HEX: Aspect Of The Void

Chapter 194 - Defiance

"Silence. You are in the presence of someone even greater than you are... Now then, it's my turn, isn't it?"

The alternate realm, now enveloped in my darkness let out an eerie feel which further made the Constellation nervous by my action.

"Do you know who you're talking to?" She asked me with a surging rage.

"I couldn't care less. You barged into my conversation with Galandel, caused quite a ruckus, and you dare question me, demanding my response? How conceited." 

My nonchalant response irked her even more, as she began radiating her divine energy to combat the darkness around her.

"Light Shines in darkness, and darkness overcomes it not!" She chanted.

Her luminous aura began to surround her nearby vicinity, fighting away the waves of black atmosphere that closed in on her.

"... Not this type of darkness, Apostle!"

My voice shook Virgo to get core, and instantly, my darkness became fiercer, tearing through her light, once again dominating the area.

"W-what?!" She burst out in shock.

She must have been extremely surprised since no one had ever fine such a thing as overcome her influence within the world she had made herself.

"Your light is too weak!"

Her eyes bulged, enraged by my statement. 

"How dare a filthy mongrel like you taint this place and speak to an anointed in such a manner!"

Her eyes glowed white, and instantly her body glimmered.

White wings appeared from behind her, and several light orbs began popping around. Noticing the vast rush of Divine Power surging through her, I concluded that she was finally preparing to fight me. While that would be an interesting event, it was best to avoid that at the moment.

"Let's stop this right here..." I stated, retracting my darkness back into me.

Her eyes displayed confusion, but she refused to back down.

"There's no point in fighting, and no merit exists in our conflict," I added.

Upon careful consideration of my words, she appeared to be hesitant to attack me, but her suspicious gaze lingered.

If I didn't provide suitable answers to her questions, she would still view me as an enemy.

"My name is Rio Xarion, and I'm an Adventurer. Who are you?" 

While I mitigated my tone to sound more cordial, I ensured not to lose the sharp edge of my words.

"Why should I tell the likes of you?" Virgo responded with a scowl.

"I suppose you're not ready for a meaningful conversation. I'm trying to be nice here. Perhaps if you cooperate, you'll get the answers you seek..." 

My reply made her consider her next course of action.

While she still believed herself to be more powerful and superior, she was also aware that my strength was nothing to scoff at. Not knowing fully well what my significance was, and the issues which bothered her concerning her former subordinate, she would have to reach the conclusion that it would be mutually beneficial if we called a truce, even if it was temporary.

"My name is Virgo, 5th Constellation of the Holy Order of Apostles." She said.

I knew she would cooperate.

"Very well, then... why have you come here-"

Before I could conclude my sentence, she interrupted me.

"Do not be mistaken, heathen. I will be the one to ask the questions first." 

Her tone of disrespect irritated me, but considering the fact that if she was in a better mood, I would be able to have a smoother conversation with her, I decided to concede.

"Fine. Concerning my identity, I have already revealed that to you. As for my party members, whom you were eyeing... I do not know what you are talking about. Ruth and I have been together for years." I said.

Her suspicious glare did not cease.

"That's... That can't be. The one you call Ruth greatly resembles one of my subordinates. Not only that, but she also seemed to recognize me. There's no way that is a coincidence!" She protested.

"What are you insinuating then? What do you think I did?"

She fell silent upon hearing those words. She looked like she was contemplating something, but gave up midway.

"How am I supposed to know the ways of heathens like you? Now tell me your true identity, why am I unable to sense any fragment of existence from you and the girl? What are you both? How does she resemble Lauria?!"

Ah, these Apostle... I understand why Ana and Gratiana acted the same way when I first met them. They learned it from their leader.

"It's the effect of a Relic, that's all there is to it. Your perception won't be able to comprehend my existence. I shared the same Relic to my party member, Ruth, whom you're mistaking for whoever Lauria is."

"Impossible! For you to possess a Relic that can evade my perception, what kind of-" She barked.

I wasn't going to wait for her to finish before I interrupted.

"I am the one who killed Wrath, General Of The Evil One. You would do well not to underestimate me!" 

Her eyes bulged upon my declaration. She must have heard of what had happened since she didn't appear doubtful. Her face changed from annoyed suspicion to a more composed and analytical expression.

"You are not lying, are you?"

"If I was, I wouldn't have been able to consume this mental scape, now would I?" I replied to her question.

"Cheh, cheeky brat. Fine then, I'll let your disrespect slide for now..." She muttered.

Her tone changed since I revealed my identity to be someone that killed a monster as high as Wrath... A General who would take more than one Constellation to even stand a chance against.

"Answer my question, then... why are you here?" I asked her.

Virgo gave a deep sigh, looking at me straight in the eye with a clam look, the first since our meeting 

"We shall continue this conversation in the normal world..."

Her fading voice echoed, and before long my vision blurred and consciousness returned to my body.

"Ahhh..." I heaved a somewhat deep sigh.

Aries appeared interested in what had happened, though slightly confused as to why I wasn't cowering in my boots.

Judging by the position of everyone in the room, I assumed that no time had passed since I entered the mental world with Virgo.

"You're still standing, eh? I wonder what Virgo showed you in there..." Aries grinned.

"Stop it, Aries. That's enough... this man is one of the people we are seeking." Virgo cut in.

Aries looked at the Virgo who stared at me with curiosity.

"You mean, he's the one who-"

"Yes. He's the hero who saved this city from Wrath. To think we would find him so soon..." She added.

"Are you certain? He could have been bluffing. He doesn't appear spectacularly strong, plus I can't sense any fragment of existence from him. The last part must be due to a Relic... but still..." Aries said, eyeing me with suspicion.

"Why would I make such a fundamental error. Vexing as it may be, this man is strong. He definitely qualifies." Virgo said.

"I can vouch for that too. He truly is the hero of Lamar!" Galandel cut in, making his ignored presence known.

He must have gotten tired of being in the background while such important conversations were going on in his office.

Plus, with their growing interest in me, he had to ensure we all recognized his stake in me since he was the Guildmaster and I was still an Adventurer.

Oh, don't worry Galandel. I don't plan on abandoning my obligations just yet!

"What business do you have with me?" I brashly asked.

Aries became ticked by my disrespectful tone, abandoning his playful demeanor.

What an unstable personality

"You would do well to watch your tone, you know? You're speaking to one of the most powerful people within the entire Kingdom!" He said to me with a threatening smile.

"And who do you think I am?" I smirked.

Whether he would like to admit it or not, defeating a General of Hexarion made me have equal standing with them, if not more.

"Oh, Please. The General was definitely weakened by whatever seal was placed on it in that Dungeon. Even though it broke free, it must not have been in full power. There's no way the likes of you would have been able to beat it!" He retorted.

There was an easy way to resolve this.

If I beat him up at this moment, he would have no choice but to believe me. I could also challenge him to a duel if I wanted. That would show my prowess to everyone.

But both of these options would indicate that I actually cared about their approval, which I don't.

I seem to have gotten their interest for some reason, and according to the Virgo woman, they have been searching for me...

So far, they were not aware of my identity as the one who killed their Apostles, since they did not show any particularly malicious intention toward me.

Since this was the case, it would be best to use the current situation to my advantage as much as possible. And the best way to do that... would be bait!

"Galandel, I'm ready to subjugate those monsters.. Tell me more."

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