HEX: Aspect Of The Void

Chapter 199 - The Monster Hunt

"So, Rio... where are you from?" 

I cringed a little upon hearing the question. The one asking was walking directly by my side, refusing to budge as she stared at me curiously.

Ignoring her, I kept moving forward. We were already a long way off from the City Of Lamar, nearing the Forest Of Monsters.

I left Shamac and Ruth behind since I didn't fully trust Aries being alone in the city. Though the two of them would most likely be able to win against him, I wasn't certain of anything.

"Just watch him, make sure he doesn't overstep his bounds. Only engage when it's absolutely necessary!" Was my order to them.

As for Galandel, I left him in charge of the city in my absence, telling him to gather the fee Adventurers who were left and give them important roles of guarding the city in my absence.

In the case of a few monsters spilling out of the forest, it would be good if there were some last resort of defense to protect the city.

Of course, he liked my idea and was in support, making his moves the instant I stepped out of his office.

"Rio Xarion... I thank you for this great service of yours! If you need me in any way after this incident, I shall not hesitate to come to your aid!" He declared to me.

The words of a Guildmaster... Quite useful indeed, I mused.

The Constellation, who was my partner for the meantime didn't seem too pleased about my silent reminiscence as she probed me with more pretext for conversation.

"You have some gall, ignoring the words of an Apostle, a Constellation for that matter" She added, smiling as she held back her annoyance.

I realized that refusing to answer her any further would lead to more of her annoying ramblings, so it was better to just say something.

Besides, I also needed information from her.

"I thought we decided to discard the formality, Virgo? Or was I mistaken when you told me to address you more directly?" I spoke, smiling at her confidently.

She appeared taken aback by my sudden speech, stunned by the response I gave.

"Well then, if that is the case, you should at least learn to make conversation. If we are going to be working together, it's only proper to reply when asked a question." 

She had a point, since I would also be annoyed if I was the one in her shoes. However, it wasn't like I didn't want to answer, but I didn't know how to. I didn't exactly come from anywhere, since my original birthed me. Besides, I had to be careful when around such an Apostle as Virgo.

Any answer I provide may end up being detrimental to me... 

"Let's just say I'm not from around here..." I sighed.

"Oh, a foreigner? You don't look like one though..." She said, closely observing my face.

Her prying eyes made me feel slightly uncomfortable. Turning away, I quickly focused on the path before me.

It didn't take us very long, since we both used high-speed flight for most of the journey, so we were finally at the entrance of the forest.

"What about you, Virgo? Where are you from?" I asked.

She shrugged, not seeing the value in my question.

"I am an Apostle, I come from the Sanctuary, that is all you need to know about it..." 

For someone who desired information from me, she was quite tight-lipped.

I realized that I would have more luck hearing her thoughts than actually engaging her with words, so I switched my tactics and tried picking up any frequency she emitted which indicated telepathy.

Surely enough, it existed. 

No wonder she's acting this way... There's someone else she's talking to. Is it Aries?"

"Can't you use one of your Grace to make him spill? You were pretty confident about it moments ago!" I heard Aries's voice sounding impatient.

So, I was right after all... Let's listen more.

"It's not working, obviously I would have tried that method. He must have a defensive Relic!" She replied in annoyance, a contrast to how she had been speaking with me.

"Strong enough to block your Grace?" Aries responded.

"If he could avoid our detection, don't be surprised by this as well. Besides, I believe I already told you. This man is strong!" She stated.

"Tch, well... there's no need to be impatient. There'll be more opportunities..." 

"Hey, you don't get to act like you're in charge. I senior you in the hierarchy, and this is my mission. You're just supporting, don't forget that." Virgo's intimidating voice sounded.

Aries kept quiet, and after some time, I heard a disconnecting sound.

So, they've stopped conversing, eh?

I didn't learn much, but it was still useful in its own way.

"There's not much time. We better hurry. Do you sense anything?" I said to Virgo, snapping her out of the daze she was in.

She looked around the forest, narrowing her eyes to focus her extrasensory perception which seemed to cover the entire mass of plants and shrubs.

Looking surprised and slightly flustered, she closed her eyes to stop her ability.

"What did you find?" I asked.

"It's as the Adventurers said, only worse. There are at least a thousand monsters in this forest alone, and I sense a form of distortion up ahead, to the east. That's most likely where the source is from." Virgo answered.

Oh? It's accurate. As expected of a Constellation. If I was actually a true hero, I would consider her an indispensable ally.

"Then let's go!"

Without any form of hesitation, the both of us sped across the tall grove of trees, tearing the rushing winds in our face as we approached the horde of monsters that gathered together.

"There they are! Grade 2 Monsters... And a few Grade 1!" I said.

These creatures would pose a problem for even the most seasoned of Adventurers. Even if Lamar didn't suffer the loss they did, it would take a painstaking effort to subjugate this many high-level monsters.

Among them were elementals, chimeras, minotaurs, centaurs, and other mystic beasts.

I could sense Virgo's gaze on me as we neared the aggravated beasts. She seemed to look at me with curiosity and deep interest.

Fascinating... He really is something else. To be confronted with this many monsters without the blessing of the gods, yet not showing the slightest hint of fear. This man... Is-

"ROAARRRRRRR!!!" The monsters bellowed, charging toward us.

They weren't even a challenge as I brought out my blade, unsheathing it in an instant as I cut through dozens of them in a single strike.

A dark blue aura appeared all over my body as white flashes of lightning covered the blade. Using my heightened speed, I easily dodged the blasts and countless desperate assaults of the monsters as I exterminated them.

"Grrrrawwwwwlllll" They screeched and growled.

A group of chimeras suddenly opened their mouths, jointly creating a crimson bomb that melted the area around them. The dangerous orb was targeted at me, who was busy cutting down the monsters in their multitude.


They launched it at me, the cackling object of mass destruction approaching me at a rapid rate.

Bracing my arms as I filled my blade with energy, I swung it in horizontal and vertical slashes respectively, offsetting the bomb with my power.

Since my energy was superior, their blast got redirected to them, destroying the monsters in that area.


A massive surge of pure destruction erupted, parting the clouds in the forest. 

"Weak!" I mumbled.

While I expected this, it was still pretty underwhelming to continue this farce when I could have swept through them with even greater speed. However, I had to put on a good show for the Apostle, without giving out most of my cards.

It's better if she knows I'm strong, so she acknowledges me, but not too strong that she becomes too wary... There must be a balance!

Speaking of the Apostle, I glanced over to her direction to see how the lady was doing.

I realize that I was more powerful than she, but the sight displayed before me as she dealt with the monster with great ease could make anyone doubt that fact.

The countless monsters surrounding her, in their hundreds all instantly exploded, turning from the inside out as their mangled flesh let out loud bangs.




Their inflated bodies exploded, sending blood splattering all around. She used a defensive ability to protect herself from their blood and minced body parts.

"Whether man or beast... they are all the same, all must obey the call..." She mumbled.

Judging based on Divine Power Alone, it was hard to pinpoint the god which contracted with her, but they had to be one of the great 10. 

Perhaps my original would know...

Looking at the pile of monster corpses that she made, and the pool of blood around her, I was somewhat relieved to be stronger.

"So this is Virgo, eh? I wonder...." I whispered, thinking up something amusing.

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