HEX: Aspect Of The Void

Chapter 191 - Tale Of A Dungeon

[The Eastern Kingdom, Abandoned Town]

"You see... a particular creature lives there, one so powerful that none who have ever gone there returned alive," Xiang said in a tone of dread.

"What do you mean by that? I don't understand..." I replied earnestly.

While I could read her mind, it was only the thoughts she had at the moment I could access. This meant that I had to get her to divulge the details.

There was also the use of Memory Drain, but I didn't want to resort to that just yet. Fortunately, she appeared cooperative.

"It's quite the story... but seeing as you are visitors, perhaps it's best if I told you." 

Upon saying this, Xiang began her narration.

Years ago, over a century now, the Eastern Kingdom discovered a Dungeon within their borders and challenged it. However, unlike other Dungeons they had encountered, this one had a seemingly impossible difficulty and a high mortality rate.

Many soldiers would try getting in, but only one would return alive, entirely dazed and unable to recollect most of the happenings within the Dungeon.

However, as was their experience in the previous Dungeons they had conquered, the Eastern Kingdom concluded that the treasures within the impossible Dungeon were extremely powerful and valuable since it was so difficult to conquer.

They built a town close to the Dungeon, and slowly it became a city. This hub, located at the edge of their border, was only a small distance from the Dungeon, allowing them to challenge it multiple times.

As their military dwindled with every expedition they attempted, the Eastern Kingdom decided to employ a new tactic.

They allowed non-military persons to challenge the Dungeon.

Within the Kingdom, all of the Dungeons discovered belonged to the government. Private individuals could buy rights to the Dungeon, while sometimes the structure could be open to the public.

This gained popular reception among the citizens and many people relocated to the Dungeon town, abandoning their previous lives.

This was due to how lucrative a Dungeon could be. Unknown to them, they were signing up for their own graves.

After several attempts, even the people began to see the futility in challenging the Dungeon, giving up as well. 

The people within the city slowly dwindled, and many began to abandon the town, seeking greener pasture. However, not everyone could leave.

Those who had lost everything, those with nowhere to go, vagabonds, criminals, as well as the elderly and weak had no choice but to remain in the town.

"We have nothing left but this town, let us live out our years here..." They concluded.

The abandoned town became their home and residence, entirely neglected by the Eastern Government.

Since the Dungeon was a small distance away and was a closed structure, they had no fear of Danger... so long as they didn't approach the Dungeon.


"I see. But, I don't understand. If that's the case, then there shouldn't be an issue. You said the Dungeon was a closed one, and there's no mention of a monster in your story as well." Lumia interrupted the story.

A shame. I was enjoying it already. Xiang is truly a masterful narrator. 

"Yes. All I have said is true. The town was safe, and even the entire region was fine. Sure, we were abandoned, but no incident occurred, making us somewhat grateful for living out here with no cost or tax requirements. And so, as long as no one entered the Dungeon, we were all fine. But..."

Her face fell upon getting to this point. Her eyes reflected signs of hesitation, yet a will to keep going further. Taking a deep breath, she continued her story.

After decades passed, the people had become accustomed to living slow and peaceful lives. However, one of the residents wanted more. No one knew why he had such an ambition. Perhaps it was due to boredom or curiosity, but he always desired to leave the town.

However, like the others, this young man had no money or resources to survive in the world outside the town he grew up in.

In a kingdom such as the Eastern Kingdom, without resources or means, a person was no more than dirt. In such a hierarchical state, the strong and skilled were praised, while the poor and weak were cast aside.

For some time, he conflicted within himself on what action he would take, nearly despairing at his powerlessness. He trained every day, honing his skills. He worked harder than anyone else and made sure to learn all sorts of craft, but he knew they wouldn't be enough.

Slowly drawing close to his wit's end, he suddenly had a bright idea.

"The Dungeon!"

A place of miracles, where riches and untold glory lay buried. If he could only get the treasures of the Dungeon, he would be able to leave the city and make a better life for himself.

Since several years had passed, the fear of the Dungeon and the horror it held for those who had challenged it had waned. Everyone who knew about the deaths and suffering the Dungeon brought to the kingdom was dead. Since no one talked about it, labeling it as taboo, the young man didn't know any better, and in his ignorance, he decided to challenge the unconquered structure.

Despite many warnings and threats from the town, he adamantly clung to his resolve and left.

"I will stay true to my dream!" He said, before departing.

No one knows what happened in the Dungeon, how far he went into the area, or what he saw.

But... his stubborn venture was the trigger for what happened next!

After a few days of hearing no word from the young man, the townsfolk presumed him to be dead. Some mourned for him and felt a sense of sorrow, after all, he was a lively and popular fellow in their town. Meanwhile, others felt relieved by his absence since he obnoxiously mentioned the outside world and was known for his stubbornness.

Finally, after a week, the patience of the men in the town had gotten to its limits.

"He is still one of our own! At least we need to know what happened to him!" They declared.

The best men ventured out of the town in search of their comrade, promising not to enter the Dungeon, but to search around.

After several weeks passed, none of them returned. The townsfolk were scared at this point, living on the edge of unrest and anxiety. They woke up every day with the thought of restlessness, gazing at the entrance of the village to see if the men had returned.

No one came... until one day.

One of the many men who left the village finally returned!

"Huff... Huff..." He gave heavy breaths, sluggishly walking toward the Town's gate.

The townsfolk, who had gathered by the gate in shock, surprise, and horror watched him draw near, not knowing what to call the person before them.

His emaciated body was covered in bruises. Naked and severely sunburned, he trotted toward the gate while bleeding.

"A-ah... Ah-"

The townsfolk struggled to accept that this was one of the men who cheerfully claimed to return alive with his comrade just weeks ago.

Finally refusing to take any more, a few of the villagers rushed out to assist him in returning to the village.

He was brought into the town by the sympathetic folk who carried him delicately, still unable to believe the bony and heavily wounded man was one of their own.

Some even wondered how he was able to remain alive.

While they took him in, the group was barely at the square before the wounded man refused to go any further than that.

His body had reached its limit and any more would mean his death.

As he struggled to breathe, he made his final statements before everyone present.

That was when they heard it, the news that changed everything.

"M-monsters... there are monsters!" The man coughed as he spoke. 

Even in his low and course tone, there were still some among the gathering townsfolk who heard what he said.

According to the only survivor out of the men, the Dungeon had somehow been opened, and several monsters had come out.

The men were caught off guard and had to fight the beasts in order to escape. If they made their retreat, the monsters, who had noticed them already, would only track them down to the town, endangering everyone within it.

To protect themselves, and everyone they loved who were safely in their homes, the men chose to fight.

And fight, they did.

They were able to kill the monsters due to their small number, however... There was one that the men were unable to kill.

The monster of the Dungeon which caused the massacre of dozens of men, and was suspected to be the guardian of the Dungeon...

"It called itself Lust, and... After watching everyone die, with the exception of myself who was able to escape due to their sacrifice... I understood... That monster... Is invincible!"

With those final words, the man died, and with his death came a foreboding for the town!


After listening to the story and hearing a familiar voice, my convictions became even stronger.

Something is certainly wrong with this town!

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