HEX: Aspect Of The Void

Chapter 32 - How To Be 'Of Use' To The Evil One

Talia gulped as my statement resounded in her ears.

"... Merge with all 9 of these wings... Or die trying"

Talia knew the implication of my words. She isn't guaranteed to survive this process, in fact... She is most likely not guaranteed to live through it.


A fairy's wings are a part of them from the time of conception. At this point, the wings are in an immature state, same with the child. As the little fairy grows, so do the wings, until they finally reach the age of maturity. The reason for this is the amount of Aspect the fairy can handle. An average mature fairy's wings has 10 times the total amount of Aspect than a child's.

Imagine grafting an adult fairy's wings into such child. The amount of Aspect essence will be too much for the child to handle, causing an overload. This means certain death. This is a similar process I am going to carry out on Talia right now.

9 times the usual amount of essence, merging altogether with an incomplete fairy. It sounds like a death sentence. Even I can not guarantee her safety... Or can I?

"I'll do it! I want them!" She declared outright.

I know Talia is usually very decisive, but this is a bit too much. She is literally signing up for her death.

"Are you sure... This will most likely kill you" I further asked.

"I-I'm sure..." She said, though I can tell she she's scared.

I sighed. Isn't she trying a bit too hard?

"Look, Talia..." I said to her

"I-I... I want to be useful to you too, Lord Hexarion!" She blurted out.

Oh? Interesting.

"Ever since I met you, you've been nothing but kind to me. Even though I know you do not treat others the same way. Others like Flora have suffered at your hands, yet you still choose to help me. I mean, I attacked you too. I ran from you. I don't deserve this special treatment from you! I... I just want to repay your kindness to me. I know right now I'm useless, so I want to become someone you can use... Someone who can help you too..." She cried out.

My face fell a bit as I heard her words. Emotions overflowed through me. They were not, however, feelings of gratitude or happiness or even satisfaction. They were those of pure anger and disgust.

"You? Help me? How laughable!" I said to her with an icy glare.

She was shocked to see my new expression. An evil aura filled the room, causing her body to begin to tremble.

"Do you think a mere fairy like yourself can be of any help to me? Me! The Primordial of the Void?" I asked her in a commanding tone.

She could not reply and kept shivering due to the intense pressure in the room. Even Shamac, a creature of the night appeared uncomfortable but struggled to maintain his stance. I suppose he is able to withstand some of it due to his affinity to darkness. But affinity can only help you so much.

"Know your place!" I told her.

She nodded vehemently as her knees gave out and she crashed on the floor. Partly kneeling and seated on the floor, she was unable to move a muscle, save for shaking at the sound of my voice.

This girl's words usually amuses me, due to its stupidity and immaturity. Just as an adult would take pleasure in watching young children express themselves with their little childish minds. However, amusement has its limits. What she has just done is insult me.

True, I have fallen from great heights and I do not possess the same powers as I did in the past. However, I am still worlds apart from this insect. With a snap of my fingers she could vanish, turning to nothing but dust. Yet she dares speak to me of help?

"You will do well to know this... The reason I saved you back then was for one reason and one reason only. It was on a whim! I chose to save you because I wanted to. You piqued my interest and you managed to maintain it. Besides, it just seemed more preferable having someone by my side at the moment." I told her.

She gulped and shut her eyes, mustering all her strength to speak up.

"B-But... You said you would give me purpose. You said you would be my everything..." She stuttered.

Impressive, even now she still manages to talk back to me.

"I did say that didn't I? I am your EVERYTHING! But... that doesn't mean that you are mine. It is something far beyond your reach and you have no right to even imagine it. If you want to render help then you must be capable of providing it in the first place, or else whatever you say, even with the best of intentions are merely empty words. And one of the things I despise most... Is emptiness" I told her.

"P-Please don't despise me... I only wanted to hel- I mean, be of use to you" She begged.

Looks like she finally understands. Good.

I banished the evil aura surrounding the room, causing the pressure to vanish and the intense atmosphere returned back to normal. This caused a great sense of relief to my two slaves in the room. They both exhaled heavily, relieved by the absence of the overwhelming darkness.

"That much is acceptable. These 9 wings will certainly provide you with the capacity for that. Any more than these 9 will mean 100 percent certain death, and any less will be useless to me. This will provide you with the minimum requirement of power to posses before you can be considered 'of use' to me" I said to her.

"I-I understand..." She said, still quite shaken.

Her expression became a mess and she entirely seems to be in a state of depression. Well, we can't have that. It looks like I've been a bit too harsh on her, at least according to her standards. In order to have my slaves working at maximum capacity, plus in order to still be amused by Talia's childlike nature, I need to give her some carrots.

I bent, squatting in front of her and gazing into her teary eyes. She seems genuinely sorry, but also scared and heartbroken. If nothing else, I know this girl's devotion to me is genuine. I can't say the same for Shamac's loyalty. Though he won't try anything stupid since he realizes the vast difference in power between the two of us.

"Talia... I need you. That much is true." I whispered to her, still interlocking with her eyes.

Her expression lit up at the sound of what I said.

"R-Really?" She asked me.

I nodded, affirming her words.

Suddenly her face clouded over, as though remembering a dark thought.

"B-But... You said ..." She muttered, remembering the chastisement I gave her.

"Look, Talia... You're currently too weak to help me in any way. Even with the 9 wings you'll merely be on a level in which you can be of use. However, being of use, and being helpful are two different things. You lack the qualities to be a help to me" I told her bluntly.

"The current you, I mean. However... I can't say the same about the you in the future."

Her face brightened up after hearing this.

"Y-You mean...?" She muttered.

"... Yes Talia. You have the potential to become that." I said.

"L-Lord... Master... You mean you still want me? You won't discard me?" She asked me with a teary expression.

"Of course not, as long as you remain of use to me" I told her with a smile.

She nodded vehemently after hearing this.

"I won't let you down! I'll make sure to always be good and be of use to you. And one day, I'll make sure I become worthy enough to once again express my desire to help you!" She said, forming her hands into a fist and having a determined look in her face.

That's the spirit. Honestly, this girl is just like a kid, so easy to handle. Its like all her brain cells have been fried or something.

"Good, you never cease to amaze me with your unique way of expressing yourself" I said to her, rising to my feet.

"That makes me happy lord. That I am able to be of use to you in your amazement. I'm so happy" She smiled, having a pure and grateful expression on her face.

I really do not like such looks, the front of purity and goody goody façade, unless they are genuine. Hers is genuine. It seems like she's very much attached to me now, even more than before.

However, its not too bad. She is the most devoted anyone has ever been to me. Her only fault is her weakness. But now, I am even more motivated to ensure this girl survives this process and stays by my side.

Not just because of amusement, but because I want to see what becomes of this statement she just made. Whether she will be by my side as I watch this world burn, or whether she will be one of the tools I will have to dispose of along the way.

Either way, I will end up winning. However, If I am to pick between the two... I want her by my side. The reason is simple.

I want to see just what kind of expression her face will be making when that time comes.

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