HEX: Aspect Of The Void

Chapter 23 - [Bonus ]The Shadowshifter (Pt 2)

The bomb generated a small, but powerful explosion, at least by normal standards. The smoke it also made was impressive. It covered the entire area, interfering with normal vision. Fortunately, nothing about me is normal.

I immediately activated enhanced vision and senses to continue watching the fight. I saw everything.

The leader ran as fast as he could, leaving my slave in the clouds of smoke. His face looked desperate and his breath was heavy.

"I have to get away. I have to get away!" He cried within himself as he ran.

"You nealy had me for a moment there..." The Shadowshifter spoke in a low but grim tone.

The leader's eyes bulged as he turned his face back in surprise. The bomb didn't do anything to him?

The shadow cocoon which blocked the explosion cleared, revealing my slave unscathed.

"... For a second there I thought that was a flash bomb" He smiled.

The leader picked up his pace as he desperately tried to escape, but it was too late for him.

A shadow whip rose from within his shadow and launched itself toward the desperate and strugling leader. Within moments it caught up with him, and went for one of his legs.

"Gwahhhh" The Leader cried.

"Come" My slave said in a low tone.

The whip dragged the leader back to where it came from, the Shadowshifter.

"Let me go. Let me go. Let me..." The leader screamed, drawing his sword and dagger.

He used his blades to slash the shadow many times, growing desperate with each strike. The shadow didn't budge.

"Fly" He commanded.

The whip threw the leader up, suspending him in midair. His eyes widened with surprise and shock, rendering him unable to do anything.

"Pierce" He said with a tone of finality.

Numerous shadows with pointy ends rose from beneath him and drilled holes into the suspended man. His limbs, his chest... His entire body was pierced, causing blood to gush out.

"C-Curse you... Sir . This wasn't... What you told us..." The leader muttered, before breathing his last, dying on the spot.

"Return" My slave muttered.

It was only for a split second, only for a few moments, but I saw it. His bloodthirsty smile. He enjoyed it... Or did he?

The pointed and blood stained shadows returned to where they came from, vanishing from sight. He sighed, obviously displeased with what he just did.

After witnessing everything I clapped, truly impressed by not only his ability's potential, but also his precision and cold bloodedness. I could use that.

"Well done" I said to him, undoing the barrier.

I walked toward him slowly with a smile.

"How did you know... How did you discover that I'm a Shadowshifter?" He turned and asked me, looking serious.

I halted my movement and noticed something. Bloodlust is oozing from my slave, is he really serious?

"You really want to do that?" I asked him, looking amused.

He suddenly retracted the killing intent as though in an afterthought and sighed, scratching his head.

"Sorry about that. I find it hard to control it whenever I use my ability this late. Thankfully I was able to end things before the fight stretched for a longer period" He said.

I sense no malice or falsehood from his statement. He must be telling the truth. I see, so that's why he wanted to end things quickly. He can't fully handle the power of darkness and the consequences it brings.

"That's alright" I replied.

"As for how I came to know about your special identity... I always had the suspiscion you weren't all you seemed. That's why I bought you at the auction." I said.

"And here I thought it was due to my sense of humor" He grumbled.

"Do I look like the kind of person who appreciates that kind of thing?" I smiled.

He paused as he looked at me intently.

"Yeah... Nope. You don't." He said with a casual look, after careful consideration.

"Well, as I was saying. I didn't know what exactly you were, but I knew you weren't a mere shapeshifter. After spending more time with you, I noticed the power of darkness emanating from you, though it was only faint." I said.

"Power of darkness?" He said in surprise.

"Heh, it seems that even you don't know the full nature of what you are. The power of darkness resides in all creatures of the night. They become more pronounced the darker it gets and the closer it is to the darkest point, midnight." I said.

He looked relieved, as though I just answered a question on his mind.

"The darkness became more and more pronounced as time passed, until it got to a point I was certain. I knew you were definitely a Shifter, but the attribute of the Power of Darkness is exclusive to the Shadowshifter variant, especially one of your level. Other variants, like the night species beast people, possess a similar attribute, but the Shadowshifters 'Darkness' is more pronounced" I said.

He slowly took in what I told him.

"However, after thinking about it. You were able to shapeshift during the auction, and then you shadowshifted just now. You're neither a shapeshifter or Shadowshifter... You're both. A Hybrid" I smiled.

He looked shocked that I figured it out.

"W-Wow... You've figured it all out" He said, having a defeated look.

"Hybrid?" Talia, who was silent throughout the entire exchange finally spoke up.

"A mixture of both variants. Your parents must have been from the different variants to give birth to you. Who are they?" I asked.

"I don't know... I never knew them. I grew up on my own and..." He started his story.

"On the second thought, that can wait" I told him.

"Wait, what? I was just about to get really emotional here" He complained.

"Later" I stated, turning from him and facing the empty street in front of us.

The alleyway was dark, the street was empty. The earlier bomb should have attracted some attention, yet no one can be sensed for a great distance. No one except for a few. And I'm positive they are not friendly attention.

"We still have company" I said.

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