HEX: Aspect Of The Void

Chapter 28 - Absolute Despair

"I'm surprised. I didn't think you would survive that" The Apostle said calmly, though I can tell she's nervous.

I shrugged.

"I told you... Such attacks won't do you any good against me"

"I was planning on observing your actions for a little while longer, until you did something I could not overlook" I said.

"You mean assaulting your friends? How amusing. So even worshippers of evil have such things" She said with a slight smile.

"Friends? You're funny little girl. They are no more than my slaves, tools to achieve my ends. However... No one is allowed to place their filthy hands on said tools without the permission of the owner, it's simple and common sense really." I said.

She frowned at my comment.

"In fact, you're so wrong on many things that I just want to laugh on your ignorance and stupidity. However, I do not blame you... Your kind has always been the most pathetic" I said with a smile.

"You... How dare you. Do not be so conceited just for surviving my attack" She said in anger.

"Conceited? Far from it. In my eyes it is you all that are being conceited. To think a human would speak so daringly to me... How utterly conceited can you be" I said to her.

"You heretic. Who do you think you are?" She said, drawing her sword from her sheath and pointing it at me.

Tch. That again?

"Know your place, fool" I stated, snapping my fingers.

Immediately, the sword corroded and rusted, turning to dust.

"W-What? How can this be... A Holy sword..." She said in surprise.

"Hex #99, Orb of the Beginning" I said, using the weakest Hex.

The white orb formed and launched toward her.

"I told you already, that won't wor-"

Before she could complete her words, the entire armor she wore turned to dust, leaving only her undergarments.

Her eyes widened with surprise, and slowly... Despair and fear crept in.

"You thought my Hex won't work on you? Well, I suppose its only natural to think so since I only used them at a certain level of power. However, I'll fill you in on something, little girl. With the right amount of effort, even the least of my Hex can easily kill you" I said, smiling sweetly.

Her face was beginning to show fear.

"I-Impossible...J-Just who... " She muttered and stuttered.

"You asked who I am... Perhaps I should educate you a slight bit." I said, slowly walking toward her.

She took a step back, showing signs of nervousness.

I smiled and began my introduction.

"I am he who knows the end from the beginning. The one who swallows worlds and possesses the secrets of the birth and death of the world. The one who achieves chaos, the one who brings despair and the one who consumes all. The evil one and the lord of primordial destruction. I am the author of nothingness, and the very personification of nonexistence. My name is Hexarion, Primordial of The Void"

My eyes glowed and my lips widened with a dark grin.

"N-No... No way... That is impossible" She said, now in panic.

Her legs shook as she walked backward as I walked forward. She shook her head in despair as I drew nearer. She finally hit a dead end, the wall behind her. With nowhere left to run she looked at me with utter fear.

"You ignorant fool" I smiled wickedly at her.

"N-No..." She shook her head.

Her face contorted into that of fear, like that of a child in the presence of overwhelming darkness. Like a powerless one watching an unstoppable evil approaching. Such was her expression in the face of me, the evil one.

"Now then, why don't you show me more of your 'INVINCIBLE' power" I said with a smile.

She was already shaking in fear, and the sight alone... Caused me great entertainment. The situation where one who believes they possess an unstoppable power and thinks they are the inevitable winners, possessing the light of hope... But then they are shown an even greater and unstoppable one, causing the light of hope to die out and leaving despair to crawl in... The look such a person makes in the sight of undeniable fear and despair... Ah, It truly is amusing.

How refreshing.

"I-I... I refuse to bow down to evil!" She cried, mustering all of her energy into a condensed light beam and charging it, launching it toward me.

"Evil be extinguished in the face of the power of the gods, the darkne..." She shouted as the powerful force approached me.

"Sigh. This is why I said this could be troublesome. I'm trying to avoid using any decent level Hex here. Doing so will definitely alert the gods. However, I guess at this point it is inevitable isn't it?" I sighed.

However, there is indeed another way to deal with things like these. I just didn't want to use it in the beginning. But, I guess doing so now will be good... To entirely break her spirit.

"ROOT" I called out.

Immediately, a purple portal appeared above me. Root and I are connected by thought, and so... In face of things like this I do not need to issue it a direct order for it to take action.


Immediately, a gold cannon appeared from within the portal and fired an equivalent amount of energy to the light. The clash between the two caused a massive explosion, destroying everything within a couple dozen meters from us.

After the explosion cleared, of course my slaves were well protected thanks to my HEX. The Apostle's body looks severely damaged, but she is still alive. Phobio's body was already dust, however I still have use for him.

"Hex #39, Causality Reversal" I said, returning him to his original state.

Though he's still missing his hand. He was in so much shock that he could not even move and just spoke jumbled and unintelligible words. His mind broke quicker than I thought.

The Apostle's eyes widened at the sight of the miracle-like act I just performed.

"T-This... Is Hex?" She asked, questioning herself more than me.

I smiled, walking slowly to her.

She was scared. She didn't want to die. Her eyes pleaded for mercy.

"P-Please... I beg you... Please spare me... Please..." She pleaded, tears streaming from her eyes.

I smiled.

"Don't worry. I have no intention of killing you." I said, closing my eyes and smiling warmly to her.

Her face lightened up a bit in relief at my words.

"After all..." I said.

Within a split second I was in front of her. I used my hand to hold her face and raised her up.

"W-What are you... Please, no..." She pleaded.

"... I require your memories" I smiled wickedly.

"Don't worry, it won't hurt one bit" I said, alternating back to a sweet smile.

I used Memory Drain on her, absorbing all her memories and within a moment I was done.

"What a rush" I said, releasing my hand as her seemingly lifeless body fell on the ground.

"Uh.. Urgh..." She mumbled.

Her body twitched nonstop and drool came from her mouth like an invalid.

Her nearly naked body lay on the floor as she was paralyzed.

"Now then, for you... My dear Phobio" I said, leaving her and turning to the insolent Royal who started this whole thing.

What shall I do with him?

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