HEX: Aspect Of The Void

Chapter 198 - Truce

[Adventurer City Of Lamar, Western Kingdom]

"Galandel, I'm ready to subjugate those monsters. Tell me more." I said to the Guildmaster

The two Constellations looked at me in shock, surprised by how I ignored them.

"H-hey, are you sure about that? They seem to be here to see you..." Galandel slightly protested, his eyes darting to the impatient Apostles who appeared annoyed by my impudence.

Of course, I know that. But it won't be that simple...

"You said it yourself, Galandel. The city is in trouble, any further delay would cause more harm. There's no time, and I'm sure the Apostles can understand that." 

Using these words as a shield, the two of them fidgeted uncomfortably. They were well aware that they had been trapped.

Since the Apostles professed to be on the side of good, and the city was in grave danger, they couldn't prioritize themselves over the lives of everyone living here.

"Give me the task. This can wait until later" I added earnestly, moving closer to the desk.

Galandel got my drift and nodded, bringing a file from under his desk.

"A majority of the monsters are coming from the Forest Of Monsters, a place you must be well aware of..." Galandel began, opening the document to show me the reports.

Truly, the records showed a dire situation for the village. Nearly five hundred monsters were spotted a day, and not just any kind. One was at least on par with a Minotaur.

"I see. There's no way the Adventurers we have left will be able to handle them..." I mumbled, rubbing my chin thoughtfully.

The Constellations didn't utter a single word as they watched me converse with Galandel.

I could sense how they controlled themselves from reacting as a result of their wounded pride, especially the one called Aries.

Virgo, who was usually hot-headed, seemed to be in thought about something.

Well, it doesn't matter what she's cooking up. Even if they were to impose on my attention, making the matter blow up, I would simply refuse, making them look bad in front of everyone in the city.

"Based on the systematic sightings, the monsters must be in their thousands at this moment. There must be a source of their appearance. Maybe a Dungeon nearby..." 

Galandel nodded, showing that he had the same thought.

Usually, this would mean good news, since Dungeons were very lucrative, but after the incident of the Vanishing Dungeon, no one would be happy to hear the appearance of yet another one.

"If that's the case, then we'll need to get rid of not just the monsters, but the Dungeon, as well. But, we are extremely short on personnel. Besides, I doubt many Adventurers would sign up for a Dungeon expedition, with the recent tragedy..." Galandel stated.

True, but that's fine! It's exactly how I want it.

"They don't need to, I'll handle everything myself..." I answered.

Though Galandel still had a slight tinge of disbelief in my words, he was convinced that if anyone could pull it off, I would stand a good chance.

"Isn't your statement a little conceited?" Virgo suddenly said, glancing at both the Guildmaster and me with a disappointed look.

"Oh? What do you mean by that?" Galandel spoke in my place, staring at the Constellation.

"Please, do not pretend you aren't aware of how impossible what you're saying is. I may not have been here at the start of your conversation, but I have a fair idea of the situation. It's not looking good for this city indeed, but there's only so much one man can do..." Virgo said in agitation.

She was being serious, and I understood the rationale behind her statement.

Even for Constellations, it wasn't feasible for a single one of them to clear a Dungeon. They usually went in pairs.

If I went to a Dungeon on my own, especially one which was causing so much trouble like this, it wasn't expected that I would survive. However, Galandel was desperate and since I was willing, he was betting it all on me.

"It's not overconfidence! Rio here has defeated a General of The Evil One, it's possible for him, if not anyone else, to do this" Galandel protested.

"The General was most likely in a weakened state. A true one of those seven demons would have wiped this city off if they truly fought with their full power. You can't use that as a valid basis here!" Virgo countered.

I admit, Wrath was in a weakened state when I fought him, but what of it? I'm as powerful as the fully powered version. But she isn't aware of that... And she's right, we would have destroyed way more stuff if Wrath and I both went all out.

"That's enough, what's your point, Apostle?" I cut in since the two kept throwing words at each other.

Everyone looked at me with, Aries with an expression of contempt.

"You really should bridle your tongue... Hero or not, you're still a heathen!" 

So, it's not only Virgo's faction who thinks this way. Well, who cares?

"It is simple. What kind of servants of god would blindly watch as an entire civilization is threatened and on the brink of destruction? Since we are here, I might as well give you a helping hand..." Virgo stated.

Hold on, what is she implying...? That she also wants to-

"What are you talking about, Virgo? We owe no responsibility to a heathen city!" Aries protested.

Clearly, he wanted to stick to the mission. I was also surprised by Virgo's actions. It was almost like, for the moment, their personalities had been switched.

"They are still humans, Aries, and they have suffered enough. Besides, if they were to endure this, perhaps they would reconsider their stance and embrace the faith" Virgo said to Aries.

I see... So she wants to use this as a means to proselytize. Not bad...

"No matter what your intentions are, it doesn't change the fact that I don't need you, and you'll only be a bother to me!" I said, slightly agitated.

"Why? Even if you say that, won't my presence there be of even the slightest assistance to you? I'm a Constellation, you know? Weakness is something foreign to me." She smiled.

She's right! Someone as powerful as a Constellation was certainly not going to be a liability in battle. 

"Besides, it is as you have said, there's very little time for the City. Wouldn't it be better to have as many capable hands as you can get? You know... for the sake of the people." Virgo added.


She got me! Using my words against me, what a neat trick. Since I had feigned care for the citizens of the city, plus I was acting as a heroic figure, it would only be right for me to accept help in the Dungeon raid, I have to accept her offer...

"I understand your point. Fine, I could need an extra hand, anyway... but I'll only take on of you!" I said, much to my dissatisfaction... she won me this round.

"That's plenty enough, and I was also going to suggest that. I'll be accompanying you." The female constellation smiled with satisfaction.

"Virgo, have you forgotten our mission? We don't have time to play 'hero'!" Aries scolded stiffly.

"Oh, but this is related. After all, one of the things we decided to do is seek out this man before us. It's only natural to try knowing him better." She answered, staring hard at Aries.

I sensed a distortion in the Aspects between the two of them, indicating that a form of interaction was occurring between them.

I quickly used Hex to pick up the signals sent and hacked into their frequency.

"~And as for the other matter... the killer of my subordinates, it's also important to take this course of action... After all, we may need him to face the Apostle Killer! It's necessary to gain his trust!~" Virgo's thoughts flowed.

Interesting... so they are also after the 'me' who killed those other Apostles, and they are also thinking of using the Hero, Rio, eh? They are too late though, Lord Hexarion is nowhere near their perimeter. And even if they were to somehow figure out his location... they can't win!

"~You had better be right, Virgo. We can't waste much time, the Prophet needs us for the next meeting. The time is drawing near, after all.~" Aries responded with his thought.

Meeting? Time? The Prophet? It seems there are many interesting things to learn, after all. I take it back. Being accompanied by the Virgo could prove more beneficial than I initially thought.

"~Stay here and monitor the Guildmaster, also investigate this City without me. There may be other clues to find. Like I said earlier, this man is strong. It won't take us very long to complete this quest.~"

As soon as Virgo made this last statement, she cut off the connection.

"Since you and Aries agree, I'll be accompanying you." She said, facing me.

I shrugged and turned to Galandel, who seemed even happier by this development. 

With a Constellation on my side, he was sure to be more assured of our victory.

"So, when will you be heading there?" He asked.

A smile formed on my face, and I couldn't deny the exhilaration I suddenly felt as a result of the new development that was about to unfold.

"We leave right now. You have no problem with that, right, Miss Virgo?" I asked.

She returned the expression and replied confidently.

"Call me Virgo! And yes.... Let us begin!"

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