HEX: Aspect Of The Void

Chapter 62 - [Bonus ] A Girl Called Ana

What I did to her is quite simple.

Firstly, I told her a tragic little tale of her town's invasion and how it was actually in the notice by the gods. After all, nothing happens without their knowledge, at least according to the humans. They watched her struggle and suffer as well as the other children but refused to help.

Just as they watch countless humans and people suffer without helping.

"If the gods are omnipotent and love you all, why aren't they helping? Why can't they make everyone happy?"

By planting that little doubt in her mind, her faith slowly and assuredly crumbled. After that, it only took a little bit more.

The Apostles, by painting them as people used by the gods and puppets who also used her, she didn't want to be that person anymore. Being used by selfish gods who sit back and watch as everyone suffers without a care. Perhaps they even enjoyed witnessing such tragedy. With that, I exposed my Identity as the one who valiantly tried to stop the gods and their evil ways, but was betrayed and taken down by them unfairly.

Well, the last part isn't entirely accurate, but let's just go with that. After all, they did betray me, but it's not like I stood up to them for the sake of the humans and absolute good or any of that nonsense. Notwithstanding, she took in my every words and altered memories.

Using these elements, I built three strongholds in her mind.

The gods are an absolute evil

The Apostles are merely puppets being used by that evil

Hexarion, the Primordial of the void is the absolute good.

With these three, the only natural conclusion her frail mind would come to is...

"I want to serve Absolute Good... I want to serve Lord Hexarion"

Easy! And that brings us to where we are now, her swearing absolute fealty to me, her new lord and master...

Her god!

After a short while of silence between the two of us, the newly reformed ex Apostle spoke up.

"Uh-Um... Master Hexarion..." She said hesitantly.

Het face flushed with an embarrassed expression I don't quite understand. What's with her strangely complacent behavior?

"What is it Ana?" I asked her.

"Well... I-I... I was wondering if I-I could get something t-to wear" She said awkwardly.

Oh? So that's what all this is about? She feels uncomfortable that I'm seeing her naked body. Other than the smooth and pale skin she has and her slender figure, I see nothing of notice.

"Well, there's no problem with that, but your flustered expression piques my interest. Are you embarrassed that I'm seeing you like this?" I asked her.

Her eyes widened with surprise when she heard this and her face turned redder than before.

So I was right..But why?

I have seen Talia naked countless times, and Ana's body isn't too different from hers. Other than the fact that her proportions are slightly larger, and she has a much lighter skin, she's essentially the same.

She followed my gaze as I thoroughly analysed her body. Her hands tightened around her chest region even more as she bowed her head.

"M-Master... I-If you keep staring at my body that way..." She muttered to me.

Her body? Is there anything special about it? It's just a bunch of Aspects combined together in the form of flesh, blood and bones.

"Are you questioning my actions, Ana?" I asked her in a commanding tone.

"B-But my Lord... Seeing me naked is a bit..." She muttered shyly.

What a child. Looks like there's still quite a bit about humans I have yet to entirely grasp. I'll have to scan through the memories in my collection find out the reason behind her shy protest.

After going through my acquired memories, I found some very interesting things. Things are beginning to make a lot more sense to me now, so that's why she...

"...Sex..." I uttered.

Ana immediately reacted to that statement as she made a more embarrassed look. Her body quivered when I mentioned that word. Based on her reaction, I suppose that's the right trigger.

"Reproduction and Pleasure... I see. 'They' did have such an idea when making your species." I muttered, half talking to her.

But I still don't understand, if it's such a normal function of humans then why is she so embarrassed about it?

From what I've seen, I now know why she's reacting in such a shy and embarrassed manner, after all being naked in front of someone of an opposite gender is something that only happens in very intimate or romantic relationship.

But that doesn't mean I understand it. After all, slaves and servants can be required to be stripped of all wears and pleasure their master in whatever way they can. Is it not only natural that she understands this since I am her current master.

Besides, I can basically see her body anytime I want even with clothes on, so there's really no point. But explaining all this will be a bother, so I'll just leave it as it is.

"Master Hexarion... D-Do you find my body to be so appealing to you...?" Ana suddenly asked me shyly, glancing at me but quickly taking her eyes off of me.

Oh? She's a bold one. From the memories I've revised so far, it's rare for women to take the lead in situations like this.

As for appeal... I'm not sure how to answer this. I mean, do humans see naked goats or pigs and find then appealing to them? As a higher being, why would I be attracted to the body of... Meat. We're just too different when it comes down to it. I almost feel insulted by her insinuations, but I'll let it go. After all, she doesn't know any better.

"I've tasted the bodies of gods like Aphrodite and even the prideful Athena... Why would the body of a mortal even move me?" I said to her nonchalantly.

When she heard this, her face fell in a bit of disappointment as she looked back down.

"O-Oh, I see... I'm sorry for asking such a useless question..." She muttered.

She quickly composed herself and let her body go, placing her hands by her side in a straight fashion, laying everything bare before me.

Much better.

"Though, I have to say... Compared to the other humans, you're pretty... what's the word? SEXY?" I smiled to her.

She deserves a compliment after all. The quality of her body isn't half bad. Flawless skin and excellent proportions, a rival to Talia's, if I do say so myself.

"W-W-Wha?!!!" She let out in shock, tightly hugging her body back and looking away shyly.

I'm surprised by her sudden outburst, but that's enough of that. We've spent enough time on meaningless chatter.

"You wanted clothes, correct?" I said to her.

Before she could formulate a response due to her embarrassed state, I took the initiative.

"ROOT" I said.

My ring glowed purple as it shone.

"T-That is...?!" She said as her eyes widened, noticing the ring which caused her most of the troubles she encountered when she fought with me.

"Clothe Target with Optimal material" I commanded.

ROOT buzzed as I said this and took actually immediately



<<Scanning target for Optimal attire>>

<<Scanning complete>>

<<Initiating Command>>

Immediately, Ana's naked body was immediately covered with a white short gown. It had no sleeves and a glowing white necklace, matched with the same materials for her bracelets and earrings. Her shoes were glittering white, with silver designs on them.

Of course, underwear was also provided for, brightly laced white lingerie with soft and comfy materials. I still wonder to myself why I made items like these in the past.

"White indeed suits her, but it's too much" I muttered.

"Adjust color balance" I told Root.




<<Additional Clothing will be provided>>

Leggings appeared on her legs, black in color and they covered her entire legs, toes included. A black choker also appeared around her neck to match the leg material she had on. Though the designs also have it a prestigious look.simce the patterns were silver and matched the color of her other accessories.

"Much better" I said with a smile.

"T-This is..." She gasped in surprise.

My Treasures really look good on her. Now I can say I find her slightly appealing. It's a wonder how just the right set of accessories can make someone shine so well.

"Thank you so much Master Hexarion... I am undeserving of such extravagance. I promise to cherish these which you have given me till my last breath." She said with all seriousness.

Ana is too earnest. I'm sure it's a good thing on the long run since she longs to please me. As long as it's not overbearing, then I can tolerate it.

"You're now my subject. You deserve at least this much" I said to her.

She blushed as she smiled at me with admiration.

"Master....!" She beamed.

I mean, I can't have the servant of a Primordial wearing rags, now can I?

It's about that time then.

"Let's head back. I'll like to see how far the two slaves I left back there have gone" I said to Ana.

She made a puzzled look.

Oh, right. She doesn't know about Talia and Shamac. Well, she soon will.

"If they fail to meet my expectations, then I suppose you'll be replacing at least one of them" I smiled.

She nodded diligently, ready to do whatever it takes. I can't say I dislike that.

Now then, let's see what my little slaves have been up to.

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