HEX: Aspect Of The Void

Chapter 54 - Mastermind

Everything so far has played out just as I wanted.

"Root" I whispered.

Immediately, all the blades that we're all around the fields vanished, re-entering my Treasury. They glowed purple as they ventured into purple sub-portals and disappeared.

Everyone's eyes are on me at the moment, most of them have looks of confusion, some fear... However, the only expression that really catches my attention is that of the Apostle.

"What... What is that?!" She muttered to herself.

"There's... No Essence....No element which exists in all things that exist. Is this real?" She asked.

Oh? She must be talking about Aspects. Of course, someone of her level won't know about Aspects, however, she must be able to perceive them as forms of essence that flow through everything. That's how they're able to disrupt Hex, the gods sure gave them some nice perks.

By now she's most likely wondering why and how an anomaly like myself is present. Not only that, how I was able to kill so many at once. This much is no big deal though, but to her, for a stranger with no trace of Essence to suddenly appear out of the blue and kill those people, it seems downright impossible.

Well, all will be revealed soon anyway.

I walked closer to them, hands in my pockets, with a casual stride. The sea of blood was of no concern to me since my attire is immune to stains anyway.

"Looks like the final players for the last act are all here" I announced to them.

"S-Sir Rio!!! You're here!!! It's me, do you remember? Your loyal servant Phobio" Phobio shouted, waving at me excitedly.

He has a look of relief on his face, confident of my presence which ensures his security against the Apostle.

The Apostle continued to gaze at me, unable to properly render a statement to me. Her mind is probably still processing how I exist, or if I exist in the first place. She should think harder.

Finally, she spoke.

"Just what... What are you?" She asked me with a glare, her hands trembled as she made a sword appear on her hand and took a defensive stance.

A perfect reaction in the face of something impossible.

I smiled at her, ignored her question then looked at Phobio, who continued to wave at me.

"What a kid," I said under my breath.

Finally, I turned away from both of them to see the object of the whole conflict and the center of attraction for this entire game.

"Hello, Julius. How have you been?" I smiled at him.

He slowly gazed up and his eyes met mine.

"It... It was all you..." Julius muttered.

"Indeed. You've done well so far. You were the perfect pawn" I said to him.

"H-How... Why?!" He asked me in utter confusion.

I smiled.

"I do not need to tell you... But it would be boring if you were to die off without knowing anything, now wouldn't it?" I asked him.

"I told you from the very beginning, didn't I? The cost for the Ancient coins was everything. Now I've come to collect what is due to me" I said.

"B-But that was... You said..." He protested weakly.

"Who cares about the trivial details. Julius, this very day... I'll be in control of everything in this city. And you'll die knowing it's all thanks to you" I said to him with a smile.

"I-I don't understand... I thought..." He muttered, still failing to comprehend my words.

Maybe I ought to take them all back to explain everything.

"H-Hey! Answer me!!!" The Apostle shouted in an enraged tone.

Perhaps she should also listen to this, this way it'll clear some of her confusion.

"Everything you've thought since the moment you met me has been a lie. You've only believed what I want you to believe." I said to him.

His eyes bulged as he heard this.

"The deal we made, the relationship we had, the money you received... They were all part of the plan" I said.

Finally, I get to tell this fool what I've held within me for so long. He actually thought he was being smart and lucky for sealing such a deal with me. I certainly looked like a fool when I agreed to such a deal with him, but I'm in it for the end game, which will always result in my win.

"I admit, the exposure of Ancient coins to the staff and those present in your shop by me was a blunder on my part. I lacked enough information to actually know the value of Ancient coins. But, as soon as I knew... Everything from that moment on was my plan in motion" I said.

"W-What do you mean... That I was being played into signing a deal that would benefit me?" He asked.

"Exactly" I smiled.

"You served as a beacon to draw attention to Artia, and you were the bait that brought me the tools I need for my plan to be fully realized," I replied.

The Apostle and her Imperial Knights watched and heard the conversation between Julius and myself. She conflicted within herself.

"B-But... The Grandmaster is the perpetrator. I clearly sensed the Evil Art, Hex, in his Auction House, and even now I still perceive the aura of Hex emanating from him. He is the Hex user I'm searching for! Who are you?" She asked me.

I turned and smiled at her.

"I am the true mastermind and culprit behind everything so far," I said.

"W-What?! B-But that is..." She said, refusing to accept my words.

"Think about it reasonably, do you think this foolish excuse of a man would have been able to pull off a killing spree at the house of that noble, or killed that annoying imperial Knight? Besides, even after the show of raining blades, I gave to you... Do you still doubt the validity of my words?" I asked her with a smile

Her eyes suddenly widened, coming into the realization that I was actually telling the truth, which means...

"You're the Hex user!" She shouted.

Hex user? Don't make me laugh.

"Y-You killed sir Gwain! How dare you?! You murderer! I'll take your life with these very hands!!!" One of the surviving Imperial Knights said to me in anger.

Looks like he was acquainted with Gwain, the Imperial Knight I killed back then. He wants revenge? How stupid... Oh wait, I probably shouldn't say that.

"So you seek revenge against me... How utterly amusing and foolish" I said to the young man.

"You... What would you know about it? You monster!" He yelled at me with seething anger.

What a childish man.

"I understand more than you think. I too desire revenge against some people. The reason I consider your revenge to be foolish doesn't dwell in the act itself, but the man enacting it" I said.

"W-Wha...?!" He said in confusion.

"We both desire revenge, however, there are two major differences between the both of us, that makes mine entirely legitimate and yours utter nonsense" I shook my head.

"One. You do not have the power to enact the revenge you seek. You are simply a mere speck of dust trying to battle an immeasurable void. It is foolish to even fantasize about such a grand idea as revenge" I said to him.

He gritted his teeth and clenched his fist, unable to respond to my words.

"And the second... You seek revenge for the sake of another, whereas I seek revenge for what is truly mine! My revenge is mine and mine alone. And that, young man, is why you are foolish and undeserving of such a gratifying quest such as revenge" I said to him with a tone of finality.

His face fell and he was unable to let out another word of defiance. Good, one insect has been shut up.

No more interruptions. A good villain is allowed to complete his evil monologue.

"Ever since the incident with the noble and that Imperial Knight, I knew it was only a matter of time before you would investigate trace my steps to Artia. The appearance of the Apostle, Flora, made me aware of the existence of your organization and strengthened my conviction more. It wasn't going to be long before Artia was targeted due to my involvement." I said.

"However, I am one who can discern the outcome of events and orchestrate everything to always fall into my favor"

"I sold the Ancient coins to Julius and used Hex on him within the Auction House, not only to ensure he wasn't going to betray me but also to leave the mark of Hex on him." I smiled.

"Then, that means...!" The Apostle exclaimed.

"Indeed. The Hex traces you sensed from Julius was placed upon him by me." I revealed.

"You see, before I killed Flora, I took all her memories and went through them. I know who you are, Lauria" I said to her, my gaze piercing hers.

"H-How do you...?!" She muttered in surprise.

"I also know quite a bit about your little cult. I knew it was only a matter of time before you were sent to investigate Flora's death, and you would approach the Imperial Knights due to their peculiar situation concerning the slaughter that occurred in the manor. Since both of them had the element of Hex involved, it was only sensible that you would connect the dots. Using what you discovered, you would come to Artia to find the perpetrator, and what was the one thing you'd be looking out for the most?" I asked the audience.

"H-Hex..." Lauria muttered, looking frustrated.

"Exactly! Since I had already placed the mark on Julius and created such a big mess in Artia thanks to my fight with Flora, all I needed to do was place a little hint within the rubble to lead you to Imperius. Fortunately for me, the unlucky prince, Phobio happened to be in my care at the time. I used some of the items he had on him and made it seem as though the Imperius Auction House was involved. That led you on a wild goose chase, pursuing a mere pawn in a game larger than any of you could comprehend" I said.

Everyone around me couldn't believe what they were hearing. I orchestrated so many things that just seemed to be natural events to them.

Of course, that isn't all.

"Y-You used the entire Imperial Knights and the Apostle... Just to capture me?!" Julius said with a croak.

"Of course. But who said I stopped there?"

Their eyes widened as I said this.

"There's more?" Lauria thought to herself.

"I only mentioned how I brought one of the three opposing forces here, what do you think happened to the other two?" I grinned.

"No... You didn't..." Julius said with a despaired face.

"Yes. Yes, I did."

They all looked at me with shock written on their faces. What else could I have done?

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