HEX: Aspect Of The Void

Chapter 21 - Ambush

My new slave looked terrified and nervous as he knelt on his shaky knees. It didn't have to be this way if he had just been obedient on the first try. But still, didn't he give up too easily. I was sure I had to do it a couple of times before he finally broke. But for him to fall so soon...

"How boring" I sighed.

Well, enough of that, I've gotten my goods, its time to get out of here. Judging by the time the Auction started and the time spent, this should be night already. I really want to go back to the hotel and enjoy myself, especially after such a boring event.

"Stand. We're leaving" I said, turning away from him.

I walked toward the entrance and Talia immediately left her corner and joined me. The slave I just bought stood slowly and hesitantly. He walked toward Talia and myself, uncertainty in his steps and caution in his movement. He walked behind us as we left the vault. I saw Julius waiting for us by the entrance.

"Are you done, sir?" He asked me with a tone of courtesy.

Ah, Julius, you never cease to amuse me.

"Yes. We'll be heading back now" I told him.

"Oh, it's gotten pretty late though, might I advise you stay here for the night. Though not as good as your current hotel, Imperius Auction House provides high quality accommodation and reception." He offered.

"No thanks" I said flatly.

"B-But, its unwise to leave an auction so late and walk the dark streets, especially with the kind of item you purchased" He appealed.

This guy, he's pretty smart. I'm sure he intentionally set up the date of the Auction to fall in the evening, ensuring we would finish in the night. I'm certain most of the participants are lodged in the Imperius accommodation, for exorbitant prices no doubt. This is a good strategy for business, however... It won't work on me.

"That's not a problem. Besides, no one knows I'm the one who bought the wings" I said.

"But they can identify your slave. As long as they see him with you, they'll be able to tell" Julius argued.

True, my identity was hidden from everyone, so there is no way anyone can tell I'm the current owner of the wings. But, that all changes since I also bought the new slave. Everyone knows the same person who bought the shapeshifter is the one who bought the wings. Since the shapeshifter had his face seen by everyone, merely walking with him gives me away. But...

"I can just have him transform to something or someone else" I smiled.

Julius was lost for words, he didn't expect that comeback. I'm sure he is well aware I bid 5 billion on Talia's wings, a ridiculous amount. He might be thinking I don't care about how I spend money since I have so much. It's partly true, money has never really a problem for me... Well, for the most part. However, I hate being played.

"Oh, Julius..." I smiled to myself.

It won't be long now before everything falls into place.

The three of us left the Auction House and decided to walk, not getting any cart or carriage we spotted around us for transportation. Julius was also curious about the location of the Fairy wings, which he eventually realized is inside 'Root'. I had the shapeshifter change his appearance, allowing us to blend in, or rather out.

It was really dark out, with people still all around, the night market seems lively as well. It seems this city never sleeps, however there's no doubt that the night had very few people compared to the day.

I thought about certain things as we walked, including the way forward in a way that includes them, my new servants. I just enjoy walking sometimes, it clears the mind and affords a good time for productive thought, though flying is better.

Suddenly I saw a silhouette dash behind me. I looked back and then another one passed there. These silhouette are fast, they most not be amateurs.

"Master, what's the problem?" Talia asked in a curious matter, trying to look at the same direction I am.

"It's nothing... I just thought I heard something." I replied.

I decided to snap out of my thought and concentrated on my senses. It turns out I was right, we're being followed. The shapeshifter remained silent, not saying anything.

We kept walking until I couldn't stand it anymore. This has to end.

I intentionally took an alternate route, we ended up in an abandoned construction area. The woods creaked and the smell of fresh concrete was in the air. This should do it. I stopped walking and so did Talia and slave num 2.

"That's enough, come out" I said, looking toward the direction I sense the enemies coming from and hiding.

No response.

"I said come out... Now" I declared.

No response.

Well, I can't say I didn't try to be reasonable. They just didn't listen.

"HEX #33 Spatial Interference" I said.

Immediately, the hidden enemies appeared in front of me, still having the same position as at when they were hiding. Their eyes widened and looked surprised by what I did. They were all dressed in black, having black masks as covering for their face, having swords on their right side and daggers on their left.

"You've been following me since I left the auction. What do you want?" I asked them calmly.

"The Wings... Give it up!" The head of the bandits, or whatever they are, said to me in a harsh and impatient tone.

How dare he? I have the mind to mete out punishment on him, but doing so will not benefit me. Besides, it's only a matter of time before their employer comes into play.

"Or what?" I said defiantly.

"We'll make you!" The leader threatened.

The bandits drew their blades at me, prepared for assault. I sighed, this is a waste of time, unless...

The entire number of the thugs are 35. By using Hex #33, Spatial Interference, I can manipulate the space within my range, as well as knowing every thing and object within said range. This means that currently, I know the position, numbers and other in-depth details of everything in my range. Not only that, I can change the location and other details of such objects.

Thirty five skilled assassins... This is a perfect opportunity.

"New slave, you're up." I said to the shapeshifter behind me.

"W-W-What?" He let out, completely surprised and caught off guard.

I smiled.

"It's time to prove your worth. I didn't buy you for decoration, you know?" I told him.

"B-But I can't..." He said, looking anxious.

This shapeshifter isn't wrong, but he isn't right either. I can understand that he is indeed weak. For him to be captured in the first place shows he lacks strength. I'm sure he's not like Talia who was betrayed. However, there's something about this shapeshifter that draws me to him.

"Do it" I told him.

"B-But I already told you..." He tried to explain.

"HEX 94, Orb of Protection" I said, generating a small orb which expanded into a small field surrounding Talia, the shapeshifter and myself.

"With this, they won't be enough to touch us." I smiled

"Ah, what a relie..." He heaved a sigh of relief.

I immediately snapped my fingers and suddenly he was outside the field. He eyes expressed shock as to what I did.

"What are you doing? Let me back in! It's not fair" He yelled, banging the transparent barrier blocking us.

"I'll let you in, but only after you defeat them" I said to him.

"But how can I...?" He whined.

"That's enough!" I said to him, shutting him up.

He looked surprised by my outburst.

Spatial Interference allows me to see qualities and properties of objects within my range. As my slave, he is an object, and as such I can see his properties as I please. Using this, I have come to discover something about my slave. Perhaps this is the reason I felt drawn to buy him.

"You're not a shapeshifter... Are you?" I asked him.

His eyes widened in shock. His face told it all, like he is saying

"How did you know?"

"You're another variant of Shifters... A Shadowshifter" I said.

"Y-You knew... H-How. Why would you..." He muttered.

"Oi, that's enough! You ignoring us uhn?!" An underling yelled, drawing close to my slave and raising his sword to strike him.

I wouldn't do that if I were you, small fry.

"Shut up" He muttered, immediately drawing spikes from beneath him, from within his shadow.

The spikes pierced the entire body of the assaulter, who twisted and turned as he was ripped and drilled into by the sharp shadow spikes. Blood gushed out of the holes the spikes had pierced and from the mouth of the impatient bandit.

"Gurghhh" He finally let out, before being tossed aside by my slave's shadow and dying.

The other bandits grew apprehensive and cautious, taking a guard stance.

"Fine... I just have to kill them all right?" He finally resolved, turning away from me and facing the enemies.

"Yeah, make it quick" I told him.

"Understood" He said, almost mechanically.

I smiled, I know I made the right choice buying him after all. Why?

Shadowshifters are beings who can basically manipulate their shadows. They are very rare variants of the Shifter race... But that's not all. They are extremely weak during the day. However, the closer it gets to midnight, the stronger they become. During the night they are nightmares and are phenomenally more powerful and unstoppable. And that works perfectly well for me now because...

"I'll end this quick... Before it gets later than it already has" He said, glancing at all 34 of his enemies.

...Guess what time it is now?


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