HEX: Aspect Of The Void

Chapter 192 - Sacrifices

"That's quite the story... How long ago was this?" I asked with a curious expression.

Xiang looked at me with a high of surprise, certainly not expecting that to be the first thing I would ask.

"W-well, I'm not so sure, since I wasn't born at the time and people hardly discuss it, but it has been decades since then..." Her voice trailed.

Your story has a lot of holes, should I begin pointing them out? I mused.

"You narrated the story so well, though. Almost like you knew every detail..." Lumia blurted out.

Obviously, she was thinking the same thing I was.

"Not really. Since I'm kind of like the village head, I have access to this much information. I don't know anything more." She quickly answered, already flustered by our probing questions.

"Ever since that time, no one has been seen coming to the Village from that direction, so people were on edge." 

"I see. They have good reason to. After all, we could have unintentionally led the monster here without knowing..." I pointed out.

"E-exactly!" She said in relief.

She must have been happy that we were slowly being convinced of her tale.

"We didn't see any monster though... Maybe they died off already?" Wrath finally spoke.

I'm certain he heard the same things I got from Xiang, including a familiar name that couldn't be ignored.

Out of all the things said, that was the only thing I could somewhat believe.

"Thank you for sharing the story, Xiang. We apologize for making you revisit your past experiences" I smiled warmly.

"A-Ah, that's fine. You can ask me anything, please make yourselves comfortable." She answered quickly.

"If you'll excuse me, then. I have to excuse myself."

We agreed on this, allowing her to stand up as she made an apologetic smile.

After leaving and closing the door, I resumed the Hex placed on the room, ensuring no one could eavesdrop on our conversation.

"Her story doesn't tally at all with what we experienced on our way here..." Lumia pointed out.

"Of course, but she isn't entirely wrong either," I replied.

"What do you mean by-?!"

Before Lumia could say anymore, Wrath interrupted.

"Lord Hexarion. If what she says is true, then Lust is-"

"I know, Wrath. But, knowing Lust she won't stoop so low as to become a field monster. Besides, she can't abandon her post within the Dungeon. This is most likely the work of one of her familiars." I mumbled.

Lumia was still confused. She appeared to be certain that everything Xiang said was false, but she was being too shortsighted.

"What exactly is going on here? Don't tell me you believe even a fraction of what she said."

As I stared at Lumia's beautifully ignorant eyes, I decided to let her see for herself when things played out.

"Why don't we stick around for a little longer. We'll see soon enough."

[A Few Days Later]

Xiang, as well as the other townsfolk strangely warmed up to us real quick. Not only that, but they made sure to engage us at every turn.

Whenever we made to leave the town, they came up with silly excuses to make us stay. They enlisted our help and labor on many things, and since they did us the favor of giving us a place to stay, it seemed like we were bound to help them one way or another.

Since the town was devoid of a lot of men, Wrath and I helped out with a lot of manual labor, though I knew they could handle things just fine on their own.

Buildings strangely needed repairs, and heavy supplies needed maintenance, all false reasons to keep us in the village.

As if that wasn't enough, the women tried seducing us, attempting to make us fall for their nonexistent charms.

Wrath was not interested in such trivial matters since he had someone else he was passionate about, and as for me... Well, let's just say they were nothing more than clusters of low-quality Aspects.

"Why are you guys putting up with this? Lord Hexarion, let's just leave!" Lumia finally said in our third night within the town.

We were laid down all in our room, none of us needing any form of sleep, but still going with the flow.

"Hehe, you're too impatient, Lumia" I responded with a grin.

Unlike many individuals, my concept of time wasn't linear. Hurry and anxiety were foreign to me since I mostly thought and dwelled outside the constraint of time.

"Tomorrow, it all unfolds..." 

I closed my eyes and began thinking of several possibilities for the future.

[The Next Day]

"Good morning, Rio, Wrath, and Willy... How was your restful night?" Xiang said with her usual cheerful smile.

She had opened our room without even knocking like she used to. Though she still seemed to be cordial, she abandoned the usual courtesy she showed us, such as bowing her head.

Behind her was a group of women who mimicked her expression. However, their bulky and well-built body showed nothing lady-like. They were taller than me, and quite a few rivaled Wrath in height. While they hid their muscles under their roomy dresses, from their numbers one could deduce their aim to be intimidation. 

So, it's finally starting, uh?

"Yeah, as usual, thank you for letting us stay here. Really... we should get out of your hair so we don't trouble you any longer." I smiled, appearing a little uncomfortable.

"Ah, that's alright. But first, we need you all to follow us. There is something you need to see." 

Lumia looked at Wrath and me with slight confusion, but was calmed by my knowing smile.

"S-sure..." She answered.

And so, without even letting us freshen up, the women took us outside the comfortable house as we began our short journey.

While they made it subtle, they surrounded us in a way that restricted our movements and prevented any form of escape.

None of us three were scared or felt threatened in any way, but their actions were definitely to trap us.

"So, where are we heading to? It seems this is the direction of-"

"Yes. We're going to the entrance of the town. We're nearly there..." Xiang interrupted, still smiling blankly.

The women around us now had a stern look, robotically moving behind, beside, and ahead of us.

After a few minutes, we approached the town entrance, and every single member of the community was already present. 

They all looked at us, some with pity and some with relief, and then faced the entrance of the village expecting something.


A hushed sound of intimidation sounded, and a warp in space appeared at the direct entrance to the town

The people instantly want on their knees and bowed their heads in response to the purple wormhole that grew larger with every passing second. 

Even Xiang and the huge guards did this, leaving us the only people standing.

Of course, none of us bowed our heads and they didn't tell us to.

"A month has passed, and I have come once again..." An ominous voice echoed from the wormhole.

Wrath and I watched the sight patiently, while Lumia was still somewhat confused by the occurrence.

A hideous creature stepped out of the portal, having purple slithery scales, appearing in the form of an overgrown serpent.

It has five horns protruding from its bald head and had arms and legs to support its long, snake-like body.

Its large tail sang about, raising dust, while its glowing pink eyes glared at everyone present.

"... Where isss... My 'S-ssacrificce'..."

"What the hell is this? Xiang, what is going on here?" Lumia said in dissatisfaction.

She turned back to glare at Xiang who submissively raised her head with respect to the monster.

"Your excellency, we have brought you a special delicacy this very day. These three are special beings whom we have procured for your pleasure." 

A grin formed on my face, while Wrath looked unfazed. It was only Lumia who still didn't fully understand what was going on.

Since she was foreign to human emotions and their nature, she had a hard time connecting the dots and comprehending the actions they took.

This will be one of your lessons, Lumia. Watch well!

"Good... Good. You have done very well. What is this I see? These are foreigners!" The monster exclaimed, giving out an excited laugh.

"We are happy to have pleased you, your excellency," Xiang said, her head bowed once again.

"Hehehe. Very well, then. Since you have gone out of your way to give me such fine offerings, I will add six months to your time of reprieve. Do well to satisfy me when next I come." The slithery monster said.

"Y-yes, your excellency!"

"Now then, to take my prize home..." It mumbled, staring delightedly at the three of us.

Its pink eyes shone brightly, showing signs of it activating a skill I knew quite well... hypnosis.

"Come, my prey."

For now, I'll play your game.

I stepped forward, following the creature's order, and my subordinates did the same as well.

Upon reaching the monster, the same purple portal appeared once again to teleport us to wherever the creature's abode was.

"See you soon, my adorable little humans." It said to the townsfolk.

They kept their head glued to the ground in acknowledgment, not daring to raise them.

Using my extrasensory perception, as well as my mind-reading, I decided to peer once more into Xiang's mind.

"He's finally gone too... I did it! I saved our town once again by providing them with a high-quality sacrifice. This will last longer than the others ever did. Ah, I'm so happy!" 

What a twisted woman.. Too bad this isn't the end.

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