HEX: Aspect Of The Void

Chapter 207 - Proposal

Before Virgo could say any more to her clearly upset partner, the line was disconnected. 

That idiot. Well, whatever. He'll take responsibility for his actions anyway. In any case, I should focus on my task as well. Getting Rio to trust me and help us in our mission! She grumbled to herself.

So far, it seemed like he was warming up to her. At the very least, he didn't have as much animosity toward her as he did when they first met.

He even saved her and touched her-

"Stop thinking about that!" She said out loud, shaking her head vehemently as she tried to forget the embarrassing thing Rio did.

"What the hell... that man... I would kill him if I could!" 

Gritting her teeth, Virgo gave up on the thought and gave a heavy sigh, waiting for Rio to return.


I stood within the dissipating light and watched it settle.

During that time, I had listened to the conversation between Virgo and Aries via their special channel. Everything they conversed about was to my knowledge, and the fact the two thought they had any form of advantage amused me.

A wide grin formed on my face, anticipating the events to come.

"So that's how it is. Now, this is exciting..."


I instantly teleported to where Virgo was. She appeared a little flustered by my presence and made a cautious look at me.

"Let's return to the city," I said, glancing in the direction of Lamar.

"W-wait!" She suddenly called out.

A grin formed on my face, but I quickly hid it.

"Of you're not in too much of a hurry... can we talk?"

Oh? I know what this is all about...

Virgo wanted to keep me pinned down so that she could buy enough time for Aries to capture my subordinates and extract information from them. 

"What do you want to talk about?" I responded, turning to look at her face.

She still avoided my gaze, for some reason. 

"It's about our mission here. Aries and I came for a particular purpose..." She answered.

"I thought it was confidential. Didn't you want to keep it a secret? Or, do you finally want to reveal it to me since you think I'll be useful to you?" 

My tone showed a slight hint of displeasure and suspicion, making Virgo even more uncomfortable. It was clear that she was trying to avoid any form of conflict on our end.

For her, she had to win me over to her side... no matter what.

Of course, I already know the big secret you're hiding, Virgo. No matter what happens, you'll never achieve your goal.

"I apologize for my earlier rudeness. It seems I misjudged you. Also, you are right to an extent. The reason I want to reveal this much to you is that we could use your assistance in apprehending a particular person. However..." Virgo began speaking, smoothening her words in an attempt to appeal to me.

"However...?" I raised my brow.

"This person of interest may be the concern of us Apostles for now, but who knows what he may cause next? From our investigation, we discovered that this perpetrator has caused chaos among the royals. He also made quite the ruckus in another city in the empire and is bound to wreak even more havoc-"

"What's your point?" I cut Virgo short.

I know what you're trying to say, but don't use such a roundabout way. Spill it, Virgo. I mused, enjoying the situation.

"Lamar could be next!" She finally let out.

I grinned internally but suppressed the overflowing feelings of amusement within me.

For a moment, I allowed silence to ensue between the two of us, waiting for some seconds before I gave a reaction.


My eyes widened, feigning slight surprise by her words.

"Think about it. First, a faraway noble's manor, then the city of Artia. Then, the last place recorded was here in Lamar. The previous places experienced havoc as a result of this person. For all we know, they could be responsible for the Dungeon's monsters and could be plotting harm against this city!" Virgo explained.

It's amazing how someone can be so right, and at the same time so wrong! It's true that the perpetrator of the Dungeon incident and monster outbreak is the same as the Apostle's killer. But... that's just about where her assertion's validity ends.

"I see. So, you're saying this guy could be up to something with Lamar..." I mumbled, pretending to reason with her.

"It's most likely that they caused the incident of the Vanishing Dungeon, as well as the release of the Demon General, Wrath from the bounds of its prison. The deaths and destruction this person has caused is something even you must feel, as a hero of this city..." She continued.

I appeared to be deep in consideration, reasoning her words. This was all for show, though.

I already the conclusion of the matter.

"Do you have any proof of this?"

Virgo was slightly shocked to hear my words since she wasn't expecting such a hole in her bubble.

"Well..." Her voice quivered.

"You've made some nice assertions, but without proof, what basis do you have? It may as well be groundless theories." 

Her fists were clenched by my words, and I could tell that she wasn't taking my words lightly.

"And? What do you think? That the Vanishing Dungeon, which has been fine for all this time, suddenly cracks open and allows its final Boss Monster to be free? I also heard of the strange occurrence within the Dungeon, how the difficulty suddenly changed, causing the death of many Adventurers, your colleagues! How can all of that be a coincidence?" Virgo said with a deep frown.

Despite her hot-headed nature, I had to give it to her. She was pretty smart. It would be better to keep such a potential threat, or ally, close by. 

It's going to be a waste to just kill you, Virgo. I'm going to use as much as I can from you, even more than you think you're using me. 

Her glare did not vanish as she kept looking directly into my eyes so I could make a decision.


"Very well said. You're right, I also didn't think of it as coincidence. I'm relieved that your reasoning tallies well with mine..." I blurted out.

"R-really?!" She exclaimed, quickly restraining herself.

"I was planning to conduct my personal investigation on the matter, and to be honest... after the appearance of you and Aries, I began to suspect the two of you..."

Virgo's eyes widened in surprise, stunned by my words.

"W-what? Us? Why?!" 

Her face displayed unbelief, yet she considered the possibility. If that was the case, it would make sense why I was so cold and cautious around the two Apostles.

"Think about it. After the death of many, and the city suffers a huge loss, monsters begin to invade the Adventurers' city, and conveniently, the both of you appeared on the pretext of some 'mission'. Galandel didn't seem to like you very well, and the both of you appeared somewhat pleased by the state of the town. I was well within my rights to suspect you." My calm voice made her face soften as she saw reason in my words.


"Yes. Since you volunteered to come with me, I assumed you were up to something. But, after careful consideration, I decided to take you with me and leave the remaining members of my Party to keep watch over Aries for me, since he appeared the most pleased about the desperate state of the city, thereby making him the most suspicious."

Twisting my words, I made it appears that all my actions were for the benefit of the city, thereby erasing the little suspicion Virgo had of me.

"H-hold on! Then... that means that those two currently trailing Aries are merely doing it to keep the town safe!" Virgo exclaimed in a slight panic.

"Yeah. Why are you repeating my words?".

My questioning glare pierced into Virgo's guilty face, making her conflicted on whether to tell me of her conversation with Aries or not. Of course, I knew everything but it was still fun watching her consider it.

~Aries, come in! There's an emergency. It appears we made an error in judgment. The two who are currently after you are innocent. Refrain from harming them in any way.~ Virgo quickly transmitted her thoughts via the communication line of Apostles which I had hacked into.


Virgo impatiently sent another message, hoping it would go through.

"Do you hear me, Aries? There has been a misunderstanding!"


The glitching sound continued, indicating there was no way to establish a connection to her partner.

In annoyance, she cut the communication channel and gave a displeased look.

"What seems to be the matter?" I asked, feigning ignorance of what she had just attempted to do.

"Rio. Please do not be upset, but we need to hurry!" Virgo stated, rising from her seated position.

Hehehe. Now, this is getting more amusing!

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