HEX: Aspect Of The Void

Chapter 193 - The Constellations

Those are... Apostles! My mind rang.

Before me, stood a man and a woman, both clad in white apparel with graceful appearances. Of course, this disgusted me, the brilliant aura radiating around them.

"Y-you are-!!!" Galandel exclaimed, recognizing the both of them to an extent.

I remained aloof, but the Guildmaster seemed more than just a little flustered.

"It's been a while, Guildmaster... your city looks like shit, this is why you should have accepted our alliance when you had the chance." The man among both of them smiled.

"Aries. What are you doing here?" Galandel spoke in a deep and slightly aggressive tone

This would be my first time seeing Galandel act so hostile toward someone, making me wonder what their relationship was.

"Well, I heard what happened here and decided to check on you. I can't have you dying on me, after all." The Apostle said with a mischievous smile.

Usually, Apostles behaved composed and never acted in spite, unless pushed to the edge. But, this guy just acted the way he wanted, abandoning the usual ethics.

"Tch, you..."

Before Galandel could say another word, the female Apostle slightly snapped her fingers, causing the room to fall silent instantly.

"That's enough, Aries." She whispered.

Her melodious voice contrasted the stern face she made, slightly frowning too.

"Yeah, yeah. You're no fun at all, Virgo." The one called Aries said.

So, the two Apostles were named Virgo and Aries. I recognized those names from memories and books I read. To think they would appear before me so soon.

I suppose it's only to be expected. My original has been causing quite the ruckus with their order. So far, four have been killed.

Still, to have sent two among the highest members in their ranks, how seriously did they take the matter?

In any case, my knowledge is limited, I should observe more...

As I thought to myself cautiously, the Guildmaster appeared as though he had had enough of their presence.

"Why are two members of the Constellations here?" He asked sternly.

I was mildly surprised. To think the Guildmaster could be so upfront before the chosen ones of the gods. It was either he was powerful enough to face them, or naive of their full capabilities.

Judging the two, I concluded on the latter.

The Apostles ceased the glare they gave each other and faced Galandel.

"We came to investigate something... as for that-" Aries began by saying.

"We are under no obligation to tell you, it's a private matter." Virgo interrupted.

Galandel appeared displeased by the female Apostle's brashness. 

"You may be chosen ones of the gods or whatever, but right now you are in my city and bound by my rules!" Galandel said.

"Well, from the looks of things here, it appears you have your hands full with other matters. Or would you rather spend your time on us?" Virgo responded.

Her statement made Galandel shrink back.

Even though he didn't want the Apostles anywhere near his city, in reality, there was very little that he could do. The city was still healing and there were tons of work left for him to do. 

"We can't afford to make any more enemies..." He appeared to be thinking.

"That's right, I guessed as much. By the way, we heard of a certain individual who defeated a Demon General of the Evil One..." Aries cut in.

Galandel's eyes moved in my direction instantly. 

"... Would you happen to know of his whereabouts." He added, drawing closer to Galandel.

He noticed the man's eyes were distracted, tilting in my direction since I was behind the two Apostles.

So far, they had not paid me any attention and simply ignored me. Of course, I knew the reason why.

"Uh, where are you looking at?" 

Aries traced the Guildmaster's sight and his eyes fell upon me. Instantly, they widened in shock as he looked a little confounded.

"W-what is this...?!" He exclaimed.

Taken aback by his reaction, Virgo also looked in the direction of me and my party and had the same expression.

This was completely natural... after all, since our bodies were not comprised of Aspects, the two didn't know of our existence until they saw us.

They probably only sensed Shamac and chose to ignore him, thinking he was a lowly slave. However, upon seeing me and Ruth, they couldn't believe their eyes.

"How is this... Wha-?!" Virgo suddenly took cognizance of Ruth and her shock intensified.

"You... you are...!" 

Damn, why didn't I think of this?!

Ruth was the spitting image of Ana in her teenage years. Since these were Apostles, there was a chance that they would recognize her. If that was the case, then suspicion would definitely arise, coupled with their already existing questions concerning how we were able to evade their perception.

Looks like things are going to get a little messy...

"What are you doing there? What happened to you, Lauria!" Virgo exclaimed.

I had to think of a way to wrap things up neatly.

"About that, this isn't-"

Before I could complete my words, the female Apostle moved toward me at a remarkable speed and reached my front.

"You... what did you do to her?!"

Her glare and seething rage were beyond evident as they seemed to wash all over her.

To the Apostles, the one called Lauria was already dead, yet here was a splitting image of her directly before two of the highest-ranked.

From what I could judge from the woman, it seemed like she had a past relationship with Lauria. Was she like Gratiana? Or-?!

Suddenly, a memory flashed through my head, one which my original had gotten from Lauria when she was defeated.

In the memory, I saw a gathering of women in white. They all cheered and raised their hands in applause as they watched a woman wave toward them. 

The lady stood before the crowd with a proud smile, and I recognized her. She was the one known as Virgo, and while at the moment she bore a deep scowl, in the memory she was warm.

"So that's it, uh...?" I mumbled silently.

This Constellation was in charge of Lauria's unit when she was still an Apostle...

Her reaction was natural, and I could probably understand where she was coming from. However, the authoritative tone she used against me, and the fact that she bore animosity and was ready to strike depending on my answer irked me.

Know your place... Puppet!

"And who are you to question me this way?!" I asked, returning her glare with a cold look.

Galandel gulped, shaking his head at my provocative statement, while Aries smiled, appearing to be enjoying himself.

He was most likely hoping for some bloodshed. 

Sorry to disappoint you, but things won't end like that... It's been a while since I've had to teach these humans their rightful place in the pecking order! I slightly grinned.

While I didn't want trouble at the current stage we were in, this was unavoidable.

"What did you say? You filthy mongrel?!"

She unleashed a deadly wave of energy that would be enough to instantly turn a normal person to dust, but I easily deflected it with my own.


Somehow, this woman reminded me of Gratiana and Lauria. They had short fuses and their dislike for non-believers was unparalleled.

"What do you think you're doing in my office? This is not accepta-"

"SILENCE!" Virgo spoke in a commanding tone.

Instantly, Galandel could no longer speak.

His eyes bulged in shock as his lips became sealed... literally.

"Oh? That's quite an interesting ability. Very useful indeed..." I said amusedly.

"You heathen, what are you? Why do I not sense any fragment of existence from you?" She asked with narrowed eyes.

"And what makes you think I am obligated to answer you?" 

My defiant response shocked her, making her annoyed even more.

She would have used her 'Grace' to make me talk, but we both knew why she couldn't.

Since I had no Aspects, her commands wouldn't work on me. 

That meant the only way she could get whatever she wanted was for her to subdue me using another method.

She stared hard into my eyes, and I did not bother looking away.

As our eyes locked, I became sucked into a mindscape.

Everywhere was white and glittery, making me slightly cringe at the purity of the atmosphere.

"Heathen, I did not want to resort to this, since your presence here contaminates this holy place. However, you have left me with very little choice..." She muttered, appearing within the mindscape as well.

I see. So, by using the window of her eyes, she placed the both of us within this alternate space... Interesting, a fascinating Grace indeed. I wonder how many more tricks she has.

A chuckle sounded from my mouth as I mused.

"... I do not know what has caused you such laughter, but this is your last chance. If you do not answer my questions, I will destroy your consciousness right here and now!" She said to me decisively.

Now then, what should I do? The path of violence is always an option. I could subdue her and cause even more chaos among the ranks of the Apostles, but... No. The time isn't right yet.

"And so, I ask you... Who are you? And what have you done to my Apostle, Lauria?!"

Upon hearing her commanding tone, a sadistic smile formed on my face. The Apostle before me needed to learn some manners.

"Are you seriously threatening me right now...?"

A large wave of dark aura subtly began to emerge from my body, consuming the bright atmosphere.

"W-what are you-?!" She let out in shock, watching powerlessly as I consumed the entire area in blackness.

"Silence. You are in the presence of someone even greater than you are... Now then, it's my turn, isn't it?"

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