HEX: Aspect Of The Void

Chapter 41 - Foreboding


With very high fortifications and walls, the structure stood tall and grand. Knights appeared at every corner. Some were on duty, while some just ran errands or interacted with one another. They all had armor, though with different colors and appeared vigilant, as they were trained.

A mysterious looking woman walked past the armed men who stood guard and even those who conversed. She wore a white hooded robe which covered her face and a long, white gown which covered her entire body. She smiled as she passed by the Imperial Knights, however, none even noticed her. As though she was invincible, she slowly walked to her destination... The head office in the entire structure.

Within the inner walls, in the office of the Commander in charge of the station, a heated meeting was being held, between the Commander and two of his subordinates.

"So, where have your investigations gotten you to?" The Commander asked the two Imperial Knights who stood in front of his large chair and office table.

He wore a gold plated armor, with a dragon design on it and various inscriptions were written on it. Around the room were many medals and prizes of glory to commemorate his achievements. The room was painted white and illuminated with light crystals, a very prestigious place fit for a man of his caliber.

"We have some clues, but nothing definite sir" One of the Imperial Knights responded.

"What" He bellowed.

"How can you say you do not have any concrete result in your investigation on the cause of the incident behind the insanity of His Royal Majesty's cousin? You have no idea who and where the perpetrator is? You have no idea where and how to find him? What have you been using this past week for?" He growled angrily.

"S-Sir, everything is just too inconclusive and bizarre. In the first place it is unnatural for anyone to break into the house of a high Nobleman and slaughter the people within the household. It is even highly irregular for such a person to break through the Noble's barrier and even defeat an Imperial Knight in possession of a Relic. There are just too many unknown variables." One of the Imperial Knights said.

"We weren't even able to figure out and track his movements. It seemed as though he suddenly appeared out of thin air and disappeared in like manner." The other one said.

"What about the cause of Duke Northenheim's insanity. That is a clue, no?" He demanded.

"W-Well, sir... The truth is we have found no identifiable cause of his current state. We initially thought it was as a result of an Art, however all our Hex experts do not recognize the condition to be an effect of it. As for Grace, we are currently at peace with the Apostles, so it is highly unlikely they would cause such an ailment to befall the Duke in the first place" They answered.

"No, in the first place the massacre of so many isn't the style of the Apostles. The ideals of those goody-two-shoes and their professed righteous faith won't allow them to commit such an act..." The Commander said.

"Oh? Goody-two-shoes you say?" A voice suddenly rang.

The Commander and the two Imperial Knights shook with surprise and looked around them, but couldn't find anyone. Immediately, they drew their swords and were on guard, looking around them for any sign of an intruder.

"Swords? How foolish" The voice sounded.

Immediately the sword turned transparent and incorporeal, vanishing before long.

"What...?! How is this..?" One of the Imperial Knights said.

"That power... Is it...?!" The Commander said, suddenly realizing the intruder's identity.

Suddenly, a woman materialized right beside the Commander and used held his own sword which faded away a few moments ago.

Her hood was down now, making her face show clearly. She had grey colored hair and brilliant clear eyes. Her eyes were white and she had a clear and smooth pale skin.

"Please, by all means... Continue your conversation" She smiled, placing the sword as close to his neck as possible, his life in her hands.

"O-Of course I didn't mean it that way... The great gods are indeed the righteous ones. Forgive my blunder, o Apostle" The Commander said nervously.

The woman smiled at the mildly trembling Commander and withdrew the sword from him.

"How fake. It's so clear you lot are merely heathens who know nothing about the righteous ones in the heavens" She sighed, returning the sword back to the Commander.

"I really do not know why the Prophet puts up with you imbeciles"

The other two Imperial Knights shook in their boots at the sight of the Apostle before them.

Imperial Knights of high ranks all know of the existence and power of Apostles, beings who transcend the power of normal men. With the blessing of the gods, they are invincible against the power of men. They also possess Relics of high caliber, making them even more formidable.

The fact that their Commander was quaking in his boots was enough proof of the power of the Apostle before them.

She proceeded to seat in the Commander's chair, then gazed daringly at the man who merely looked away uncomfortably.

"Tch, crazy bitch" He thought within himself.

"What can we help you with, o chosen one of god" he asked her, moving himself to where his own subordinates stood, facing her as a superior.

"There has been an unfortunate incident that has occured. One of the Apostles has been killed" She said, crossing her legs and looking stern.

They all widened their eyes in shock. An Apostle? Killed? Impossible... Who would dare!

"We have no knowledge of this whatsoever... In the first place there's no way we would be able to kill one of you..." The Commander said in defence.

"I am well aware. Though she was an inexperienced and newly appointed Apostle, I'm sure none of you here could be capable of killing Flora" She said.

"Well... Maybe with 'that' you might have stood a fair chance, but then I'm certain none of you would dare anyway. You're all spineless weaklings after all. As expected of heathens."

The Commander restrained himself from responding to her words. One of the things he came to learn in his long service within the Imperial Army was that...

"Apostles are always right"

He swallowed his dissatisfaction and tried his hardest to maintain his courteous tone.

"Then why have you come here...?' He asked meekly.

"There's a high possibility that the killer of that Apostle is also the culprit behind your whole unresolved incident." She said.

"R-Really?! How did you...?" The Commander asked in surprise.

"Do not compare the capabilities of the chosen ones to that of you mediocre heathens. In any case, since you have an interest in the matter I will be requiring your assistance" She said.

"Assistance? But what can we even do in this situation. If this person is even as powerful as an Apostle.. Compared to that, we..." The Commander protested.

"Silence. You think I need to be reminded of your inculpabilities? However, even heathens like you have their uses" She said.

The Commander fell silent and the Imperial Knights were too scared to even move.

"Ready a small elite force. We move within the hour!" She declared.

"So soon?" He asked in surprise.

"Any complaints?" She asked him, looking back with a threatening glare.

He swallowed his words and looked sober.

"I didn't think so. I'll be back within the hour. Prepare yourselves soon... For we are headed to Artia, for battle!" She said.

Immediately she vanished once again, leaving the awestricken Imperial Knights and the humiliated Commander.

"You heard her!" The Commander barked at his subordinates, who quickly sprung back to life.

"Gather the Terrible Trio... Tell them a direct order has come, and it's time for battle.

"That is their specialty after all" The Commander growled.

The Imperial Knights excused themselves, leaving only the Commander in the room. For fear that the Apostle might still hear him, he didn't say anything outwardly and only heaved a huge sigh.

"Artia eh? I wonder.... What will happen to that town after that Apostle is done with it"

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