HEX: Aspect Of The Void

Chapter 55 - Endgame

"B-But how?! Even you can't possibly be connected to the Black Market's underworld! You said it yourself! You do not have enough information concerning Arita. How were you able to...." Julius asked in a desperate manner.

"I'm a fast learner" I cut in.

"Besides, it wasn't too hard for me since one of the effects of the Hex I placed on you is to give me information as to the motives and actions you take concerning the agreement we made. Your entire deals with the Black Market were all seen by me. I know of everything you did and intended to do. The existence of the Black Market was a massive bonus to me and it became an integral part of my plan" I said.

"W-Wha...?!" Julius said in surprise.

"Isn't it only natural? For every organized body, there is bound to be a leader" I said, looking at the collapsed Ruler of the Arita Black Market section.

"To be honest, not much work was needed to pit the Rulers against you, since your greed and inexperience was enough to make you enemies of them. All I did was fan the flames you started. Thanks to the commotion I made with the Ancient Coins I openly displayed at the reception, the sources of information for the Rulers became more concrete and sufficient for them to carry out a solid investigation on you and confirm your possession of the Ancient Coins. I also generated uneasiness within the Black Market and interfering with the business of the Rulers, making them desperate for the Ancient coins in your possession. This made them act rashly and hurriedly, leading us right to this moment" I concluded.

"No way... Even that too?! Then, even the Soldiers who came here... They are all...?" Julius mumbled.

I paused for a moment, looking at Phobio, who also seemed anxious of what I was saying. His General looked at me with the expression of wariness. He was on his guard, hoping to protect the prince should I attempt to do anything to him.

Why would I do that though? I don't plan on harming Phobio anytime soon. Why? Because... He is by far one of my most useful pawn in this entire plan and in the ones to come.

"To be honest with you, Phobio is a major catalyst for this entire event which occured. He kick-started the whole thing when he chose to attack me with the aid of the Apostle, Flora." I said.

"W-What? Flora?" Lauria gasped.

"Yes. He attacked me alongside her, on the night after the Auction. Of course, I won, killing Flora and capturing him. After a very thrilling mind breaking session within Root, he received the proper education and orientation he required, making him a servant of mine in every aspect." I smiled.

"He will never defy me. He will always answer me. He will maintain his natural personality, but underneath all that is a machine I have programmed for my use." I revealed.

"N-No... That isn't... That's not what I..." Phobio stuttered to respond.

"Phobio... Kill your General." I said.

Immediately, Phobio took the sword of the General, whose sole focus was on me, and ran the blade through the heart of the unsuspecting General

"Guarghhh" The General vomited blood as he looked at Phobio with shock.

"Y-Young... Prince..." He muttered as he fell to the ground dead.

What an end. He refused to betray his lord even when everyone did, only for him to die a dog's death at the hand of the one he swore loyalty too. This is why humans are so pathetic.

"W-What have I done.... Why did I...?" He muttered in confusion as he looked upon his bloodied hands and dropped his sword, shaking in complete terror and shock.

"Good job, now sleep" I said to him.

Suddenly, he gave himself a mighty jab, his elbow sinking into his body, causing him to enter into shock and fall unconscious.

He fell into the pool of blood he caused by killing his only loyal servant.

"Oops, I forgot to tell him about the reinforcements who were stationed at Julius' home..." I realized.

They're all dead anyway. I killed them. Since they've already played their role, they won't be useful anymore at this point.

"You monster! You vile creature! What have you done to them? You claim he is your servant yet how can you treat him in such a way? Do you even possess any form of decency?" Lauria yelled out in anger at the sight she beheld.

I wonder why she's making a big fuss over this. He's only unconscious. I won't kill him now, he's still plenty useful to me.

"It seems you did not understand when I mentioned us being enemies initially" I replied her.

"B-But that changed, hasn't it? You became allies didn't you?! He even referred to you as a friend and claimed you saved him from... Oh no, don't tell me. That was a..." Lauria cut herself short, realizing her entire perception of the battle was a lie.

"Of course it isn't true. After reprogramming him, I decided to make good use of his ties to the Royal Family. Of course, as one of the lesser ranked princes, he isn't entitled to much and his influence is very low. But, by creating a farce for him, and giving him a few million Ancient Coins to raise his influence within the palace, everyone listened to his words. The King granted him a small army of 400 to settle the matter with Julius and arrest him, guaranteeing them more Ancient Coins should they seize Julius' Ancient coins. The temptation for such wealth was too appealing to them so they took the bait, just as I wanted. With that, I was able to get the Army on my side, cornering Julius on all ends." I said with a smile.

"That is....You did all that?!" Lauria said.

She is beginning to fear me, I can tell. Enough power to overwhelm a small army, enough wits to manipulate events to suit my whims. Everything is way out of her imagination.

"B-But why me? Why did it have to be me?" Julius groaned miserably.

"Why you? There's no particular reason. You just happened to be the Grandmaster if the Auction House I decided to use. Blame it on your luck, if you will" I said to him.

"L-Luck... Lady luck...?!" He mumbled to himself in utter devastation.

"What do you hope to gain by doing all this? All this death and chaos and misery. All that this achieves is just chaos and carnage! What is your end goal?" Lauria asked me with resolve.

I shrugged.

"This is merely the first step. Nothing has truly happened yet. Consider this the appetizer before the main course. This is just a testing phase, a premonition of what is to come.".I told her.

"What is to come...?!" She repeated my words.

I grinned widely as my eyes shone purple.

"Utter nothingness"

"N-No... It can't end like this. I can't die like this. Someone help me!!! Apostle, guards, everyone! Anyone! Please someone save me. I'll reward you handsomely. Just please!!!" Julius begged and screamed.

Who would have thought such a composed man could become so maddened. That's human nature for you, so unpredictable and fickle.

"You're too loud" I said, materializing a sword and grabbing it with my hand.

I raised my hands to strike Julius down and silence his pathetic whimpering. But... As I descended my hands, bringing down my sword to shut him up, the blade disappeared, fading into obscurity.

"Oh? I see now..." I smiled, gazing toward Lauria, the Apostle.

"No more... I will not allow you to do any more!" She said with resolve.

"So you're saying you'll stop me?" I asked her with a relaxed smile, turning away from Julius and giving her my attention.

"Yes. With everything I have, I will stop you... And I will put an end to this game you have created." She said, summoning a sword to her hand and taking a stance.

Her eyes glowed white indicating she was ready for battle.

Interesting, let's see what you've got, little Apostle. Entertain me some more!

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