HEX: Aspect Of The Void

Chapter 195 - Dungeon Of Lust


A whisper of wind wafted through the air as the purple gate opened before us, giving us access to the new area we found ourselves in.

"Move it!" The monster behind us barked, hissing at every pause.

We stepped out of the warbling portal, treading on a hard surface. The ground was hard and stony, having a cool effect, similar to the surrounding.

After a few seconds, we were all out of the Portal which closed as soon as everyone was out.

"Where are we?" Lumia asked, partially with curiosity, and also apprehension.

She looked at me, but I gave no hint of worry, allowing her to calm her nerves.

The structure resembled that of a Dungeon, which it was. It was the one the Eastern Kingdom had been trying to conquer for so long.

"Quit your yapping, foolissssh humanssss!" The serpent hissed at us.

I used the opportunity to glance around the empty, vast space before us. I recognized it well.

"We will now proceed to see the master!" The Serpent said.

"The boss? You're not the leader!?" Lumia asked with more curiosity.

Of course, she would be unaware of his identity, since the villagers had only encountered him and even mixed up the story.

"Does that mean..."

"I said silenccccce!" It snapped, turning to glare at Lumia.

It must have taken every ounce of her power not to retaliate and utterly destroy the monster that dared to command her. However, since she was under my authority, she could do nothing.

The serpent moved further from us, expecting the three of us whom he took prisoner to come along with him.

"Congratulations, humans. You have been granted the privilege of witnessing the great castle of my master, one of the Generals Of The Evil One... Lady Lust!" It stated with pride.

"So, Lust is still here, uh? And she hasn't left her post. That's good!" I smiled.

The Serpent's ear immediately picked up my words and grew agitated that I addressed its master so casually.

"How dare you speak of Lady Lust in such a manne-?!"

Before he completed his useless words, I disintegrated him with a single thought. His body turned into ashes as he exploded that very instant.

"What a pesky monster..." I commented.

I ignored it initially because I couldn't care less about it.

However, after hearing its yapping and loud statements, I decided it would be better if I just silenced him, making us continue our journey in peace.

"Dead already? Is this the kind of company 'she' keeps now?" I mumbled, staring at the last fragment of the monster's ash as it faded.

"Let's go!" 

My companions, who were initially taken aback by my seemingly impulsive action, looked at me for a slight moment and nodded in agreement.

We left the room, also known as the [Warp Hall.]

Usually, every new entrant into the Dungeon would appear in the Warp Hall. Even the Eastern Empire's soldiers were all brought to this room first. This made this Dungeon a lot different from the Vanishing Dungeon.

Since I also built the place, there was hardly anything I didn't know of the Castle Of Lust, allowing me to easily navigate through it.

Unlike the Vanishing Dungeon, the Castle Of Lust's specialty was an endless spiral of monsters.




Several monsters of various types, kinds, breeds, sizes, etc, lunged at us to defend their habitat and kill us.

However, we easily swept through them and killed the creatures. At this point, the Eastern Empire must have started having troubles.

'The Castle Of Lust' was not divided into floors like the Vanishing Dungeon. The space inside appeared to be a large hallway, with doors at every checkpoint. 

Unless one opened the door, they would be stuck at the checkpoint. If they did open the door, they would be taken to a room where they had to defeat monsters.

After that was done, the door leading to the next hallway would open, and this would until a person either gave up or ultimately reached Lust.

Of course, since we were meant to be sacrifices, the serpent was going to use his authority to take us through another route which led directly to Lust.

However, I wasn't one to obediently follow a conceited weakling who didn't know his place, and I wasn't going to let my subordinates catch that habit.

We breezed through the rooms by simply destroying them as we advanced. I used the opportunity to talk to Lumia, briefly explaining the identity of the final boss of the Dungeon to her.

"She's... Lust? Your former General...?" Lumia mumbled, taking everything I said in.

While I kept her in the Dungeon, there really wasn't anything overly valuable in the Dungeon. Except for the usual riches of precious materials and ancient coins, coupled with hundred Treasures, none of which proved to be of much use to me, the Dungeon was really just a place to dump Lust.

However, despite my restricting her, she still caused trouble for the settlement we had stayed in for a while and even created a whole new playground for herself, affecting the outside world while still remaining in the Dungeon.

Since Dungeon was of little use to me, I didn't care much about the facilities, destroying anything in my way.

Within some minutes, we had cleared all the rooms that served as obstacles and stood before a giant gate located at the final end of the room.

"So this is the final Boss Room..." Lumia mumbled.

The gate must have brought a bit of remembrance to Wrath, who was silently gazing at the inscription pattern on the gate's surface.

It displayed a naked woman holding what seemed to be a fruit and handing it over to a devil-looking monster.

Her charming eyes seemed to urge the monster to eat of the fruit.

"Wrath, will you do the honors?" 

He looked at me with a confident smile.

"Definitely, Lord Hexarion!"

Raising his hands slightly, he exerted a devastating force that pushed the gate away, sending it flying forward.


A bit of smoke remained in the air as we entered the large room, causing a slight distortion in sight. However, with a slight sigh, I made all the smoke vanish, giving us the entire sight to witness.

"This is..." Lumia wowed at the sight before her.

The room was full of glitter and bright lights. Decorations of various designs and high-quality gems served as light sources. The chandeliers hung high in the ceiling, giving it a classy appearance.

However, that wasn't what shocked the artificial goddess.

It was the event that burned through her eyes and engraved itself in her mind that made her nearly scream in horror.



"Huang. Huang. Hunag!"

Several moans, screams, and shrieks permeated the room which was filled with a steamy ambiance of pleasure and pain.

Blood and creamy-looking substances covered the exquisite-looking rug, mixing in an odd manner.

"Please! Huang! Mercy! Ahhh! Please. M-mercy!" A voice let out, as the person grunted at every turn as they were violated.




The monsters within the room chuckled in excitement as they had their fun with the people who pleaded for mercy. Ignoring their cries, rather, taking pleasure in their hurting moans, they drilled their junk further into the tight openings of the humans there.

Mouth, buttocks... every hole they could exploit became violated and probed by the oddly shaped parts of the monsters.

The usual image which would come to one's mind when imagining situations like these, would be that of an orgy, where orcs and goblins had their way with countless beautiful elves or other women with well-endowed faces and bodies.

However, the torturous sight before me, as well as my two slaves, was that of countless monsters violating fully grown men. Whether they were elderly, youthful, muscular, lean, it didn't matter.

They pounded their appendages into the mouths and rectum of their victims, moaning in pleasure as the men shrieked in agony.

Some made muffled sounds, choked by the overbearing object in their mouth. Some were too tired to make any more sounds as their body flailed about in a half-dead state.

Amid the chaos, I spotted my General seated on her throne in magnificence.

She must have been enjoying the sounds and sight of the little 'play' she organized for herself, just the way she liked it.

However, due to our sudden interruption, her face turned away from the show to us, the intruders.

"You... Who are you to interrupt my fun?" Lust, General, and member of the Seven Deadly Sins glared at our group with a hateful and irritated expression.

I can't blame her, she doesn't recognize us.

Lumia was a total stranger to her, Wrath was in his human form, and I wasn't the same Primordial she used to know.

"Who are you, people?!" She asked, standing from her well-decorated throne.

Her beautifully shaped body was evident and well accentuated in her long, dark gown.

She had long, curly red hair which covered a portion of her face.

She looked mostly human, except for the four spider tendrils behind her, her sharpened claws, a tail behind her, and her slightly pink complexion. 

"I will not ask you again... Who are you, to interrupt my fun?!" Her voice echoed with a bloodthirsty tone to it.

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