HEX: Aspect Of The Void

Chapter 178 - Character Profile: Shamac

Name: Shamac


 The Shadowshifter

 The Shapeshifter

The Hybrid

Hexarion's Slave

Irredeemable Simp

Age: 14 Years


Imperius Auction House (Artia Branch)







Lamar Adventurer's Guild

Height: 5ft plus

Hair color: Black

Eye Color: Black/Purple

Notable features: Young-looking appearance and defiant glare. Appears calm and stoic in the presence of Hexarion but exhibits more sadistic traits in battle.


- Hexarion

Hexarion is the Primordial Of The Void, one of the most powerful beings in existence. Though he is in his weakened form, he plans on achieving his goal and wages war against the gods and Primordials who rule the world. He encounters Shamac during an Auction event in the Imperius Auction House (Artia Branch) and buys him as a slave.

Though Shamac initially despised Hexarion, he grew to fear him after a thorough education given by the new master. He eventually grows to love and respect Hexarion as they journey together.

- Talia (Formerly)

She is the first subordinate of Hexarion and Shamac's senior. Though they engage in occasional squabbles, these two have been shown to care really deeply for each other. As a fairy, Talia can somewhat commune with surrounding Aspects, allowing the objects they make up to obey her.

Currently, Talia has been exiled by Hexarion, making them ex-comrades.

- Ana (Deceased)

Ana was a former Apostle and Hexarion's third slave. As a former enemy, she battled Hexarion and lost woefully. After this, Hexarion manipulated her mind, showing her altered memories. She pledged her entire existence to Hexarion and worshiped him as her god.

Ana was Shamac's love interest before she met her end by Hexarion's hands. While Shamac is shown to be indiscriminately drawn to any girl he meets, it's clear that he harbors special feelings for Ana. Even Hexarion noticed this.

Upon her death and rebirth in the form of Ruth, Shamac decides to find a way to relate to the new version of Ana and get closer to her.

- Wrath

One of Hexarion's generals and a highly powerful monster. He is beyond the capabilities of Shamac, threatening his position in the group.

Despite this, Shamac looks up to him and respects his strength, seeing him as an obstacle to overcome in order to be capable of fighting 'The Executioner'

- Ruth

Hexarion's new creation and the first complete and genuine intelligence Hexarion has ever created. Her consciousness is made up of both THE ROOT OF ALL's core programming and Ana's Aspect structure. So far she has displayed no interest in Shamac, though he still hasn't given up. He hopes to be able to do something he didn't attempt with Ana, become friends with her, and eventually someone special.

- Lumia

Lumia is an artificial goddess, Hexarion's newest subordinate. She is very powerful and socially awkward, though she masks it in a graceful manner and appears stoic most of the time. Shamac is attracted to her, of course, but focuses more on Ruth.



Shamac is a very young Shifter. As a hybrid, he possesses both qualities of a Shapeshifter and a Shadowshifter, able to manipulate the Aspects of his body and shadows. This allows him free control of the form, shape, size, etc. of his body and shadows.

As a creature of the night, during the day, Shamac is considerably weaker and calmer. However, during the night, his primal instincts become more pronounced as he becomes more powerful and bloodthirsty. These adverse effects have been curbed by Hexarion's treasure 'Void Dark', ensuring the presence of darkness is always with him.

Growing up, Shamac had no interaction with anyone and was eventually captured by slave traders. He is auctioned at the Imperius Auction House and catches the attention of Hexarion, who buys him. This begins their relationship as master and servant, which grows deeper as time passes.

Currently, Shamac still serves Hexarion, being one of his most loyal followers.


Shamac normally has a very silent and calm personality, rarely ever displaying much emotion. However, this is all a facade. His true personality is childish and extremely playful. Since he is a teenager, he has rebellious tendencies with a wild imagination. However, due to his reverence of Hexarion, he keeps most of his extreme expressions at bay, appearing much quiet instead.

Another flip side to the coin is when Shamac engages in combat. He appears excited and intensely fixated on an opponent, especially when such an individual is strong. He has also been shown to exhibit sadistic tendencies in fights, similar to Hexarion. Displaying cold attitudes at times, and psychotic grins during other moments, Shamac is thrilled when confronted by any powerful opponent.

One can only assume that his master has had an effect on him.

Despite his young age and warped personality, Shamac is extremely crafty and strategic. He has been shown to display vast levels of intelligence when confronted with difficult situations and in battles where he is outmatched. Even Ana and Talia had to acknowledge this. 

His loyalty is firm toward Hexarion, unwavering even when Ana was killed right before his eyes. He even threatens to kill Talia who was protesting about the incident. This indicates that there is no one more valuable to him than his master.

Hexarion is aware of the potential this boy holds and has a much greater role for him in the times to come. 

Finally, one of the most dominant traits of Shamac is his love for women. Yes, Shamac is a simp who gets very attached to the female gender. Perhaps this is due to his lack of interaction with the opposite sex during the short span of his life, or due to his raging hormones as a teenager. He simply can't resist women.


- Shapeshifting

Shamac has the ability to transform his body into any form, shape, size, and kind he desires. As a result of his Hybrid nature, he can mix this ability with his other variant, making him very formidable.

He can undergo a partial or full transformation, depending on the situation. A major condition for this ability is his knowledge of what he wants to transform into.

- Shadow Manipulation

As a result of his Hybrid status, Shamac can not only alter his shape but also his shadow. As a Shadowshifter, he is able to control the Aspects making up his shadow, giving them tangible form. He is able to harden, sharpen, enlarge, duplicate, and control the movements of his shadow.

He possesses various preset forms, and can also transform his shadow into anything he wishes, e.g. A Hydra.

His shadow maintains the quality of the total Aspects It possesses, making him somewhat limited in its application.

Also, as a 'dark' attribute, it is extremely weak toward light and can hardly be used during the day... Except with the help of a darkness supplement.

- Void Dark

A special Treasure given to him by Hexarion. It is in form of a dark necklace with a purple glint. This object is one of the very few which contain Hexarion's Void attribute, making it extremely rare. 

It provides Shamac the presence of darkness, making him free to use his ability even during the daytime. Also enhancing his prowess, he can draw out more power from his shadows than normal.

- Extreme Intelligence/Brilliant Strategist

Shamac has displayed on many occasions, his mental fortitude, and calculative mind. He is very quick-witted and has sharp battle instincts, allowing him to make the most of any situation, even when it is disadvantageous. While he is not the perfect planner and has been shown to be wrong on multiple instances, he remains one of Hexarion's most valuable assets as a result of his logical personality. 

His guesses are usually accurate, and he is fast in adapting to situations. However, his love for women sometimes makes him falter in his decision-making since he is a simp.

- High Combat Prowess

Shamac is highly skilled in combat. His Shapeshifting and Shadowshifting abilities make him incredibly versatile in both aerial and land combat. He is capable of fighting in close range and even far distances, making him capable of assaulting almost any opponent.

His strategic mindset also plays an important role in his fighting, allowing him to adapt to almost any situation and launch a counterattack.

He has been shown to be able to handle far stronger opponents, and his growth is still far from over.

- Enhanced Physical Abilities

Due to his ability to control his body's makeup, Shamac can decide to increase his physical capabilities, making him faster and more powerful.

Also altering his form, he can compensate for his reach and size in any way, making him the perfect fighter under melee conditions.

- Regeneration

Shamac can heal himself by shapeshifting. This allows him to close most wounds and damage he receives. However, the pain will still remain, and some injuries are beyond his recovery abilities.


- Women

One of Shamac's most notable features is that he is a simp. As such, he finds women absolutely irresistible. Due to this fatal flaw, he finds it impossible to control himself even if he realizes that his actions are illogical.

His emotions also hinder him from acting sensibly, however, he has also been shown to be able to control himself when Hexarion is involved.

- Arts

The Art of Hex and the Art of Grace are lethal to any living creature in the world, and Shamac is no exception. Hex has been shown to damage him, and even Grace leaves the same impression. 

Currently, he has little or no defenses for the Arts, making this a major vulnerability.


As a creature of the night, Shamac is extremely vulnerable to light-based attacks. Though this has been somewhat mitigated by 'Void Dark', it still remains a major weakness of his shadow.

- Aspects

The Aspects that the Primordials control are everywhere. As such, even though Shamac can control his body's Aspects, his surroundings are on entirely different levels. Should he face an opponent with this capability, the odds would turn against him.

- Mortality

Like every living creature in the world, Shamac can die. While this is difficult to do, since he can always fix himself with his Shapeshifting ability or Shadow Manipulation, sufficient damage should be enough to entirely sever him from his mortal coil.


- Hexarion's Enemies

- The Executione

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