HEX: Aspect Of The Void

Chapter 206 - Overwhelming Brilliance

"After I realized the trick to your power, it was only natural that the next step would be to ensure the Dungeon got destroyed," I said, giving it a scornful smile.

The Monster's eyes instantly widened in realization, seeming to remember our fight and how I destroyed the Dungeon.

"But, no matter how badly I damaged it myself, I couldn't draw enough power to completely erase the Dungeon. But you did. That's why-"

"You bastard! Did you instigate me into destroying the Dungeon myself?!" It suddenly barked.

"Who knows? Maybe I did. In any case... It's all over now, for the final time." I grinned.

"And it looks like I win!" 

Raising my sword, I filled it with golden energy once again, and pierced the heart of the monster, destroying its core and sending its entire body into ashes.


Once again, the entire area was flooded with a wide blast. However, unlike the previous one filled with malevolence and malice, the purity of my golden light-filled everywhere, sending sparks dancing in the sky as I finished the mission at long last.


"A-Amazing...." Virgo muttered as she watched the brilliance of the golden energy wash through the devastated land.

Her body trembled in excitement and fear as her eyes shone. She couldn't believe the sight before her, yet there she was, experiencing it.

How is it possible for a human to possess such power? She marveled.

Initially, Virgo had assumed that the story surrounding him was merely bloated up, but after he survived her mental space and even managed to turn the tides of the circumstance to his favor, she knew he was strong.

Even when they faced the monsters in the forest, he displayed such precision and speed that she had to admire his combat prowess. He was on par with a seasoned Apostle. The Dungeon Boss was an entirely different story. Even she, a Constellation, felt overpowered by the monster, yet he seemed to hold out more than she.

He did look flustered for a moment then, but after a short while, he pulled himself together and displayed such power that I have never seen before...

Virgo was confused on how far to rate the man she was partnered with, especially after experiencing the final battle he had against the monster.

Using her extrasensory perception, she managed to pick up the conversation Rio had with the monster. She could also see their fight, though her eyes could barely keep up with the two of them as they clashed.

He wasn't even using his full powers before? This man... he's stronger than any of the Constellations! Virgo concluded within herself.

Had she been so conceited all this time? She had always thought that no human could ever measure up to the power bestowed upon the chosen ones by the gods. As Apostles, and even more, as Constellations, they were the highest begins to exist as humans. Yet, there was one person who defied that logic.

His power is comparable to the Prophet's own... no, it can't be... Could it be...?!

She didn't want to admit it, but the intensity of the power she felt from the slight swing of the hero of Lamar, not even his full thrust, made her consider the possibility that his power exceeded any of the Apostles.

"Impossible! That is impossible... right?" She muttered in disbelief.

~Virgo! Are you there? Respond!~ Aries' voice sounded through telepathy.

The surge in her head shook her out of the troubling thoughts she was having.

~Yeah, what's the problem?~ Virgo responded, quickly pulling herself together.

~What the hell is going on? I've been feeling tremblings for some time now. And that golden radiance I'm witnessing... who caused that? Is this your doing? ~ Aries asked.

His voice sounded panicky, and even though the static voice wasn't too clear as a result of the interference of Rio's disruptive attack, Virgo could still sense the impatience within his tone.

~No. You know very well my capabilities. All Constellations are aware of the feats we are able to perform. I couldn't do something like that if I tried...~ She answered.

~T-then who? Don't tell me... it's that guy?!~ 

Virgo didn't know how to explain all that she had seen of Rio. There was no way she could tell him her opinion of his power, and that his strength exceeded the Prophet, head of the Sanctuary.

~Y-yes. It's him.~ She managed to reply.

For a moment, there was silence, giving Virgo more time to pull her thoughts together.

Throughout his fight, she didn't detect the use of HEX, so there was no way he was affiliated with the Demon God Cult that had been on the rise in these recent days, making a name for themselves.

~Unbelievable. To think he had that kind of strength...~ Aries finally responded.

With the estimated level of power Rio possessed, Virgo calculated that not even a combined effort of her and Aries would be able to defeat him.

~Hey, Virgo... do you think he's our target? The one who has been killing Apostles?~

Virgo sighed.

Of course, she had also considered that, especially after deeming him capable of such feat. However...

~The killers of my subordinates used HEX. This man has never once used that evil art. I couldn't even sense the slightest trace of it in him.~ She answered.

Besides, from his actions and what she deciphered from him, Rio didn't seem like such a coldhearted killer who would slaughter Apostles of good.

~His power is mysterious and vast... but I don't think he's evil. However...~

Rio was a threat! That much was evident to her. Should the Order hear of his existence, she didn't even know how they would react to neutralize such a threat.

It's possible, if everyone went all out against him. But...

No matter how she thought of it, the casualties on their end would be great. Instead of making an enemy out of such a man, it would be best to make him an ally.

~Do you think... he is a 'Hero'?~ Aries suddenly asked.

Why does he keep pestering me with these questions when he knows the answers to those! Virgo gritted her teeth in irritation.

The Apostles, except for the highest ranks, did not know of the existence of heroes.

As one of the few who knew of the Holy beings created in God's image, Virgo would be able to detect if anyone she met was a Hero.

They had a special aura about them, and since she would be able to sense the hidden entity within the human vessel, there was no way she could miss them.

~He's not. He can't be!~

The Apostles also had records of the six Heroes that existed in the world. Rio did not fit into the description of any of them.

~Yeah. I suppose you are right.~ Aries replied, feeling a little ashamed of how he reacted.

~Still. He can't be ignored. He'll be an incredible asset in our search for the Apostle Killer. I'll try my best to get on good terms with him...~ Virgo stated, glancing at the golden light as it dimmed and dissipated.

~How are things on your end?~ She added.

Another silence ensued, followed by a low static sound, as though Aries switched to a different frequency.

~I'm currently trying my best to be wary. Apparently, I am being tailed by his two party members...~

Virgo's eyes widened in shock. Her mind went back to her first encounter with Rio. He had two people with him whom he regarded as his party members. One was a Shifter, having a mixed lineage from her sensory perception, while the other...

That girl... Her thoughts trailed.

Was I wrong about him, after all? Could he have evil intentions? Rio... just what kind of person is he? 

~Did you get any important Intel?~ Virgo asked.

~Yeah. You could say that. But that will have to wait, it seems these rude mongrels need to be taught some manners.~ Aries responded, sounding a little annoyed by the two people he suspected to be trailing him.

~Need any help?~

Silence followed as Virgo asked the question. Of course, she instantly regretted her words the moment she let them out. She had also thoughtlessly spoken.

~I'll take that as a mistake, Virgo. I may be a rank lower than you, but I'm a Constellation too. Rank 6 is no joke, you know?~ Aries responded.

Sigh. I knew he would react like this.

~Alright. I won't tell you how to act, but make sure to capture them alive to extract more information from them. Plus, it might all be a misunderstanding, so don't be too rough on them. We're in a populated place, after all.~ 

Even though she had intended not to dictate to him, that was exactly what she did. One thing Aries hated was being told what to do unless it was from someone way high up. 

~I'll take care of it how I see fit. Make sure to settle things on your end too. I'll contact you after I'm done taking care of the two.. Aries out.~

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