HEX: Aspect Of The Void

Chapter 61 - True God

"Huff... Huff...."

Lauria ran as fast as her legs could carry her. She was feeling lightheaded and her entire body ached, but she still persevered.

Her right hand was already cut off from her body, an injury she sustained when the Treasures descended upon her from the sky. But with this, she considered herself fortunate, since she would have lost her life otherwise.

"Thank the gods... At that last moment with the last of my Grace Essence, I used everything in the [REALM OF LIMBO] to defend myself." She said to herself as she ran.

"As a result, I don't have any more Grace Essence, and all my items have been exhausted... Fortunately, I still have this!"

She referred to the robe she wore, a helm which she used to cover her body, including a hood for her head.

"The Helm of Invisibility"

As an Apostle, she was not only given a Grace, but also a Relic that represents the god she serves

One of Hades' Treasures, the Helm of Invisibility, erases the presence of they that wear it. Since it was a Relic, she didn't need any Grace to operate it.

"At the last minute, I activated the Helm and made my escape, thereby erasing my presence. This is the only way out, I can't die now!" She said to herself as she ran through the woods.

Due to her training as an Apostle, she efficiently avoided tripping on any roots, but she grew weary as she continued running.

"I've lost too much energy and blood. S-Should I rest?" She asked herself.

"Even if he is to give chase to me, it's not like he'll be able to find me since my entire presence can't be perceived" She muttered.

As she still deliberated on what to do, she suddenly heard a whooshing sound in front of her and looked before her to see what the cause could be.

Suddenly, she stopped dead in her tracks, not because of the break she wanted to have, but because of what stood in front of her, or rather, who... Her eyes bulged as she saw him.

"N-No, there's no way he can see me. Don't panic!" She told herself.

His gaze suddenly fell on her and his piercing eyes locked with hers. She didn't want to believe it, but maybe... Maybe he...

She saw his lips moving as they mouthed the words

"Found you!"


After Warping from the plains using Hex, I appeared in front of the Apostle, Lauria's location. I suppose it isn't much of a Hunt.

Hex #71 'Warp' only works on two conditions. I need to know the precise location I'm heading to, and sufficiently detailed information of the target.

After realizing she used the Helm of Invisibility to escape me, which is why I couldn't sense her, I used its traits to satisfy the second condition. As for the first... There is a loophole.

Everything belonging to Root is available to me, whether their location or properties. When I used my Special Grades to attack and injure her, a minuscule portion of my treasures seeped into her body. I simply used Root to trace its location, thereby satisfying the first condition.

With those two conditions satisfied, I suppose it's not even a bother to find her.

"Found you," I said to her with a smile.

"No, he shouldn't be able to see me," She said to herself.

I sighed.

"You know, that Helm won't work on me again," I said to her.

Her eyes widened when I said this, she had a look of shock.

"I can clearly see you now" I added.

She was taken aback by my words and tried to run away. Immediately, I appeared right in front of her and used my hand to hit her face, sending her flying away. She crashed and hit her back against a tree and coughed in pain.

Her hood fell, causing the effects of her invisibility to be disabled.

"H-How?" She muttered.

"I thought you noticed already. My body isn't composed of any Aspect" I told her.

She looks like she wants to say more, like ask how that is even possible, but she didn't.

"Your Helm did work on me initially, but after figuring out your trick, all I needed to do was adapt my senses to be able to perceive you," I said.

"The Helm of Invisibility makes one immune to the perception of others, but that is only because they are bound by Aspects which dictate their level of sight and senses. I am bound by no such rules, and as such, whether you use your Relic or not... It's all the same to me. What you have there is no more than a piece of cloth to me, rags even" I said, noticing how worn out it was looking.

It must be due to the fight we had.

She remained silent, unable to render a word. I moved closer to her as I saw her helpless state.

"Have you given up already? Don't you have any more fight in you? Come on, stand and entertain me some more" I said to her with a smile.

She looked away from me, with emptiness in her eyes.

"Just kill me already..." She muttered.

Those words surprised me, she really isn't going to struggle anymore? I suppose she has realized how futile her attempts will be.

"You win... So just end it already" She said again.

I bent toward her and grabbed her by her neck. She isn't even resisting me or trying to struggle. She doesn't have much stamina left and from what I can tell, her Divine energy is depleted.

She's as good as dead now. I might as well make her useful while I can.

"Memory Drain"

Her memories flooded into me within a moment and I saw the rush of her experiences. Memories upon memories overlapped as they transferred into me.

"So that's it..." I said, finally realizing who the Apostle, Lauria is.

Her face, which was in pain due to the memory Drain now twitched. Her tongue stuck out and drool fell from our mouth. Tears also appeared in her eyes as her body convulsed and shook.

"Just like Flora, I guess you'll still maintain your sanity even with Memory Drain," I said.

She slowly turned her head toward me, pleading with her expression as she looked at me desperately.

"P-Please... K-K-Kill me..." She begged me with a hoarse voice.

Flora begged me to spare her, but this one wants me to kill her. I suppose she's tired of the emptiness that is her life. After all, her life has been filled with so much tragedy, even after she was supposedly rescued by the Apostles. But I know the truth, things she doesn't know. Maybe I ought to show her. If she still survives after receiving them, then I'll have to change my plans a bit.

"Memory Feed," I said, inverting the effects of Memory Drain while tweaking some things.

Using this, I can transfer information from myself to others, but also at high speed. This is enough to melt the brains of most people, but as an Apostle, she should be alright. However, considering how I've just used Memory Drain on her already, she might not survive it.

"Well, she was going to die anyway" I reasoned.

I activated this and she screamed due to the inrush of information entering her.

I showed her what I wanted her to see, the true purpose behind the Apostles, and who the gods really are. Of course, I altered some things and made sure she believed them utterly. Finally, I revealed my identity to her"

After I was done, I let go of her neck and her body fell to the ground. It looks so lifeless so I suppose she didn't survive the transfer. I expected this much. Looks like this is the end of the Apostle Lauria.

"Urhhhh" She suddenly let out.

I turned back in surprise, she's still alive?

Her body stirred and moved slowly, showing she isn't long for the world.

"Any moment now... And she'll die" I commented, watching her slowly writhe pathetically in her last moments.

What a cockroach. She just won't die easily. But...

"I suppose you pass" I smiled.

"Hex #50, Invigorate"

Immediately, her entire body glowed and all her clothes dissolved into the white light. Her naked body remained, shining in radiance. Her lost arm appeared and all her wounds healed immediately. Her battered up mind and body were restored fully, transforming her into a fully functional being.

She looked around her with surprise, not entirely understanding what happened to her. She noticed her body was naked and quickly covered herself with her hands, at least what she could cover.

"So, what do you think?" I asked her.

As she heard my voice she immediately looked up and saw me smiling at her.

Her body trembled with emotion as she quickly lowered her gaze and stared at the ground uncomfortably.

"Can you stand?" I asked her.

She nodded and slowly stood up, embracing her naked body with her hands.

"So... All you showed me... Is it true?" She asked me.

Tears flowed from her eyes and down her cheek. She still gazed down, not meeting my eyes.

"Yes, they are the truth," I said.

"Then... I... What have I done? What am I?" She questioned herself.

I smiled and walked closer to her.

"That doesn't matter anymore. If you don't know who you are, then all you need is a new identity. I will give you one" I said.

She looked at me with her tear-filled eyes and her lost expression captivated me.

"Y-You will?" She asked me in confusion.

I nodded.

"Henceforth, you are no longer Lana, the pitiful young girl, neither shall you be Lauria, the Apostle who lived a lie..."

"From now on, you shall be called Ana... And your purpose shall be but one... Seeking only the Happiness you so desire" I said to her.

The tears flowed even more as she smiled unbelievably at me. Her face gleamed with such a look as though finally she had been truly saved by my words.

"And so I ask you, Ana... Do you know who I am?" I asked.

She smiled and nodded, going to her knees. She knelt and bowed in front of me with a smile of satisfaction and utmost respect and loyalty.

"Yes my Lord... You are Hexarion, Primordial of the Void. You have shown me the truth and it has set me free. I, Ana now swear with all I am, that I will obey my purpose and seek only the happiness you have shown me. That Happiness will be... My utmost service to you, my one true Master!" She said with sincerity.

Good, looks like it worked just like I intended.

Using Memory Drain Reversal, I fed her with information from myself, revealing the depravity of the gods and the true reason behind the Apostle's existence being nothing but a farce. And by altering some of the memories given to her, I have become the one thing in her mortal life she will never doubt.

I am now her god!

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