HEX: Aspect Of The Void

Chapter 180 - Character Profile: Ruth

Name: Ruth


Unique Creation

Hexarion's Subordinate

Age: Less Than A Year






Lamar Adventurer's Guild

Height: 5ft plus

Hair color: Silver

Eye Color: Black/White

Notable features: Young-looking appearance and extremely flawless and clear skin. Appears graceful, like royalty.


- Hexarion

Hexarion is the Primordial Of The Void, one of the most powerful beings in existence. Though he is in his weakened form, he plans on achieving his goal and wages war against the gods and Primordials who rule the world. He creates Ruth by merging ROOT and Ana's attributes. This allows her to obtain information from both elements.

As her master, creator, and love interest, Ruth is forever bound by Hexarion, never leaving his side. 

- Shamac

Shamac is Hexarion's second slave, and one of Talia's few comrades. He is a hybrid shifter. He possesses the properties of both Shapeshifter and Shadowshifter. Ruth has displayed no affection toward him, and views him only as a necessary comrade and fellow subordinate of Hexarion. This may be due to the calculative tendency she psseses as a result of ROOT's influence on her being.

- Wrath

One of Hexarion's generals and a highly powerful monster. As a fellow subordinate of Hexarion, Ruth bears similar comradeship with him, viewing him as an important ally and subordinate of Hexarion.

- Lumia

Lumia is an artificial goddess, Hexarion's newest subordinate. She is very powerful and socially awkward, though she masks it in a graceful manner and appears stoic most of the time. She is the only one whom Ruth harbors a slight resentment against. She is suspiscous of her, due to being a god made by the Primordials, as well as the only other woman in the group.



Ruth is an artificial intelligence created by Hexarion. Using the core structure of ROOT, and the Aspect structure of Ana, dhe was birthed as a new being. 

Now possessing the body Hexarion made for her, Ruth purposes to serve Hexarion as her maker, master, and lover (in her head). Since she has the memories of Ana and ROOT, she is extremely loyal and in love with Hexarion.


Ruth is a very calm and calculative person. She usually appears composed, only expressing extreme emotions in the presence of Hexarion, whom she loves, or Lumia, whom she despises.

Still, she is highly aware of her purpose and neevr let's her emotions get in the way of her duty. 

Having both properties of two highly capable subordinates, Ruth is very smart and useful to Hexarion. She is aware of this, and professes to be Hexarion's closest and most competent ally.


- The Treasury

Ruth is connected to Hexarion, and as such she still has access to the treasury within him since they all resonate with her. She is able to wield the items stored there, though some are too powerful for her to handle at her level of strength.

- Pocket Dimension (ROOT REALM)

Combining Ana's Realm Of Limbo and ROOT's original space, Ruth has the ability to generate and instantly transport herself and anyone she wishes to her world. Since it is nearly endless and under her control, it proves very useful in many ways.

- Non-Aspect Composition

Ana's body is composed of non-Aspect properties. Since she possesses the same body as Hexarion, this gives her equal capabilities. It is revealed that this non Aspect Property is derived from the Nether Element, an unknown existence of nonexistence within the world

Since her body is independent of Aspect, normal concepts of existence do not apply to it, unless she wills them to. General laws and concepts such as exhaustion, distance, physical limitations, etc. do not affect her. 

Most importantly, she is able to act without the monitoring or control of the Primordials and gods, since they control and are aware of all things under the Aspects they control. This allows her the same protection as Hexarion.


Ruth possess the knowledge and capability to use HEX. This is a system of Hexarion's invention which is highly powerful and versatile. Hex was created when Hexarion was still a Primordial. Using the Aspects as a base, Hex interferes with the system of the world, the Aspects, allowing Ruth to manipulate the elements of existence however she wishes, depending on the Hex used. Hex isn't all powerful since it requires certain conditions to activate. Hex cuts across several Aspects and is applicable in many areas.

There are currently 100 Hex tecniques that exist. It ranges from #99, being the weakest to #0.

It is currently unknown how many Hexes she can use, or how profecient she is when compared to Hexarion.

- Arcane Knowledge/Ultra Processing

Ruth is the most mentally capable of all Hexarion's current subordinates. She has a calculative mind, combined with several programings installed within her. This allows her to deduce and appraise nearly everything within the world. From materials, to Aspects, she is able to identify then all. Also, she remembers ROOT's memories from when Hexarion was still a Primordial, making her highly knowledgeable about the state of the world as well as the gods and Primordials.

With a vast amount of knowledge and an amount of experience tracing several millennia, it is safe to assume that Ruth is one of the most knowledgeable beings currently on Earth.

It is not yet discovered the limits to her mental capacity, but it is definitely top-tier.

To an extent, she is aware of the laws that make up the world and the true nature of everything that is.

- Self Structure Manipulation

Ruth's body was made by Hexarion, and since it wasn't created naturally, she is able to alter any and all properties within her body and without. Her shape, height, weight, appearance... Everything about her body is under her control and can be changed whenever she pleases. This gives her an unfathomable advantage in combat since she is able to adjust her strength to suit whatever style she wishes.

- High Combat Prowess

While Ruth is not as skilled as the rest of Hexarion's subordinates in close-range, she is highly capable and versatile with the use of HEX. 

Also taking her calculative mind into account, she can predict and analyze the flow of battle.

- Enhanced Physical Abilities

Ruth possesses maximized physical abilities due to the nature of her artificial body. Her strength, agility, durability, etc. are beyond the realm of any human and most creatures in existence. Most high-level attacks are unable to damage her or even put a scratch on her. Her level of physical strength and durability are still lower than Hexarion's or Wrath's, but she is in a class of her own compared to many others. She also has extremely sharp senses, only inferior to Hexarion among their group. Abilities such as flight and regeneration are also available to her.

- Memory Drain

One of Hexarion's abilities that Ana also possesses. She is able to entirely collect the memories of her target so long as she maintains physical contact with them. The transfer of memory information is instantaneous, and this makes most of her targets unable to bear the strain of the transfer. Her targets lose their minds and enter vegetative states, or become insane. Ruth is able to sort through the information she receives at any given time, or simply skim through them. Due to her high calculative prowess, she can sort through these information faster than Hexarion could in his previous body.


- Arts

The Art of Hex and the Art of Grace are lethal to any living creature in the world, and Ruth is no exception. She is extremely durable due to the nature of her body, but it doesn't make her entirely immune to their effects.

However, she has several ways to deal with these, such as countering with her HEX, or using Treasures within Hexarion.

There are very few who can match Ruth in the Art of Hex, and since she is very knowledgeable of the Art, her major weakness of the two would be Grace.

- Divine Power

Divine power is a major weakness of his. It is able to prevent the activation of his Hex and also interfere with it once it has been activated. It is also possible that they can be able to damage him, but that has yet to be revealed.

- Aspects

The Aspects that the Primordials control are everywhere. Since Hexarion's body is compromised of non-Aspect properties, he is not bound by them. However, they can still be dangerous to him since he is currently existing in the world. He is currently avoiding the attention of the gods and Primordials for this very reason, since if he is found out, Aspects can turn against him which will end up in his loss.

- Mortality

Like every living creature in the world, Ruth can die. While this is difficult to do, since she is highly durable and has several defences in her favor, sufficient damage should be enough to entirely sever her from her mortal coil.

However, it should be noted that the destruction of her body does not necessarily mean her death since she is naturally a non physical entity. Also, since Hexarion has the backup structure within him, he can always revive her.


- Hexarion's Enemies

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