HEX: Aspect Of The Void

Chapter 42 - [Bonus ] On The Move

"We are all ready miss Apostle" The Commander said to the Apostle in front of him with his head bowed.

Behind the Commander were two high ranking Imperial Knights. They also followed their leader's lead and bowed their heads too.

"I thought the Terribles were supposed to be three. Why are there only two here?" The Apostle said, noticing the number of the trio was not complete.

"Well, the thing is..." The Commander said, beads of sweat formed on his forehead.

"He was also done in by the perpetrator of the Duke incident. Knight Gwain, Rank 3 of the Terrible Trio." One of the bowing knights said, raising his head to address her question.

"I see... How interesting. Looks like you must be really motivated to have revenge against your fellow knight's death." She retorted.

"Indeed, lady Apostle. The very thought that the culprit is still out there vexes me to no end" He said as a scary look appeared on his face.

"Such unrighteous emotion is an abomination to an Apostle. However, for a heathen I suppose it will suffice. If it will enable you to discharge your duties properly then It will be tolerated." She said.

"I thank you lady Apostle" He said.

The Apostle turned and looked at the other surviving member of the Trio. She still kept her head bowed, even after the rest had lifted theirs. She wanted to address the matter, but chose to ignore it entirely. After all, she could tell why her face was hidden.

"Such a filthy heathen. She reeks of bloodlust" The Apostle thought within herself and walked away from them.

The Trio member had a contorted and ugly smile plastered on her face as she bowed her face. her eyes widened and were bloodshot. Her breathing was uneven and her face depicted pure depravity.

"I can't wait... To kill some more... Big brother Gwain... I am going to kill some more!" She muttered underneath her breath.

"Hehehehehehe" Her silent laughs caused her entire body to tremble.

She, however, restrained herself since she was in the presence of the Apostle. The urge to kill... She would finally satisfy it.

"Ah, I can't wait" She thought in depraved ecstasy.

The Apostle saw the forces which had been gathered for their venture to Artia. The Commander and the Terribles. Along with ten other high ranked Imperial Knights which included his subordinates from earlier in the meeting he was having.

"That makes their numbers 13"

"That will suffice. I'll be doing most of the work anyway" She sighed.

"Ready yourself. We depart this very moment" She said to the Knights who stood rigid in attention.

Some Imperial Knights were confused though.

"How will we be able to reach the City of Artia from this distance? We haven't had time to prepare for a long journey... Won't we just drop dead before reaching there?" The knights mumbled among themselves.

"Shh, be quiet. She'll hear you" Another Knight cautioned.

It was too late, however. The Apostle stared at him, hearing all he had said thanks to her high sensory capabilities.

"As expected of filthy heathens. Have you no faith?" The Apostle said in disgust.

The Imperial Knight froze as he met her gaze and trembled when he heard her voice.

"I am so deeply sorry! Please forgive my impudence!" He cried out.

She shook her head and sighed, turning away.

"It is not in my place to forgive your blunder. For it is not me you have dishonored, but the high ones. Your sins will be judged by the gods. I am merely the sword they use to enact their judgement." She said, walking a distance from him.

She then turned and faced him. Her looks of seriousness and her glare of disgust unnerved him. He couldn't contain himself anymore.

"Ah, screw it! I've had enough of this!" He said, unsheathing his sword.

"Oh? It would appear that the filthy heathen wants to fight back" She said with even more hatred in her eyes.

"You walk in here like you own the place and talk down on everyone here. Even the Commander, you make him appear to be nothing before you. All because you just happened to be lucky and picked by the gods. Without their power what are you? Unlike you entitled brats in the Apostacy we worked hard and long to attain our level of power and status. Yet you look down on us like some cheap knockoffs" The man yelled.

His body didn't stop trembling, his lips quivered as he spoke, but his eyes... His eyes bore resolve in his words. If he was going to die anyway, he was going down with honor.

"My comrades, fellow knights. Are we going to tolerate this woman and allow her to insult us and our Commander further. What of our pride as knights, no... As humans! Who are we? The sword of the Empire and the Shield of his Majesty. Will we bend and kneel to one who insults our very honor? No, I think not. Let us work together and show her who's boss. Together we can certainly take her on!" He cried.

"Who's with me?!!!" He declared.

There was silence... Deafening silence.

He looked around him in surprise as he saw his fellow knights, comrades in arms, look away from him. They didn't share his resolve... Their eyes were that of culled livestock.

"Lady Apostle, I am so sorry for my subordinate's behavior. I shall dispose of him personally"

As soon as he heard this, the Knight's eyes widened in shock. The betrayal pierced his heart. Even though he spoke for all of them, they were all never on his side to begin with. Tears streamed from his eyes.

"C-Commander...." He croaked.

The Commander glared at him coldly, and as the knight looked at the faces of the other knights... What he saw was the same. The same cold eyes. It was then he understood.

"So I'm going to die for nothing... Eh?" He smiled sadly.

"Do not insult me Commander. I have already said it haven't I? I am the sword of the gods. I will be the one to render judgement on this blasphemous heathen" She said.

"I-I apologize" He said, stepping aside.

She looked at the Knight as he had the expression of despair and betrayal on his face. She smiled a bit.

"Do you see now? This is the sinful nature of you heathens. At the sight of power you all cower and tremble. However, I admit it. You are different. In the presence of my overwhelming power you were still able to take your stand. Impressive" She said.

"If not for your heretic and blasphemous expressions, I might have praised you a bit. However, you have enraged not only the gods, but even me as well. As a blade I possess no emotions of my own. Therefore, your vile words have stirred in me things that ought not to be, poisoning even myself." She said with a frown.

"It is only right that you be gone from not only this world, but also the afterlife." She said.

The knight's emotions of betrayal slowly began to transform. After hearing the words of the Apostle they were fully changed. All the emotions he had now... Were pure anger and hate.

"Damn You!!!" He yelled.

"Hex #93"

He stretched forth his hand to activate his art, but nothing occurred.

"You are already far beyond redemption. Begone from this world and the next... Being forever trapped in between them. Limbo"

Immediately, her eyes glowed white as she gazed upon him.

"W-What is this... What is happening to me...?!" The man yelled in confusion, pain and anguish.

His entire body began to turn transparent and go incorporeal. As his entire self began to fade from existence he screamed and groaned.

"Please stop! Please, ahhhhh. Please sto-"

Finally his voice couldn't be heard anymore. He couldn't be seen or heard... Forever rendered nonexistent by the power of the Apostle.

"A-Amazing" The Commander said, gulping down his own saliva.

All the Imperial Knights were moved with fear, knowing what would happen to them should they cross the line.

"What a scary power..." One of the Terribles muttered.

He definitely didn't want to get on her bad side.

"Kill. Death. How amazing. How amazing it must have felt to kill him. His screams. Ah, how exhilarating. I can't wait. I also want to kill too. Kill...." The other member muttered to herself with a dark smile.

"How bothersome. We've wasted too much time" The Apostle sighed.

"We'll be using a 'scripture' to travel to Artia" The Apostle announced.

"Be grateful you heathens. You shall witness the power of the gods with your very bodies" She said.

She brought out a scroll from her robe and opened it. She closed her eyes and concentrated.

"Hearken to my voice bearer of secrets. Heed my voice keeper of records. Let the inscriptions be made manifest upon this mortal plane and shew thine great miracle upon this land." She chanted.

The writings on the scroll immediately shone a white light. The light surrounded the entire area, like a brilliant bang, covering them all. As soon as the light subsided, they were no longer in the plains of the Imperial Knight Station... Rather, they were...

"Do you see it everyone? The magnificent power of the high ones" The Apostle declared.

The Knights marveled at the change of scenery that had happened in the blink of an eye and in the flash of light. They could see the busy city a small distance from where they all stood. The power of the gods was indeed too amazing to scoff at.

"Here we are... The City of Artia. Here we will find our prey, and I will render righteous judgement upon this great sinner."

"I, Saint Lauria, swear upon the god which I serve and granted me this Grace.... Hades" She said decisively.

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