HEX: Aspect Of The Void

Chapter 29 - Revelation

"To be honest, I'm kind of grateful to you for being so stupid. After all, thanks to you I now know so much more. You should be honored, I'm thanking you personally Phobio" I said, walking toward him.

As his eyes looked at me, his dead expression suddenly changed back and he regained his consciousness. He screamed at the sight of me and kept shouting the same thing.

"M-My Hand... Where is my hand... My hand... My... My..." He said in madness.

Guess he's too far gone for redemption. But this is indeed a good thing. I can use him.

"Hex #93" Orb of protection" I said, encasing him in my protective barrier.

"ROOT" I called.

"Take this man" I said.

Immediately, he was sucked into the ring as he kept screaming the same mad words.

"M-My hand.. My-My..."

Within a moment he was gone, finally. His voice was getting on my nerves.

"W-Why... Are you doing this...?" I heard the voice of the Apostle.

My eyes widened as I looked behind me.

Truly her body was paralyzed, truly she was in a pathetic state. But, she still remained conscious.

"I'm surprised. You remain conscious even after being drained" I said, walking back toward her.

Well, maybe it's not too surprising. She is an Apostle after all.

Her dead looking eyes show she is indeed worthless, and she is aware of this. Someone who felt she had power, now knowing the true extent of her powerlessness. However, I can tell she is indeed kindhearted. One of the few truly good people in this world. Unlike certain pretenders and self righteous people, she truly believes in good. After all, she even prayed for my soul after thinking I died.

Through her memory, which I'll sort out more later, I can see she is indeed a kind girl. She was raised in an orphanage and from an early age she loved to help others. She helped the sisters in the orphanage, helped her peers and seniors. She was an exemplary person. She had two major friends and she was happy indeed.

When she turned 13, a crest appeared on her body, and not long after some higher ups came to get her. They said she had been chosen by the gods and took her to the Sanctuary, the headquarters of the Apostles. I do not know the place, since the location isn't stored in her memory.

She was educated in the ways of the gods and received countless orientations to the point that all she could think about or do was the Will of The gods. After she turned 17, she was finally dispatched as an Apostle apprentice and years later she became a full fledged Apostle.

What a pity, she's merely 21 years old and yet...

"You ask me why I'm doing this... Let me tell you something" I replied her.

I crouched so I could be on equal height with her and converse better while looking in her eyes.

"Everything you know is a lie, everything you understand is an illusion. The Will of The gods? What a farce. Exterminating the art of Evil from the world? Who decides if such a thing is evil? You just witnessed how I returned that man back to existence. Do you think you could have achieved that? You claim Hex is a power of evil, however... For you, whose power brought such chaos, and mine which healed the entire body of a man, I wonder which is more evil" I said.

"There is but one reason why the gods forbid Hex, and why they grant powers to humans like you called Apostles and chosen ones. It is for 'Order'. They maintain their authority over you humans and are threatened by humans obtaining even the smallest bit of power beyond their control"

"Of all humans, only very few are given power by the gods and the rest are subjected to that power. This world is controlled by power. The strong rule and the weak are trampled upon. Such is the very nature of this world, and the sad truth of your existence. The Grace which you're so proud of is merely a leash the gods use to control you, and the reality you all live in is merely a cage that prevents you from realising the true nature of the world. You are all merely livestock in their sight, and livestock should continue to remain that."

"However, with Hex, a power that defies the laws of this world, the ordinary livestock becomes free from its cage and removes its leash. They become independent and flourish outside the domain of the higher powers. That, little girl, is the truth that you have been turned from. The very meaning of this world..." I said as I looked into her tearful eyes.

"... And that is why I will destroy this world!" I declared.

Tears rolled down her eyes as she felt pain within herself. Her whole life was a lie, everything she knew, everything she was told, everything she fought for. All lies. Regret began to form in her mind as she remembered all the times in the orphanage, when she was truly happy.

"This is the end..." I said

She looked at me and shook her head. She didn't want to die. Her eyes begged me. She wanted to live, to see return to the orphanage, to find her friends, her family. To live a good life and be happy.

"Don't worry. I told you already, didn't I? I won't kill you" I said, turning away from her.

"Goodbye, Flora" I said, walking away.

"T-Thank you" She managed to croak, as tears streamed down her eyes and she wept.

She felt a myriad of overflowing emotion. Sorrow. Pain. Regret. Sadness. Nostalgia. Gratitude.... But not anger.

What a sweet girl indeed.

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