HEX: Aspect Of The Void

Chapter 196 - The Deadly Sin Of Lust

Lust, one of my Generals, and the most sadistic of the seven was always an unpredictable personality.

I have no idea what made me design her that way, perhaps I was looking for a tinge of spice in my dull life.

She loved to see suffering and despair, enjoying as those weaker than her writhe in pain. Unlike Wrath, who only took interest in the strong, she had an insatiable desire to collect weaklings. This made both of them have many clashes in the past.

Looking at things now, Wrath was sure to be upset by Lust's habit, seeing the men ravished by various types of monsters in the large hall I placed her in. However, he controlled himself as his burning glare was fixated on her.

"I will not ask you again... Who are you, to interrupt my fun?!" 

Lust glared at us, wondering how we reached her hall in the first place.

"It's been a while, Lust... do you remember me?" I smiled.

Her eyes seemed to fully analyze my being, trying to comprehend my identity.

This man... no, can I even call him one? What is he? How can I sense the same properties that make my body up from him? And not just him, the two beside him are the same. That shouldn't be possible, unless...

As she tried piecing the facts together, I felt nearly disappointed. Had being confined in such a space made her so dull? The Lust I remember was quick in discernment. Even if Wrath was a meathead, I expected her to realize it right away.

"A-are you perhaps... one of the Sins?" She asked nervously.

Close... but not there yet!

As I was about to open my mouth to express my disappointment, a sudden loud voice interrupted me.


The loud roar of a monster filled the air as it thrust deeper into the victim in front of it.

"Ahn! Please! Ahn!!! I'll die! I'll die at this rate!" One of the men screamed as blood gushed from his buttocks.


"Would you shut it!" Lust yelled, diverting her attention to the two responsible for the noise. 

Instantly, both their bodies exploded, sending grime, sweat, and bloodied flesh flying across the room.

Wrath instantly used his aura to prevent any of the blood from reaching us, but the others in the room got tainted by the unpleasant liquid, causing them to halt their activities.

"That's enough for today! Leave!" Lust's voice echoed across the large hall.

The monsters growled in a subservient tone as they bowed their heads and left, carrying the violated men with them.

I waited patiently for them to exit the room, using another door by the side, most likely their holding cell.

"Ah, I apologize for that... You caught me at a bad time." She sighed.

Pointing her hand to the messy floor, her eyes slightly glowed red.

Instantly, the fluids all began levitating as they all became attracted to her location. She sucked them all into her hand, absorbing the blood, flesh, and creamy substance to the last drop.

"Ah, all done..."

The floor, walls, and ceiling became clean, glittering in splendor. I smiled, advancing with Wrath and Lumia as they walked slightly behind me.

"You've wasted enough time, Lust... what is your answer?" I asked.

Frankly speaking, at this point, I would have done something spectacular like making her submit, but after gaining some perspective, that action would be unnecessary.

Besides... If I were to display such actions of annoyance before Wrath, who knows what kind of effect it would have on him. I could tell he was doing his best to hold everything in for my sake since his intolerance of Lust had risen after seeing what she was doing in her Boss Room.

"I-I... you are... Pride...?" She mumbled, using her fingers to rub her chin in confusion.

Only pride talks to me like that... since he always acts like the boss of all of us. But, what would he be doing here? Master assigned us roles to-

"Hold on... Could it be!" She gasped, slowly realizing the whole thing.

"That's it! I've had enough, Lust!" Wrath burst out, unable to control himself any longer.

Her eyes darted toward Wrath, narrowing in observation. Immediately, a nervous sweat broke from her face in shock


"Who else do you think?!"

Gritting his teeth, he undid his transformation and glared at Lust. Now possessing his monstrous form, he pointed at her with his sharpened claws.

"What the hell do you think you're doing, uh? Master left you in charge of this Dungeon, placing you in the Final Hall, yet you've turned this place into a filthy room for your entertainment." He said in anger.

"What the he-" Lust said in slight annoyance, but Wrath wasn't done.

"The Master even appeared before you, and you couldn't tidy up your mess. You dare show him such a shameful sight after he took his time to meet up with you? Even after giving you a chance for redemption, asking you about his identity, you shamefully didn't know a thing!" He seethed in annoyance.

But, Wrath... You also didn't know my identity when we met, right? I laughed, silently.

"T-That's not it at all. I-"

"What have you been doing all these years, uh? Did you even notice that we entered the Dungeon? Did you notice our presence or progress? Have you ever paid any attention to this place that has been placed in your care? We swept through the rooms and obstacles to get here, yet you were too occupied with your 'fun' that you didn't know anything! Even when we appeared before you, the shock and annoyance you displayed are unfit for a General!" He continued.

I think Wrath is just transferring his pent-up aggression.

Unlike Lust, he fulfilled his assignment dutifully. He must have sat on that throne of his for countless years since I placed him there. Therefore, seeing Lust enjoy herself while she was meant to perform her duty must have triggered this reaction.

Poor guy... I should make him enjoy himself more.

"And you even dared question Lord Hexarion when he entered the hall he gave to you. You disgrace of a General! Why are you even alive?!" Wrath growled.

"You... Why are you..."

Lust's fierce face suddenly started tearing up, getting soft by the harsh words hurled at her.

Oh boy... Here it comes.

"Uahhhhhhh!!!" She bawled, letting out bloody tears as her scream filled the room.

Wrath looked like he still had a lot to say, burning up with passion, while Lust kept crying uncontrollably.

One major feature within Lust was her bipolar nature.

She usually displayed a sadistic personality, able to send fear into the hearts of the strongest-willed person. But, she was also very soft-hearted. Since she had a weak heart, she made sure to surround herself with weaklings and ensured that none of them could defy her. Because of this complex of hers, she was the worst match for Wrath.

"You... you meanie! Why are you always so mean to me? Uahhhhhhh!" She cried even more.

Wrath was never able to stand Lust, and whenever his patience reached its limits he would hurl his passionate words at her. Of course, she always took offense and broke down.

Sigh, I knew this would happen. This is why I didn't want to show any form of dissatisfaction.

But, it seemed even when I didn't, Wrath still got angry on my behalf.

"M-master Hexariooon!!!" Lust cried, flying from her heights as her four appendages whirled about, propelling her to my direction.

In this situation, there was only one thing to do.

In a flash, she reached me and flew into my widely spread arms, ready to receive her. 

"Masterrrrr! I've missed you so muchhhh!" She cried.

I hugged her tightly, allowing her to let out all the pent-up feelings she had within her, feelings that surged thanks to Wrath's prodding.

"Uahhh, Master... Wrath is being mean to me again. Masterrr!"

"There, there... don't worry about him. I'm here for you." I smiled, rubbing her head and giving her my warmth.

She kept crying, making me wonder when she would stop.

Sigh, I'm the one who made her like this... what was wrong with me then?

"Lord Hexarion, you pamper her too much. She is-" Wrath said, still glaring at Lust.

"That's enough, Wrath." I cut in.

"Y-yes Lord Hexarion!" He instantly said, growing stiff by my defensive glare.

Lust removed her buried face from my chest and glanced at Wrath.

Making a mocking grin, she giggled in satisfaction.

Wrath felt stabbed by his inability to insult Lust even more, and her condescending expression made him more furious. Since she was locked safely in my embrace, and I also told him to zip it, he could do nothing but withstand his disgrace.

Just endure it, Wrath. This is all for the best!

"Lust, that's enough as well. You know, Wrath isn't entirely wrong." I said, raising her face with my fingers as I stared at her.

"M-master... I was just too bored and alone... I was lonely since those pesky humans stopped challenging the Dungeon. There was nothing to do... She mumbled.

"Still, you know that's not an excuse," I said to her, giving her a knowing look.

"Y-yes. You are right. I-I'm sorry... >Hicc< >Hicc<... I'm so sorry. Uahhhhh!" She cried even more.

Good grief... this is exhausting. But it's a relief.. With this, I've reunited with the second of my Generals.

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