HEX: Aspect Of The Void

Chapter 31 - Aftermath

We got to the hotel late, thanks to the little nuisance we encountered on our way there. I had Talia make arrangements with the Hotel management for an additional guest, or rather, member who would be staying with me from the moment onward. This makes us three registered in the Hotel accommodation.

Shamac, my new slave, a hybrid shadowshifter and shapeshifter. Talia, the wingless fairy. Myself, the rich mysterious person. This makes my group three now. If I include the Imperius Auction House and Julius, that makes it considerable. However, I still do not consider Imperius under my control for the time being, though they are as good as that. Still, my influence and reach is nowhere near satisfactory enough, but all in due time. I have enough of that at least.

I don't need to change my suite though, since it was the best from the start. Having one extra slave in it doesn't pose much of a difference. After Talia dealt with the minor details we went to our suite and I crashed on sofa. Talia, surprisingly, maintained her standing posture. Same with Shamac. I ignored them and closed my eyes for a bit.

Not that I am exhausted or anything, but there is so much to think about. The entire Apostle incident we encountered this night, and the implications it brings.

However, I can at least say the entire saga actually benefits me since I have discovered even more information about the current world. Not only that, but I got my hands on the memories of an apostle, how fortunate. This way I know who the current enemies are.

For now, the Primordials and gods are most likely unaware of my resurrection. They are most likely beginning to notice some glitches in the current world system, since whenever I use Hex it causes an imbalance. This is why I avoid using powerful Hexes.

However, looks like I'll need to up my game in the coming battles. The major reason for this is the troublesome art the gods themselves invented... Grace.

That pesky Art interferes with any imbalance my Hex creates, rendering it null. In basic terms, my Hex is like a virus in a system. It manipulates the flow of Aspects and bends them to my will. However, since it is a foreign and unnatural element, it is bound to leave traces of corruption and imbalance wherever I use it.

Grace is however an antivirus, making it the perfect counter for Hex. It uses divine power, a higher level of Aspects to intercept and fix any alteration my Hex makes. As soon as Hex tries to manipulate an Aspect, this divine power flushes it out. How annoying.

Though it seems the gods didn't invent Grace as a method to deal with me. If I had been revived with my full abilities such minor tricks wouldn't even be in my notice. From what I have learned, Hex has gotten renown in the current world. Humans with Hex are able to alter Aspects to an extent, making them a threat to the gods.

In order to maintain the balance of power they created this farce called the Apostles, making humans their pawns in exchange for a fraction of their power. These humans believe themselves to be righteous, among the few chosen and those who are deemed worthy to possess power. What a joke!

Then there's the problem of the Royal family. I have already killed a high ranking noble with ties to the Royal Family. Then with the abduction of this other one, that makes it two times I've gone against them. Normally they pose no threat to me. However, with this troublesome alliance the Apostles have with them, things could go awry.

Traces of the use of Hex can be linked to me if I'm careless. I guess that's enough messing around for now. It's time for business.

Apostles and Royals... These two are merely immediate threats. The primary goals are the gods, most especially the Primordials. Then, ultimately The World itself. However, for now its too early to worry about the little ones sitting comfortably on my throne. I'll first need to solve the little things first. The existence of Grace was unexpected for me, so I'll have to tweak my plans a bit.

"Well then... For the most immediate matter to attend to... Talia's Wings" I said aloud, heaving a sigh.

I sat back up, looking at my two slaves who merely stood and watched me. I expect this behaviour from Shamac, but Talia's attitude surprises me. Is she still hung up over what I told her earlier? It would be good to correct her misconception, but I'll have her think what she wants... For now!

"ROOT" I commanded

My ring glowed purple, responding to my call.

"Bring forth the earlier collected Fairy Wings" I said.

Immediately, the purple ring spat out the wings from its subspace. The wings emerged from a purple portal until it was fully out and the portal faded. I looked at Talia to see her reaction. She gazed longingly at her wings, however she did her best to hide it.

I smiled.

Normally I prefer the expressive version of my fairy slave, however this expression of discomfort she has, coupled with her anxious behavior, also has its charms. However, now is not the time to indulge in entertainment.

It's now time for business.

"Talia, step forward" I told her.

She immediately stiffened and gulped. She hurriedly moved to my side, a little distance from her wings which floated directly in front of me.

"Do you want them?" I asked her.

"Y-Yes I do!" She said with all honesty.

Good to know she is still quick witted and hasn't lost her decisiveness. It'll be boring having only slaves who tremble at my every word. One of the reasons why the Heavenly Realm was so boring to me was due to the same reason. The way they addressed me, while it was respectful, just made me uncomfortable.

'Great Lord Hexarion' this

'Supreme One' that

'Lord of Chaos' this and that

It got tiring at a point. I eventually avoided socializing with anyone and secluded myself, burying my entire being into creating Treasures, tinkering around with Aspects, and making fun little games known as Dungeons.

Well, enough about thinking about those fun times, now is the time to bear fruit to the entire reason we got ourselves into such a big mess. Restoring Talia's wings to her.

Attaching her wings is no big deal for me. However, I'm thinking of trying something else. The Fairy wings contain a decent amount of Aspect essence, however this much isn't useful enough for me.

"ROOT" I said internally.

"Analyze data and essence acquired from Fairy Wings recently extracted from storage"

The ring glowed, and then seconds later it responded, showing me its usual window in front of me and answering to me directly in my mind.

"<<Analysis Complete>>"

"<<Now able to Replicate the entire structure of selected item>>"

As expected.

"<<Please Confirm commencement of Replication>>"

I smiled. Looks like the ROOT's functions are still intact.

Basically, ROOT retains the information of any object within it even if such item or object is removed. Using the vast resources within ROOT, it is possible to analyze the entire component of the object as well as duplicate it. After all... It is ultimately made up of Aspects. All that is required is to configure the appropriate amount and voila! A perfect replica.

Of course, ROOT can't make something from nothing. Other items will be sacrificed in order to produce the Replica of another. Depending on the Aspect essence required, the quantity and quality of the items consumed also varies. Fortunately, I have a lot of items in stock... Also, the essence in the wings aren't too high.

"Confirm" I responded in my mind.

"<<Select Amount of Copies>>" It stated, displaying it in its usual icon in front of me.

"Let's start with 8" I said, confirming the production of 8 more wings indistinguishable from Talia's wings.

"<<Notice: Sufficient Resources Available for Replication>>"

"<<No high grade object is required for catalyst>>"

"<<No problems encountered>>"

Anytime from now, and...

"<<Replication Complete>>"

Immediately 8 purple portals opened up, bringing out 8 wings similar to the original one of Talia.

Talia and Shamac were surprised by the sight before them.

"W-What are... These all look like my..." Talia gasped.

Well, technically, they kind of are...

"Lord Hexarion... What do you intend to do with these?" She asked me, still very stunned beyond words.

"I thought that would be clear by now" I said.

She still looked somewhat puzzled.

"You are going to merge with all 9 of these wings... Or die trying" I said to her with my usual dark smile.

She lost the right words to say, completely shocked and caught off guard by my words.

"Now then, Talia... I ask you again.... Do you still want them?"

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