HEX: Aspect Of The Void

Chapter 33 - Metamorphosis

"Are you ready?" I asked her one final time.

She nodded her head and tightened her lips, preparing herself for what would begin. I stretched by hands to her, since she was still kneeling on the floor. She gratefully took it and I effortlessly raised her from the floor. She smiled for some unknown reason, but I'm just going to ignore that.

"Let us begin!" I stated.

Shamac merely watched the whole thing play out, silent the entire time. I guess being a shadowshifter really does suit him. I connected my thoughts and used my energy to sync all 9 of the wings in order for them to obey my commands.

Even if I can't guarantee Talia's safety, I can at least increase her chances of success. Currently, the chances are barely 10. Since I'm avoiding the use of any Hex for the time being, at least until things go down, I don't see myself using Hex to help if anything adverse happens to her or she dies.

I must not lose focus on my original goal. Besides, just as I found her I'm sure there are countless others like Talia who will be willing to sacrifice everything for me just for the slightest hint of protection and an action on my end that will trigger within them a sense of overwhelming gratitude.

Such is the characteristic of the weak.

The 9 wings which hovered above slowly descended, surrounding her. I used my energy which was already cloaking them to condense all the wings. Slowly, they began to shrink and change shape. A glass-like substance began to form around the condensing wings. Eventually, the wings which were a couple feet tall were now barely the size of a thumb each. Not only that, but they had taken the shape of a round orb, coated with the glass like substance.

The essence within the wings, having being extracted and calcified, are maintained within the outer shell. This proves to be the most efficient way to handle this. These 9 orbs began to glow different colors. From red to blue, to green, purple and the likes.

"It's time" I said.

She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. She then squeezed her face tightly, bracing herself for impact.

No impact came.

After remaining in the same frozen and bracing position for a minute, she grew uncomfortable and most of all curious. She peeked, opening only one of her eyes to see what the holdup was. The orbs still floated steadily about her, glowing in their radiance. Surprised that there was no change, she opened but of her eyes and loosened up.

She looked at me in a confused manner and beckoned to ask, since she was confused at this point.

"W-What's going on? I thought you said it was ti-?"

She was still moving her lips when suddenly energy bursted from within the orbs and flooded her, sending her screaming in pain.

"AHHHHHHHHH!!!!!" She screamed and bellowed in pain.

The sound was unpleasant to me, so I shut off the sound receptors in my ears, muting all the noise around me. Since I can manipulate my bodily function, it's not impossible for me to block off sound or switch off some of my nerves and receptors. I merely watched her lips move and her face squeezing and expressing anguish.

The multicolored essence flowed from all 9 orbs, covering her entire body in its power. This sudden rush of essence is enough to kill most, as they can not handle it, Talia is no exception to the rule. She sees to b fighting it now, however... At the rate this is going Talia is not going to hold out for long. She will die.

Her skin began to crack and her body grew pale. The cracks began to shine, matching the colors of the orbs. More cracks appeared and soon enough it covered most parts of her body. How useless, her body can't even handle this much. It just goes to show how durable the gods made the body of mortals. Fragile and weak.

"Her body has started breaking down" I commented.

From the side, I can see Shamac looking with shock as he watched Talia die slowly and in pain.. I can pretty much guess what is going on in his mind. He's surprised by my lack of enthusiasm or emotion while watching Talia's worsening condition. He most likely expects me to stop the process or intervene in some way. I'm not inclined to do so though.

I sighed.

Perhaps I ought to increase her chances a bit.

"ROOT" I said.

"Miscellaneous Treasures"

"[Category: Sealing]"

Immediately 'Root of All' showed a window before me and displayed all the items registered under the sealing class. I browsed through them, reading their qualities and description, though I pretty much know of them.

I also know which one I'm going for.

"Item 32" I said..

"Cocoon of Darkness"

After choosing the item, purple-black energy wrapped around Talia, since I chose her as the target. I am able to decide where my items appear, so far as the prescribed location is within range.

The dark mass of energy hardened and formed a giant lump, with Talia inside it. The lump beamed with purple light which glowed and dimmed with patterns. The orbs, which were still pouring out the essence were outside the cocoon shaped lump. They transferred their energy to the cocoon, which absorbed the Aspects and transferred them to Talia.

I looked at Shamac and saw his reaction as he saw the cocoon. Surprise filled his face as he saw the strange giant lump before him swallow such intense amount of essence with no sign of having its fill. Other than surprise, he had a more perplexed expression, wondering what exactly the 'thing' I brought forth was.

"No need to look so surprised" I told him.

He looked flustered and tightened up when he heard my voice. Looks like I caught him off guard.

"M-My lord... If I may ask, what exactly is that thing?" He asked me carefully.

He's so different from Talia. I doubt he will ever address me comfortably the way she does, one of the reason I would prefer it if Talia lives through this.

"It's an item from my Treasure here. It'll take too long to explain it in detail, but lets just say it will increase Talia's survival rate drastically.

"B-By how much?" He asked me.

"A lot. If she doesn't survive the rush with the cocoon helping her, then she never had a chance to begin with." I told him.

"T-Then..." He said, looking back at the cocoon, which bulged and contracted itself.

"The Coccon is able to preserve anything within it. Using it on her will stop her breaking down process entirely, allowing her body to take in all the essence." I said.

"But that means she'll survive the..." Shamac cut in.

I glared at him.

"Do not interrupt me. I'm still talking." I said.

"Uh.. I'm sorry about that" He said mildly, shrinking back.

"It's fine. As long as you understand." I responded.

"What I was about to say before you interrupted me was that the tricky part comes after I remove the cocoon. With it gone, nothing will be present to preserve her body, therefore nothing stops it from breaking down or downright exploding due to the excess amount of Aspect essence" I said.

Shamac's expression changed to shock.

"All we have to do now is wait... And see what happens next" I said to him, turning back to watch the cocoon as it twitched.

Talia remained inside, in a peaceful slumber, like a child in the womb.... Awaiting her rebirth or her destruction.

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