HEX: Aspect Of The Void

Chapter 22 - The Shadowshifter (Pt 1)


A race which possesses the special ability to alter the appearance and properties of themselves. Basically, they can alter their own Aspects, allowing them to change their natural composition.

Various kinds of Shifters exist. Shapeshifters, even the Beastfolk are a variant of the Shifters since they can transform into animals. However, one of the rarest variants is the Shadowshifter. They are special breeds, and the reason isn't far fetched. Because, unlike other Shifters capable of transforming themselves, Shadowshifters possess the ability to transform extensions of themselves... Their shadows!

And right now... I have one as my pawn.

My new slave is now facing off against 34, formerly 35, trained assaulters. Their identities are hidden so they can't be mere bandits. Well, this should be fun to watch.

"Come at me" The Shadowshifter said to his enemies.

They looked nervous, after all their comrade just died at the hands, or rather, shadow of the person in front of them. However, the mission comes first.

"Don't get close to him. Use ranged weapons!" The leader of the masked men commanded.

Immediately, they responded, sheathing their swords and like clockwork, bows appeared in front of them.

"Is that the work of an Art... Or is it a Relic?" I asked aloud.

Of course they couldn't hear me. No matter, this just makes me more interested in the fight.

"Draw your bows" The leader commanded.

I didn't notice before, but they actually have arrows located on their arm protectors. Three arrows for each hand. They could have more on their legs as well.

They drew their bows, steadying their arrows and readying themselves to fire. I looked at the Shadowshifter he didn't leave his position. His shadows were dangling about, like black whips all around him. What does he plan to do against 34 simultaneous arrows?

"Fire!" The leader commanded.

They all released their arrows at the same time, they must have practiced the timing well. The arrows flew to my newly acquired slave, but he didn't seem daunted. He merely closed his eyes and the shadows immediately moved and converged, forming a dark barrier around him. His entire body was covered by his shadow, protecting him from the arrows.

The arrows pierced the shadows, but didn't penetrate it entirely. Slowly, though, the arrows got sucked into the darkness of the shadow, disappearing from sight.

"W-What is that?" One of the masked men asked in disbelief.

The shadows slowly parted, revealing my slave. He sighed, turning his face to his attackers.

"You can have your arrows back..." He said, commanding his shadows, which brought out the arrows, but from their sharp end.

The arrows faced the respective attacker, from all directions.

"Unsheathe your swords. Defend yourselves. The enemy is..." The leader yelled to his men.

"... That is ... If you can catch them" He said.

Immediately, the arrows were launched, at nearly greater speed than they were fired. The enemies were assaulted by the fast arrows which targeted them. Some were fast enough to defend themselves, though only barely. Some sustained injuries on their hands or legs, however... Some weren't so lucky. They were shot in their vitals. Head and heart, the speed and precision killed them instantly.

"9. 10. 11... So I only managed to get 11 uhn" He sighed.

The assaulters could not believe it. Just like that, their numbers were reduced to 23, some of which had injuries.

"W-What is this person?" They mumbled among themselves.

Well, he is a Shadowshifter.

"I did say I would end this quickly didn't I?" He said, entirely focused on his opponents.

"Move backward. Stay on your guard" The leader instructed.

The remaining survivors leapt back at the instruction of their leader, who sustained no injuries at all.

"I'll end it with this next move" He said, once again raising his shadow.

The shadows grew larger and longer, and became crooked in a sense. If I were to describe it, they looked like the limbs of...

"Form: Spider" He stated.

The shadows, which initially had a form of smoke like and semi solid appearance suddenly became more rigid. They had a solid look, like metal and their edges looked sharp. The crooked shadows numbered 12 in total, moving and dancing around him.

"Go" He said, launching the shadows.

"Everyone... Eva..." The leader quickly said.

Before he could complete his sentence, the first head had been severed. Quickly following this, several others followed suit. The shadow spider limbs slashed, they pierced, they severed, they danced all around, claiming one life after the other... Until none was left, except one.

"I suppose it would make sense that you're the last to survive." The Shaowshifter said, looking at the last one standing.

"What have you done... You killed all my men" The leader gritted his teeth in rage.

"Well, it was them or me, I picked me. Besides, why are you angry? You were just about to kill us too weren't you?" He shrugged nonchalantly.

"N-NO! This wasn't the deal. We were never told of this. We..." The leader said, looking both frightened and angry.

"No matter, you must die here" My slave answered him, cutting him short.

"You little..." The leader said.

He looked around him, at the dead bodies of his fallen comrades and subordinates. Their bodies were so brutalized and covered in blood, it made him sick.

"I-I know I have no chance against him. I have to... I have to live!" The leader thought within himself.

He quickly reached for something hidden in his black attire. His sudden movement got my slave to be wary, making him narrow his eyes and brace himself. The leader brought out some form of ball. It looked like... A bomb?

"I've been saving this as a last resort, but I have no choice at this point" The leader pondered within himself.

It was all or nothing!

"Eat this!!!" The leader yelled, throwing the ball toward my slave.

The Shadowshifter looked flustered by the bomb as it drew closer to him.

The ball flew toward him, spinning and making a weird sound. It began to glow brighter and eventually it...


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