HEX: Aspect Of The Void

Chapter 181 - Character Profile: Lumia

Name: Lumia


Artificial god

Failed Celestial Project

Hexarion's subordinate

Age: Unknown

18 Years (Current Appearance)


The Primordials

The gods

Jared (The Hero)




Lamar Adventurer's Guild

Height: 5ft plus

Hair color: Gold

Eye Color: Gold

Notable features: Young-looking appearance and calm demeanor. Glowing nature, and very beautiful. Large eyes and small lips. Charming and well-rounded body.


- Hexarion

Hexarion is the Primordial Of The Void, one of the most powerful beings in existence. Though he is in his weakened form, he plans on achieving his goal and wages war against the gods and Primordials who rule the world. He first encounters Lumia when she was still a nameless artificial god within Jared. After their first conversation, he gains interest in her, and age feels the same.

In their second meeting, he overpowers her and revelas his identity as the Primordial Of The Void. Giving her no other choice, she joins Hexarion under the name of Lumia as one of his subordinates.

Since her memories contain fragments of the Primordials, she is unsure of how to view him. Though she displays romantic interest from time to time, she is mostly curious about him as she tries to understand her purpose.

- Jared (Deceased)

Jared is a Hero, the vessel for artificial gods made by the Primordials. Possessing a special kind of body, he has an unbelievable amount of power, being one of the strongest in the world, 'A Special Kind Of Human'. Jared was Lumia's host before she became Hexarion's subordinate.

He is killed and absorbed by Hexarion, freeing Lumia from his shell. Lumia feels no attachment for him since they have never really conversed during their time together as she coldly refers to him merely as a vessel.

- Wrath

One of Hexarion's generals and a highly powerful monster. He had power equal to that of a god's, making Lumia wary of him. Despite this, their relationship is nothing bad or good. Since Hexarion endorses her, Wrath bears no animosity toward her and mostly focuses on Hexarion, though it's not clear whether he likes her either.

- Ruth

Hexarion's new creation and the first complete and genuine intelligence Hexarion has ever created. Her consciousness is made up of both THE ROOT OF ALL's core programming and Ana's Aspect structure. Ruth utterly despises Lumia and has made it known on several occasions. Due to her identity as a god and a tool of the Primordials, Lumia is suspicious to Ruth, who views all gods as enemies.

Other than her identity as a god, Ruth also views Lumia as a threat due to her being the only other female member of the team. Since they both share an interest in Hexarion, she refuses to let her have her way.

However, she controls herself and doesn't go overboard despite her negative disposition to Lumia. This is as a result of a higher emotion and logic which fuels all her actions toward the benefit of Hexarion.

- Shamac

Shamac is Hexarion's second slave. He is a hybrid shifter. He possesses the properties of both Shapeshifter and Shadowshifter. As a result, he is able to transform and manipulate his body Aspects at will, also controlling his shadows for various purposes.

Shamac constantly maintains friendly relations with Lumia since she is a girl, and a beautiful one at that. He bears no animosity toward her and seems to be the only one who wholeheartedly trusts her among Hexarion's subordinates.

Slowly, they become closer, replacing his relationship with Talia.



Lumia is an artificial god made by the Primordials as a result of Hexarion's words to them about the origin of gods. She is a failed experiment, not fully containing enough power to be a fully fledged god, as well as no Divine Authority she controls.

As a defective product, she has no Divine Authority, instead, she has the ability to manipulate Aspects within a special space she manipulates. She was formerly within Jared, who served as her host.

However, after he is killed by Hexarion, she joins the latter as one of his subordinates. Having no purpose of her own, except for her endless curiosity about Hexarion, Primordial Of The Void, she decides to follow Hexarion and learn more about him to fill the void within her and find a reason to live.


Lumia is a very composed God, having glorious splendor and stunning beauty. However, once she gets flustered, she fumbles and behaves irrationally.

She is considerably proud, after all she is a god. However, she is not conceited and is well aware of the strength she possesses and the power of her adversary. She is very cautious and will try avoiding any fight that will prove fatal to her. She refuses to take risks or engage an opponent she is certain she can't win against.

Since she has never related to anyone, except the Primordials and Hexarion, she is usually socially awkward among people, preferring to be silent in order to hide her lack of social skills.

She is usually aloof to most things that do not interest her, paying heed to Hexarion anything else that catches her fancy. She is loyal to Hexarion, not due to fear or love, but interest and curiousity.

She loves learning new things.


- Blank Canvas

Lumia's most significant ability. She creates an artificial world In which she possesses supreme authority over. As a result, everything she imagines or wills within this world materializes.

She can create endless weapons or manifest laws and concepts, alter the landscape and perform countless phenomena. Anything is possible and the only limit is her imagination.

- Hexarion's Treasures

As a privilege of joining him, Hexarion gifted Lumia with some of his Treasures, giving her new abilities to exploit.

- Arcane Knowledge 

Lumia possess fragments of the Primordials thoughts, making her very knowledgeable about several things. She is also very old, and has been thoroughly educated by them before she was eventually discarded as defective. Since she is a god, though artificial, she is aware of the laws that make up the world (to an extent). However, since her knowledge is incomplete, she always searches for more.

- Self Structure Manipulation

Lumia was given a body made by Hexarion, making her capable of the same feats as the others with the same feature. She is able to alter any and all properties within this body and without. Her shape, height, weight, appearance… Everything about her body is under her control and can be changed whenever she pleases, though she prefers to maintain her normal appearance.

- Adequate Combat Prowess

Lumia is very inexperienced in combat since she has never fought before. However, using her powers she is able to hold a decent fight even with powerful opponents. Within Blank Canvas, she is nearly invincible against opponents.

- Enhanced Physical Abilities

Lumia possesses maximized physical abilities due to the nature of her artificial body. Her strength, agility, durability etc. are beyond the realm of any human and most creatures in existence. Most high level attacks are unable to damage her or even put a scratch on her, and her high sensory abilities greatly exceed that of most

- Memory Drain

One of Lumia's abilities that come with her new body. She is able to entirely collect the memories of her target so long as she maintains physical contact with them. The transfer of memory information is instantaneous, and this makes most of her targets unable to bear the strain of the transfer. Her targets lose their minds and enter vegetative states, or become insane. Lumia is able to sort through the information she receives at any given time, or simply skim through it.

Since she has high cognitive abilities, she can see everything nearly instantly.

- Divine Body

Lumia is an artificial god, and her original body is divine. Normal exposure to the natural world would cause imbalance, and normal people would die if they come close to her divine form.


- Divine Power

Divine power is a minor weakness of hers. While she is a god, she isn't complete, meaning she is not entirely capable of producing Divine Power. Her ability is a replication of this, making her a little lower in terms of power. As a result, true gods still hold an advantage against her.

- Arts

The Art of Hex and the Art of Grace exist in the current world. While low-level Hexes wouldn't be able to work, high level ones are a different story. Even in her world, Hex Authorities are extremely dangerous, and she needs to be on guard to prevent it from affecting her. It is unknown if the same applies to Grace.

- Aspects

The Aspects that the Primordials control are everywhere. Though Lumia's artificial body is compromised of non-Aspect properties, her core form is still made up of Aspects, making her subject to the Primordial's control. Even in her new shell, Aspects can still be dangerous to her since she is currently existing in the world.

- Mortality

Gods are immortal, usually, unless killed by Primordials. However, Lumia is not a complete god, meaning she can be killed with enough power. Very few are capable of producing this feat, but it is not impossible.


- Hexarion's Enemies

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