. She was very devout and faithful to Hexarion. She possessed the grace of Hades which allows her to swallow objects into a separate space and being those objects out at any location she pleased. She was killed by Hexarion after absorbing her Aspects and information in order to create Ruth, who possesses her memories.

- Nathan

Talia's newly found comrade and her current partner. Nathan is a former Adventurer of Lamar, and also a criminal known as 'The Suicide Plunderer'. He changed his ways after losing his friends, but still encountered despair when he ventured into the Vanishing Dungeon and also lost his fiance, Marie. Talia encounters him at her lowest and he gives her a few words of encouragement, allowing her to find her resolve.

As both of them lost important ones to them in the incident of the Vanishing Dungeon, they decided to go on a journey to change their pathetic states.

Now traveling the world together, they hope to transform into better versions of themselves.



Talia is a fairy, one of the blessed races of Earth endowed with the innate ability to manipulate the Aspects of their surrounding. She became wingless after being captured by corrupt soldiers and nearly sold off as a slave. Hexarion rescues her from this fate and she swears to dedicate her all to him.

Many are unaware of her mysterious background, however, Talia has a complicated relationship with her kin.

Treated as a criminal and scorned as a result of an incident that occurred, she was ostracized and banished.

Talia believes herself to be innocent, blaming them for their wrongful treatment of her. She harbors intense resentment toward her race and agrees with Hexarion in his plan to destroy the world due to this reason.

While she has displayed a friendly and innocent personality so far, Talia has a dark and twisted side to her. Hexarion noticed this tendency and decided to take her in as his subordinate.

However, to his annoyance, she is yet to display any of the darkness lurking within her.


Talia is often seen as cheerful and expressive. She has a confident demeanor and an optimistic outlook on life. She is hesitant to take a life and will always question very sadistic behaviors or plans that she is witnesses. She can also be very arrogant and overconfident in herself, placing herself in high regard when it concerns Hexarion. Displaying a high level of jealousy and possessiveness, Talia is highly obsessed with Hexarion.

She has a short fuse, gets easily upset over the slightest things, and can be very stubborn in many cases. In most instances, only Hexarion has been shown to be able to fully keep her under control.

However, this all changes after Hexarion abandons her in the Vanishing Dungeon. Realizing the hopeless level she is in, Talia concludes that she is nowhere near important to her former master, and decides to grow as a person in order to prove her worth. 


- Limited Aspect Manipulation

As a member of the Fairy race, Talia can commune with Aspects of her surroundings to a limited extent. This allows her to control plants and the earth to a certain degree.

- Multiple Fairy Wings

Talia possesses nine fairy wings, giving her a phenomenally higher potential and maximum power compared to any other Fairy in existence. However, since she has been shown to be unable to fully control this power, a seal is placed within her. She is limited to only using a small portion of her full powers by loosening the seals placed on her.

The Fairy Wings each possess special attributes which give her new abilities the more seals she unlocks.

She has been shown to display feats such as light manipulation, object strengthening, hyperspeed, fiery aura control, projection, and Aspect shaping.

Her sealed powers still contain other potential abilities, making her full capabilities unknown.

- Cocoon Of Darkness

The Cocoon of Darkness is a Treasure of Hexarion which is one of its kind. As one of the very few treasures made from Hexarion's Void Aspect, it is considered very valuable and powerful. It is capable of sealing anything within, preserving Aspects as well as nullifying Aspects.

The Cocoon is Talia's life support. It prevents the high concentration of Aspects within her from going beserk and killing her. 

Layering the powers into seals, Talia can loosen them to gain access to greater power, as long as she can handle it.

Also, by covering her body in the Black Cocoon properties, Talia increases all her abilities and also nullifies Aspects as a result of the Void nature of the Treasure.

However, since she is also made of Aspects, using this ability takes a heavy toll on her and she avoids using it often.

- Fairy Composition

Talia possesses the body and abilities of a fairy. In her winged form, she is granted the ability of flight, super speed, and heightened senses. 

She is able to commune, to an extent, with her surrounding Aspects, allowing her to perceive things around her.

- Advanced Combat Prowess

Being trained by Hexarion himself, Talia is very skilled in battle, though a little lacking compared to Hexarion's other subordinates.

She possesses high mobility in aerial combat and is incredibly flexible and fast. She is also able to launch intensely quick projectiles and also generate constructs, making her versatile in both long-range and short-range combat.


- Immaturity

Talia is naive and childish, making her view many circumstances in very shallow ways. She possesses very little intelligence and has a short fuse. As a result of this, Shamac has proven more resourceful than her and also capable of winning against her even though it is clearly stated that Talia has an overall greater power.

She throws tantrums and had little self-control, making her incredibly annoying to her colleagues and master. 

After she is abandoned, Talia works on this trait.

- Overconfidence

A fatal character flaw in Talia, second only to her immaturity. She is aware of her strength and believes herself to be highly superior to most opponents she faces, believing she can win against them if she gives her all.

This is eventually shattered after Hexarion points out her uselessness and abandons her.

- Arts

The Art of Hex and the Art of Grace prove lethal to most, Talia is not an exception. Though she is able to nullify or interfere with them to a certain extent due to her Cocoon Of Darkness, since her mastery of it is very low, it can't protect her for too long.

- Aspects

The Aspects that the Primordials control are everywhere. This makes Talia incredibly vulnerable to them. Though she can interfere with them a little since she is a Fairy, her control is not nearly enough when against much higher levels of power.

- Mortality

As a living being, Talia can die. Should The Cocoon Of Darkness be removed from her, or should she release more power than she should, she will run into overdrive and destroy herself. There's also the likelihood of being killed through normal means, and though her durability is high, Talia is not invincible.


- Hexarion's Adversaries

- Monsters

- Imperial/Royal Knights

- The Fairy Race

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