HEX: Aspect Of The Void

Chapter 179 - Character Profile: Wrath

Name: Wrath


- One Of The Seven Deadly Sins

- Hexarion's General

- Demon Of Terror

Age: Unknown


- Hexarion

- The Seven Deadly Sins

- Ruth

- Shamac

- Lumia

Height: 7 Meters

7ft (Human Form)

Hair Color: White

Eye Color: Crimson/Red

Notable Features: A very well-built creature, huge, having large horns, wings, as well as a tail. Possesses a glistening body. However, in human form, he is slightly taller than Hexarion with muscular features and a handsome face.


- Hexarion

Hexarion is the Primordial Of The Void, one of the most powerful beings in existence. Though he is in his weakened form, he plans on achieving his goal and wages war against the gods and Primordials who rule the world. He is the creator of Wrath and his sworn master. The relationship between the two extends for thousands of years, when Hexarion was still a Primordial. 

Wrath's loyalty to Hexarion is absolute and will always believe him to be right.

- The Seven Deadly Sins

The Seven Deadly Sins is a group of seven members who are Hexarion's generals. They are currently the most powerful of all Hexarion's intelligent creations, each possing Divine Grade Treasures, making them akin to gods.

Currently, only Wrath has been discovered.

- Shamac

Shamac is Hexarion's second slave, and one of Talia's few comrades. He is a hybrid shifter. He possesses the properties of both Shapeshifter and Shadowshifter. Wrath initially has no reaction to him during their first encounter and even dismisses him off as weak and irrelevant. However, he begins to appreciate more of his qualities as time progresses.

- Ruth

Hexarion's new creation and the first complete and genuine intelligence Hexarion has ever created. Her consciousness is made up of both THE ROOT OF ALL's core programming and Ana's Aspect structure. Ruth bears very little interest to Wrath, though he is quite familiar with the ROOT part of her. However, they are both underlings of Hexarion, as well as fellow creations made by him.

- Lumia

Lumia is an artificial goddess, Hexarion's newest subordinate. She is very powerful and socially awkward, though she masks it in a graceful manner and appears stoic most of the time. Wrath has no problem with her since Hexarion vouches for her.



Wrath is a Demon created by Hexarion. Appearing as the final Boss Monster of the Vanishing Dungeon, he is revealed to be one of Hexarion's seven most powerful subordinates known as the Seven Deadly Sins. 

As Hexarion's general, Wrath is extremely loyal to his master and believes any action made by him is right. Since he is also Hexarion's creation, Wrath is incapable of rebelling against Hexarion.

He is also very old, as he has been alive since Hexarion was a Primordial.


Wrath is very loyal and hardheaded, having no semblance of common sense since he is mostly driven by his loyalty to Hexarion. 

He is also not too bright, as Hexarion stated his mental capacity was too low. In contrast, he is severely powerful, even among the ranks of the Seven Deadly Sins. Due to this, Wrath is only interested in fighting extremely powerful opponents.

As his name implies, Wrath has a very short fuse and gets annoyed easily. The only exception to this is when Hexarion specifically orders him to perform a task that requires him to keep his emotions in check.

He has a brawny nature which makes him decide nearly everything based on strength. The very definition of 'Might makes Right!'.


- Non-aspect Composition

Wrath's body is composed of non Aspect properties. Since he possesses the same body as Hexarion, this gives him equal capabilities. It is revealed that this non Aspect Property is derived from the Nether Element, an unknown existence of nonexistence within the world

Since his body is independent of Aspect, normal concepts of existence do not apply to it, unless he wills them to. General laws and concepts such as exhaustion, distance, physical limitations, etc. do not affect him. 

Most importantly, he is able to act without the monitoring or control of the Primordials and gods, since they control and are aware of all things under the Aspects they control. This allows him the same protection as Hexarion.

It was also stated by Hexarion that Wrath's body is superior to his in durability and power. However, as Hexarion has already absorbed the Nether Core, that statement no longer applies.

- Energy Manipulation

Wrath possesses a high level of energy, allowing him to control it however he wishes, either by strengthening himself further or manipulating others with it. Taking the form of telekinesis, Wrath can control other objects using his energy, or simply crush them.

- Intense Pressure

Wrath generates intense pressure capable of commanding the submission of nearly every creature around him. Unless such a being is stronger than he is or has a form of resistance, Wrath can subjugate anyone with this overwhelming force.

Of course, this only applies to beings who possess Aspect-based bodies, making Hexarion immune to this attack.

- Dragon Robe Of Armageddon

This is Wrath's Divine Grade Treasure, given to him by Hexarion. Taking the form of fiery covering around Wrath, it provides him with a boost capable of destroying anything in sight. The intense heat melts everything in its presence and the destructive capabilities, when used to its maximum is capable of destroying a pocket dimension or even a world.

- Great Knowledge 

Wrath is the oldest of all Hexarion's current subordinates. Since he was born when Hexarion was still a Primordial, he is highly knowledgeable about the state of the world as well as the gods and Primordials.

With a vast amount of knowledge and an amount of experience tracing several millennia, it is safe to assume that Wrath is one of the most knowledgeable beings currently on Earth.

Despite this, it has been stated that Wrath is not very intelligent since his mental capacity is low. However, compared to most creatures, he is still quite smart and analytic.

To an extent, he is aware of the laws that make up the world and the true nature of everything that is.

- Self Structure Manipulation

Wrath's body was made by Hexarion, and since it wasn't created naturally, he is able to alter any and all properties within his body and without. His shape, height, weight, appearance... Everything about his body is under his control and can be changed whenever he pleases. This gives him an unfathomable advantage in combat since he is able to adjust his strength to suit whatever style he wishes.

- High Combat Prowess

Wrath is highly skilled in combat, far greater than even the most seasoned warriors. Other than the unimaginable strength of his artificial body, he also possesses countless knowledge on fighting and is most likely well versed in all styles of combat since he is able to adapt to any situation he finds himself in. Since his most dominant field is combat, he displays extremely high levels of offensive power.

- Enhanced Physical Abilities

Wrath possesses maximized physical abilities due to the nature of his artificial body. His strength, agility, durability, etc. are beyond the realm of any human and most creatures in existence. Most high-level attacks are unable to damage him or even put a scratch on him. His strength has shown no limits, and his high sensory abilities greatly exceed that of anyone else, with the exception of a few. Abilities such as flight and regeneration are also available to him.

- Memory Drain

One of Hexarion's abilities that Wrath also possesses. He is able to entirely collect the memories of his target so long as he maintains physical contact with them. The transfer of memory information is instantaneous, and this makes most of his targets unable to bear the strain of the transfer. His targets lose their minds and enter vegetative states, or become insane. Wrath is able to sort through the information he receives at any given time, or simply skim through it. However, due to his very low memory capacity, he hardly uses this ability unless necessary.


- Rage

This emotion is a major aspect of Wrath's personality. He gets easily upset at the slightest provocation, especially in matters concerning Hexarion. This is curved whenever Hexarion orders him to halt his anger, but in the absence of that, he can be extremely volatile.

This allows him to lose what little sense of reason he has and attacks blindly.

- Overconfidence

This is one of Wrath's fatal flaws. Due to his strength, Wrath refuses to fight with anyone weaker than he is. He also looks down on them. 

- Divine Power

Divine power is a major weakness of Wrath. The gods use this ability, and they are capable of damaging him if they use enough of their power.

- Art Of Grace

The Art of Hex and the Art of Grace exist in the world, and its users run rampant. Hex is harmless to Wrath since he possesses near complete resistance to them. However, the Art of Grace uses Divine Power to function, making it dangerous to him. Still, unless it is powerful enough to deal damage to him, or bypass his durability, Wrath won't be affected.

- Aspects

The Aspects that the Primordials control are everywhere. Since Wrath's body is compromised of non-Aspect properties, he is not bound by them. However, they can still be dangerous to him since he is currently existing in the world. Just like Hexarion, Wrath is currently avoiding the attention of the gods and Primordials for this very reason, since if he is found out, Aspects can turn against him which will end up in his death.

- Mortality

While Wrath is extremely sturdy and durable, he isn't immortal. Even though he doesn't feel pain, unless he is affected by a Void attribute or Nether Element, if he suffers enough damage, Wrath will die.


- Hexarion's Enemies

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