HEX: Aspect Of The Void

Chapter 27 - Strike Back

"It hurts, it hurts it hurts!!! Ahhh, my hand!" He cried and screamed.

Of course it would hurt. For someone who has hardly experienced pain, a lost limb is enough to drive them unconscious.

"L-Lord Phobio. Please be calm" The Apostle said, quickly sheathing her sword and hurrying to his side.

She closed her eyes and placed her hand on him.

"Holy Light of Healing" She said.

Tiny balls of light danced and radiated around him. His arm began to shine and suddenly, the wound on his arm closed. The blood stopped flowing and the pain went. However, his hand was still not there.

"My hand! What of my hand!" Lord Phobio said, looking angry and desperate.

"I have just administered first aid treatment. Full restoration must be done at a later time, after we have secured these two and are in a safe location"

"No! Do it now! I want my hand now!" He yelled.

"I can't sir. To be honest I have expended more energy than I accounted for in this fight. I will need proper rest to recover them. Restoring an entire limb is too much to ask in my current condition, we must be in a stable place for that to be done." The Apostle replied, sounding slightly upset.

This caused Lord Phobio to cease his grumbling and complaining, appearing a bit nervous.

" Besides, even restoring your entire hand is beyond my power... We will probably have to solicit help from another." She said calmly, though she was obviously angry at his impertinence.

As she was talking to him, the Hybrid looked at this opportunity as a chance to escape, deciding to make a break for it while the enemy was distracted. However, before he could take a single step he felt the gaze of the Apostle on him.

"Don't even think about it. Take a step and I'll make short work of you" She said with authority.

"Scary" The Shapeshifter thought nervously, returning to his position.

"F-Fine! Whatever you say! But what was that? What caused that? H-How did this happen?" Lord Phobio asked.

"I-I do not know... I didn't notice until it was too late. The loss of your hand, that is" She said, contemplating on the matter with confusion.

"My hand... Where is my hand..." He cried, remaining unpacified, like a baby.

"Looking for your lost limb eh...?" A voice suddenly appeared.

Talia's dead expression suddenly changed at the sound of the voice she heard. Could it be...?

Everyone looked to the direction it came from, some distance from them, from the shadows emerged a figure. It appeared to be holding something.

"Do you mean this?" The man appeared, dangling the hand of the Lord Phobio casually.

"Y-You..." Lord Phobio said in utter shock.

"How can this be?" The Apostle said in disbelief.

The Shadowshifter's eyes widened at the sight of the one who appeared before them. It was unexpected to say the least.

However, of all of them, the one who was most affected by the stranger's sudden appearance was Talia. Her eyes lit up as she gazed upon the man she dedicated everything to... Her hope and reason for existing.

"Master Hexarion... You're back..." She said, with tears welling up in her eyes.

I smiled at the sight of everyone. Looks like it was all worth it.

"Naturally, now then... Let's continue where we left off.

I flung the hand of Lord Phobio to the side and with a blast from my fingertip I destroyed it in an instant. Phobio's expression made it all worth it.

"My Hand!!!!" He cried.

"Lord Phobio, please calm yourself." The Apostle protested.

I stared at the both of them, it would be in my best interest to wrap things up as soon as possible.

"Hex #33, Spatial Interference" I said, changing the location of Talia and my new slave.

They appeared some meters behind me, just as I wanted.

"Hex #93, Orb of Protection" I said, casting a barrier to protect them.

Now there's nothing holding me back.

"L-Lord Hexarion..." Talia sobbed.

"Not now Talia" I chided her.

She suddenly regained composure and nodded her head like an obedient girl. She decided to stay calm and not interfere with anything anymore. Good.

"Now then, where were we?" I asked the two people in front of me.

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